64 research outputs found

    Moving towards boar taint-free meat: an overview of alternatives to surgical castration from a chain perspective

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    The objective of this study is to review important issues in boar taint prevention without surgical castration, namely alternatives to surgical castration, factors influencing boar taint development and economic considerations associated with the presently feasible alternatives to surgical castration. The paper looks at these issues from the pig production chain perspective and suggests a framework for the analysis of boar taint prevention without surgical castration within the whole-chain contex

    Wageningen University and Research centre : Your partner for sustainable development in the Arctic

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    This position paper explores new claims in the Arctic region. These claims are closely connected to new developments in the region such as climate change and the utilisation of natural resources. The aim of the paper is to illustrate how Wageningen University and Research centre contributes to sustainable development in the Arctic

    Economics of boar taint prevention without surgical castration in the pork chain

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    An economic analyses of boar taint prevention without surgical castration is lacking. This paper explores currently feasible alternatives to surgical castration along the pork chain. The considered alternatives include genetic selection (pig breeding stage); altering management strategies (pig growing stage); slaughter at younger age and lower weight (slaughtering stage). Control measures relevant to these alternatives were designed and examined, using costeffectiveness and cost-benefit analysis. Results show that the option of single-sex raising of entire males is more cost-effective compared to the mixed-sex option. The breeding programs combining selection on boar taint and economics are more cost-effective than programs focusing on boar taint only, and also much more cost-effective than slaughtering at a younger age and lower weigh

    Verbetering agribusiness in Rusland

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    Wageningen UR ondersteunt grote landbouwbedrijven in Rusland om efficiënter te produceren. En biedt een MBA aan in verschillende Russische steden voor managers van die bedrijven. De eerste cursisten studeerden onlangs af

    Dutch business opportunities in the Russian agrifood sector; Animal protein sector and Moscow Metropolitan fresh food chain

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    This report studies the Russian animal protein sector and the Moscow Metropolitan Food Security. It aims at identifying the opportunities for Dutch business to do businesses through exports or via local investments. Public available government policies, papers and interviews with stakeholders are the information sources for this study. Russia has a population of 140m and a robust GDP growth. Doing business indicators indicate several deficiencies in the economic environment in the country, yet the outlook for agricultural development and food consumption patterns show ample business opportunities

    A Bayesian Belief Network to Infer Incentive Mechanisms to Reduce Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production

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    Efficient policy intervention to reduce antibiotic use in livestock production requires knowledge about the rationale underlying antibiotic usage. Animal health status and management quality are considered the two most important factors that influence farmersâ¿¿ decision-making concerning antibiotic use. Information on these two factors is therefore crucial in designing incentive mechanisms. In this paper, a Bayesian belief network (BBN) is built to represent the knowledge on how these factors can directly and indirectly determine antibiotic use and the possible impact on economic incentives. Since both factors are not directly observable (i.e. latent), they are inferred from measurable variables (i.e. manifest variables) which are influenced by these factors. Using farm accounting data and registration data on antibiotic use and veterinary services in specialized finisher pig production farms, a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to construct these factors. The BBN is then parameterized through regression analysis on the constructed factors and manifest variables. Using the BBN, possible incentive mechanisms through prices and management training are discusse

    Beperkte exportkansen voor kweekvis in Oost-Europa

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    Zodra de grenzen voor kweekvis in Rusland weer open zijn, kan dit een heel interessante afzetmarkt voor Nederlandse meervalachtigen zijn. Ondanks dat landen als Polen en Hongarije een duidelijke viscultuur hebben, zijn dit minder interessante exportmarkten, omdat de vraag sterk seizoensgebonden en prijsgericht is

    Risk management instruments in agriculture : an assessment of efficacy and distortions

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    The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture asked LEI, IRMA and Berenschot to evaluate different risk management instruments in terms of its initial goal(s), efficacy and distortions. At EU-level, the government involvement in agriculture insurance is discussed as part of the so called 'Health Check'. In total, 13 risk management instruments in different European countries, USA and Canada have been evaluated as well as the role of the governments with respect to risk management instruments. Based on the theoretical framework and the evaluation of the cases, recommendations for prospective risk management instruments are made