7 research outputs found


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    Objetivo - Avaliar as prĂĄticas adotadas no uso de tanques criogĂȘnicos de nitrogĂȘnio lĂ­quido num Centro UniversitĂĄrio, com o intuito de identificar falhas de segurança e implementar protocolos e campanhas educativas para minimizar os riscos durante a manipulação desse insumo. Metodologia - Estudo descritivo transversal, em que foram avaliados (i) a utilização de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual, EPIs, e (ii) o procedimento de abastecimento e transporte de dewars de nitrogĂȘnio lĂ­quido (contĂȘineres de elevado isolamento tĂ©rmico, apropriados ao armazenamento de lĂ­quidos criogĂȘnicos). A amostra de conveniĂȘncia do estudo foi constituĂ­da pelos usuĂĄrios que retiraram nitrogĂȘnio lĂ­quido de um dos tanques criogĂȘnicos durante o perĂ­odo de avaliação. Resultados - A baixa adesĂŁo de alguns EPIs necessĂĄrios ao processo de coleta, acondicionamento e transporte de nitrogĂȘnio lĂ­quido e a ausĂȘncia de um protocolo padrĂŁo para retirada deste insumo dos tanques criogĂȘnicos foram os principais problemas identificados. Assim, foram criadas campanhas e distribuĂ­dos materiais educativos (folder e banner) contendo (i) informaçÔes sobre quais EPIs sĂŁo necessĂĄrios e (ii) um protocolo que deve ser seguido para retirar nitrogĂȘnio de forma segura. ConclusĂŁo - Os instrumentos educativos adotados estimularam o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de segurança durante a manipulação do nitrogĂȘnio lĂ­quido e possibilitaram o aumento da frequĂȘncia no uso dos EPIs

    Automatically controlled deficit irrigation of lettuce in “organic potponics”

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    Concerns with water crisis involve all sectors of society and irrigated agriculture remains the main water consumer. This study evaluated an agricultural production system for lettuce cultivation in greenhouse, “organic potponics”, to economize water and manure use, using a Simplified Irrigation Controller (SIC), based on soil matric potential monitoring. Five irrigation volumes were evaluated in pots with 4.8 L, fertilized with 200 g of vermicompost. One of the volumes was controlled with the SIC. The other volumes represented 130, 80, 60 and 33 % of that controlled by the SIC and all treatments received water at the same time. Shoot fresh weight, head diameter and stomatal conductance (gs) increased linearly with irrigation volumes. For shoot dry weight, number of leaves and water use efficiency (WUE), the regression was quadratic with maximum values at 126, 114 and 83 %, respectively. Leaf relative water content did not show variation among treatments and changes in some fluorescence parameters (Reo/RC, Sm, N and φR0) were much more remarkable to drought compared with the FV/ FM ratio, one of the most commonly used stress indicators. The data indicated a tradeoff between WUE and plant growth thus the economic values of water and lettuce should be taken into account to indicate the best SIC irrigation volume. Organic potponics is promising and should be further improved to save on water, labor and fertilizer use

    Growth and production of tomato fertilized with ash and castor cake and under varying water depths, cultivated in organic potponics

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    Two experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of ash (40, 80, and 120 g per plant), castor cake (140 and 280 g per plant) and water depth (135, 165, 191, and 213 mm) on the growth and production of organic tomato cultivated in pots in a greenhouse. The experimental design was randomized blocks, and the irrigation was managed using an automatic irrigation device. The following variables were evaluated: plant heights, numbers of leaves, bunches, flowers and fruits, total mass of fruits, mass of marketable fruits, mass of fruits with blossom-end rot, total diameter of fruits, and diameter of marketable fruits. Most of the growth variables showed gains with the application of 140 g of ash and 280 g of cake. The dose of 280 g of castor cake was responsible for the greatest mass of marketable fruits (1.78 kg per plant), regardless of the ash dose. The water deficit reduced values of most of the variables of growth and production. The irrigation depth of 213 mm was responsible for the greatest mass of marketable fruits (4.04 kg per plant). The highest water use efficiencies, 37.00 and 37.93 kg m-3, were observed at irrigation depths of 191 and 213 mm, respectively. 

    Automatically controlled deficit irrigation of lettuce in “organic potponics”

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    ABSTRACT: Concerns with water crisis involve all sectors of society and irrigated agriculture remains the main water consumer. This study evaluated an agricultural production system for lettuce cultivation in greenhouse, “organic potponics”, to economize water and manure use, using a Simplified Irrigation Controller (SIC), based on soil matric potential monitoring. Five irrigation volumes were evaluated in pots with 4.8 L, fertilized with 200 g of vermicompost. One of the volumes was controlled with the SIC. The other volumes represented 130, 80, 60 and 33 % of that controlled by the SIC and all treatments received water at the same time. Shoot fresh weight, head diameter and stomatal conductance (gs) increased linearly with irrigation volumes. For shoot dry weight, number of leaves and water use efficiency (WUE), the regression was quadratic with maximum values at 126, 114 and 83 %, respectively. Leaf relative water content did not show variation among treatments and changes in some fluorescence parameters (Reo/RC, Sm, N and φR0) were much more remarkable to drought compared with the FV/ FM ratio, one of the most commonly used stress indicators. The data indicated a tradeoff between WUE and plant growth thus the economic values of water and lettuce should be taken into account to indicate the best SIC irrigation volume. Organic potponics is promising and should be further improved to save on water, labor and fertilizer use

    Automation of lettuce seedlings irrigation with sensors deployed in the substrate or at the atmosphere

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    Seedling production is an important step in the lettuce production system. However, there is a tendency to apply excessive irrigation at this stage. The aim of this study was to test the use of the Simplified Irrigation Controller (SIC) under two conditions: first, with the sensor installed in the substrate (measuring the soil water tension) and second, in the atmosphere (“atmospheric” - responding to vapor demand in the atmosphere) to control the irrigation of lettuce seedlings. The performance of the SIC was evaluated by monitoring plant traits. The lettuce seeds of the Regina cultivar were sown in styrofoam trays with commercial organic substrate. Both experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions and evaluated under different SIC activation tensions. Shoot fresh weight and dry weight, height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf area, water use efficiency (WUE) (ratio between the dry mass of plant produced by the volume of water applied), chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence were assessed. In the experiment with the substrate sensor, the tension of 11.5 kPa caused death in 94 % of the seedlings and was disregarded in the statistical analysis. All biometric and physiological traits evaluated decreased as the SIC tensions increased. Thus, tensions of 4.0 (substrate sensor) and 3.5 kPa (atmospheric sensor) showed greater potential for producing vigorous seedlings, with WUE average values of 1.86 and 1.37 g L–1, respectively. Cultivation of lettuce seedlings proved viable under both conditions when the SIC was used, with the emergence of a number of practical advantages of the atmospheric sensor over the substrate one

    Automation of lettuce seedlings irrigation with sensors deployed in the substrate or at the atmosphere

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    ABSTRACT: Seedling production is an important step in the lettuce production system. However, there is a tendency to apply excessive irrigation at this stage. The aim of this study was to test the use of the Simplified Irrigation Controller (SIC) under two conditions: first, with the sensor installed in the substrate (measuring the soil water tension) and second, in the atmosphere (“atmospheric” - responding to vapor demand in the atmosphere) to control the irrigation of lettuce seedlings. The performance of the SIC was evaluated by monitoring plant traits. The lettuce seeds of the Regina cultivar were sown in styrofoam trays with commercial organic substrate. Both experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions and evaluated under different SIC activation tensions. Shoot fresh weight and dry weight, height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf area, water use efficiency (WUE) (ratio between the dry mass of plant produced by the volume of water applied), chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence were assessed. In the experiment with the substrate sensor, the tension of 11.5 kPa caused death in 94 % of the seedlings and was disregarded in the statistical analysis. All biometric and physiological traits evaluated decreased as the SIC tensions increased. Thus, tensions of 4.0 (substrate sensor) and 3.5 kPa (atmospheric sensor) showed greater potential for producing vigorous seedlings, with WUE average values of 1.86 and 1.37 g L−1, respectively. Cultivation of lettuce seedlings proved viable under both conditions when the SIC was used, with the emergence of a number of practical advantages of the atmospheric sensor over the substrate one