1,581 research outputs found

    Habilidades gerenciales que demandan las empresas en el Perú: un análisis comparativo

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    Esta investigación busca determinar, basada en la opinión y percepción de decisores y expertos en RR.HH., cuáles son las habilidades que demandan las empresas en el Perú a nivel gerencial para su óptimo desempeño, realizando un análisis de las diferencias existentes según sector empresarial y tamaño de empresa. Con tal finalidad, se analizó la literatura relevante relacionada con las habilidades de gestión ejecutiva; asimismo, se realizaron entrevistas personalizadas a expertos trabajando con la Metodología Q (gerentes generales, gerentes y especialistas en RR.HH.) para conocer cuáles son sus percepciones en relación con las habilidades que consideran más y menos importantes para los gerentes, teniendo en cuenta las exigencias del mercado y las necesidades actuales y futuras de su organización. De esta manera, la Metodología Q hizo posible realizar un análisis basada en las percepciones y opinión de los entrevistados que se generan a partir de su conocimiento y experiencia

    China and the Victorian Imagination: Empires Entwined (rev.)

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    Investigation of the efficacy local anesthetics for perioperative peripheral nerve blocks in patients with diabetes: A Retrospective Chart Review

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    Background: Peripheral nerve neuralgia is a common manifestation of diabetes and can cause patients to have severe episodes of pain. Although pharmacologic treatment with antineuropathic drugs are first line, they often are not effective and can warrant further treatment with peripheral nerve blocks. Further studies support that peripheral nerve blocks should be considered as the first option for anesthesia for lower limb surgery in diabetic patients. The goal of this study is to evaluate local anesthetic agent regimens in the Rio Grande Valley for peripheral nerve blocks in diabetic patients and determine post operative effectiveness and complications. Methods: Here, we conducted a retrospective chart review at UTHealth RGV. We evaluated medical charts with ICD-10 codes for Diabetes (E109, E1100) that also had current procedural terminology (CPT) codes for perioperative peripheral nerve blocks. For all referenced medical charts we evaluated sex, age, time of diagnosis, ethnicity, pre-operative notes, post-operative notes, past medical history, current medical history, duration of block and number of blocks. Medical charts were excluded from the analysis that were duplicative, incomplete, or misclassified. Data was analyzed in SPSS to determine if there were significant advantages for certain anesthetic agents or certain complications that arose more frequently with certain anesthetic agents. Results/Discussion: We evaluated over 2000 medical charts from UTHealth RGV that were coded with a diagnosis of diabetes. We observed a high variation in the types of peripheral nerve blocks utilized perioperatively. Our preliminary data suggests that peripheral nerve blocks in patients with diabetes show varying efficacy and in some cases, substantial complications. Conclusion: Our data and project highlights that post-operative effectiveness and complications can be altered in patients with diabetes. Future work will evaluate how differing types of neuropathy may influence peripheral nerve block outcomes

    Proyecto de exportación de cacao en grano desde la empresa Lucoa Cía. Ltda., ubicada en el cantón Guabo, provincia de el oro, hacia Moscú – Rusia, período 2016.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación hace referencia a un Proyecto de Exportación de cacao en grano desde la Empresa Lucoa Cía. Ltda., ubicada en el Cantón Guabo, Provincia de El Oro, hacia Moscú- Rusia; en el período 2016, con la finalidad de presentar un producto de calidad y así lograr aumentar la cuota de mercado. La elección del producto se basa principalmente a la gran aceptación que tiene hoy en día a nivel mundial, ya que este expone ciertas ventajas como: valor nutricional, calidad en cuanto a sabor y aroma. Se elaboró un estudio de mercado para conocer la demanda del producto en el país destino, la oferta local para el abastecimiento del producto. Así como el diseño de presentación del producto para exportar como grano puro en sacos de yute de 45.36 Kg. Para la exportación de cacao en grano a Moscú – Rusia se tomará en cuenta factores relevantes como la documentación necesaria, la logística, comercialización, formas de pago. El proyecto también contiene un estudio financiero el cual dio como resultado VAN 151.030.08;TIR39151.030.08; TIR 39% y una relación Beneficio/ Costo de 1.72, con lo cual se concluyó que el proyecto es factible y se recomienda la aplicación de la misma.This research refers to an Export Project of cocoa beans from Lucoa Co. Company. Ltd., located in Guabo Canton, El Oro Province, to Moscow – Russia.; in the 2016 period, with the aim of presenting a quality product and thus achieve higher market share. Product selection is based primarily on the broad acceptance that it has today worldwide, as this presents certain advantages such as: nutritional value, quality in taste and aroma. A market study to meet demand for the product in the destination country, local supply for provision of the product was developed. And the design of product presentation for export as pure grain in jute sacks of 45.36 kg. For the export of cocoa beans to Moscow – Russia will be taken into account relevant factors such as documentation, logistics, marketing, forms of payment. The Project also contains a financial study which resulted NPV 151.030.08;IRR39 151.030.08; IRR 39% and a benefit / cost ratio of 1.72, which concluded that the project is feasible and the application thereof is recommended

    Estrategias que propician la participación de niños y niñas en la elaboración de material didáctico en el tercer nivel del preescolar “Sotero Rodríguez” de la ciudad de Estelí, durante el I semestre del año 2016

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    Esta investigación refleja, estrategias que propician la participación de niños y niñas en la elaboración de materiales didácticos y la aplicabilidad en el aula de clase de tercer nivel “D” del preescolar Sotero Rodríguez de la ciudad de Estelí, en el primer semestre del año 2016; promoviendo la participación de los niños y las niñas en las diferentes acciones orientadas a la elaboración de materiales didácticos, permitiendo que en ellos y ellas se adquiera y potencie las diferentes áreas del desarrollo. Al culminar el estudio se evidencio la presencia de participación de los niños y las niñas en las actividades orientadas a la elaboración de materiales prefabricados debido a la insistencia de los padres y madres de familia a que sus hijos, hijas no hagan uso de materiales como tijeras, sin embargo se admitió que participar de estos procesos representa una experiencia educativa tanto para los niños, niñas y docente

    Using the shortwave infrared to image middle ear pathologies

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    Visualizing structures deep inside opaque biological tissues is one of the central challenges in biomedical imaging. Optical imaging with visible light provides high resolution and sensitivity; however, scattering and absorption of light by tissue limits the imaging depth to superficial features. Imaging with shortwave infrared light (SWIR, 1–2 μm) shares many advantages of visible imaging, but light scattering in tissue is reduced, providing sufficient optical penetration depth to noninvasively interrogate subsurface tissue features. However, the clinical potential of this approach has been largely unexplored because suitable detectors, until recently, have been either unavailable or cost prohibitive. Here, taking advantage of newly available detector technology, we demonstrate the potential of SWIR light to improve diagnostics through the development of a medical otoscope for determining middle ear pathologies. We show that SWIR otoscopy has the potential to provide valuable diagnostic information complementary to that provided by visible pneumotoscopy. We show that in healthy adult human ears, deeper tissue penetration of SWIR light allows better visualization of middle ear structures through the tympanic membrane, including the ossicular chain, promontory, round window niche, and chorda tympani. In addition, we investigate the potential for detection of middle ear fluid, which has significant implications for diagnosing otitis media, the overdiagnosis of which is a primary factor in increased antibiotic resistance. Middle ear fluid shows strong light absorption between 1,400 and 1,550 nm, enabling straightforward fluid detection in a model using the SWIR otoscope. Moreover, our device is easily translatable to the clinic, as the ergonomics, visual output, and operation are similar to a conventional otoscope.United States. National Institutes of Health (9-P41-EB015871-26A1)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (W911NF-13-D-0001

    Assessment and Diagnostic Practices Relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States and Mexico

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    Purpose: The present study examined and compared professional assessment and diagnostic practices relating to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Mexico and the United States (U.S.). This information is of great importance because there is an extremely limited amount of information pertaining the assessment and diagnostic practices for ASD in Mexico and little is known about how these practices compare to those in the U.S. Methods: Archival data from a survey investigating ASD in the U.S. and Mexico was used for this study. Participants included 29 professionals from the U.S. and 7 professionals from Mexico. Professionals were from a variety of different occupations, but all reported to be involved in the diagnosis of ASD. Results: In both Mexico and the U.S., most professionals reported use of similar ASD related assessment and diagnostic practices, and ASD related assessment and diagnostic practices were frequently in alignment with current best practices recommendations. However, there were professionals from both Mexico and the U.S. that reported use of diagnostic tools and practices that did not adhere to recommendations, such as, use of outdated versions of the DSM, diagnosis of ASD individually, and evaluation of individuals in one setting. Conclusion: An understanding of the assessment and diagnostic practices currently being used in Mexico and in the U.S. provides both researchers and clinicians with a better understanding of what is being implemented by different professionals. Additionally, an understanding of the assessment and diagnostic practices for ASD in Mexico is of particular importance for professionals practicing in the U.S. as most immigrants in the U.S are from Mexico therefore it is likely professionals in the U.S. will encounter patients on their caseloads that received diagnoses of ASD in Mexico

    Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening Practices in the United States and Mexico

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore screening practices for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Mexico and the United States (U.S.). Methods: Data from a larger study exploring the knowledge, screening, and diagnostic practices of healthcare practitioners from Mexico and the U.S. was used for the current study. The original survey was created by experts in ASD and consisted of 63 questions: 15 demographic questions, 20 questions relating to knowledge of ASD, 11 questions relating to screening practices, and 17 questions relating to diagnostic practices. All surveys were completed by professionals engaging in the screening and diagnosis of ASD. For this study, a total of thirty- five survey responses for the screening portion of the survey (30 from the U.S. and 5 from Mexico) were explored. Qualitative data and descriptive statistics were utilized. Results: Many of the responses relating to screening practices from professionals practicing in Mexico and the U.S. were consistent with best practice guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Mexican Public Health Guide. Furthermore, many similarities were found in the screening practices of professionals from both countries. Differences in screening practices reported by professionals from Mexico and the U.S. were found in the type of professional involved in the screening process and professional referrals after a failed ASD screening. Additionally, some professionals from both the U.S. and Mexico reported the use of inappropriate screening tools, and the average age reportedly screened was much higher than the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Hyman et al., 2020). Conclusion: An understanding of the screening practices currently being used in Mexico and the U.S. provides both researchers and clinicians with a better understanding of what is being implemented by different professionals. This study identified areas of strength and areas of weaknesses in the screening process for ASD in both countries. These results can now be used in future studies and programs targeting improved screening processes in Mexico in the U.S. Improved screening processes are important because of the potential to result in an earlier age of diagnosis of ASD and provision of services at a younger age. The latter of which is associated with better outcomes for children with ASD