7 research outputs found

    Properties of Protostars in the Elephant Trunk in the Globule IC 1396A

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    Extremely red objects, identified in the early Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the bright-rimmed globule IC 1396A and photometrically classified as Class I protostars and Class II T Tauri stars based on their mid-infrared (mid-IR) colors, were spectroscopically observed at 5.5-38 μm (Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph), at the 22 GHz water maser frequency (National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank Telescope), and in the optical (Palomar Hale 5 m) to confirm their nature and further elucidate their properties. The sources photometrically identified as Class I, including IC 1396A:α, γ, δ, ε, and ζ, are confirmed as objects dominated by accretion luminosity from dense envelopes, with accretion rates 1-10 × 10^–6 M☉ yr^–1 and present stellar masses 0.1-2 M☉. The Class I sources have extremely red continua, still rising at 38 μm, with a deep silicate absorption at 9-11 μm, weaker silicate absorption around 18 μm, and weak ice features including CO2 at 15.2 μm and H2O at 6 μm. The ice/silicate absorption ratio in the envelope is exceptionally low for the IC 1396A protostars, compared to those in nearby star-forming regions, suggesting that the envelope chemistry is altered by the radiation field or globule pressure. Only one 22 GHz water maser was detected in IC 1396A; it is coincident with a faint mid-IR source, offset from near the luminous Class I protostar IC 1396A:γ. The maser source, IC 1396A:γb, has luminosity less than 0.1 L☉, the first H2O maser from such a low-luminosity object. Two near-infrared (NIR) H2 knots on opposite sides of IC 1396A:γ reveal a jet, with an axis clearly distinct from the H2O maser of IC 1396A:γb. The objects photometrically classified as Class II, including IC 1396A:β, θ, Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)J 21364964+5722270, 2MASSJ 21362507+5727502, LkHα 349c, Tr 37 11-2146, and Tr 37 11-2037, are confirmed as stars with warm, luminous disks, with a silicate emission feature at 9-11 μm, and bright Hα emission; therefore, they are young, disk-bearing, classical T Tauri stars. The disk properties change significantly with source luminosity: low-mass (G-K) stars have prominent 9-11 emission features due to amorphous silicates while higher-mass (A-F) stars have weaker features requiring abundant crystalline silicates. A mineralogical model that fits the wide- and low-amplitude silicate feature of IC 1396A:θ requires small grains of crystalline olivine (11.3 μm peak) and another material to to explain its 9.1 μm peak; reasonable fits are obtained with a phyllosilicate, quartz, or relatively large (greater than 10 μm) amorphous olivine grains. The distribution of Class I sources is concentrated within the molecular globule, while the Class II sources are more widely scattered. Combined with the spectral results, this suggests two phases of star formation, the first (4 Myr ago) leading to the widespread Class II sources and the central O star of IC 1396 and the second (less than 1 Myr ago) occurring within the globule. The recent phase was likely triggered by the wind and radiation of the central O star of the IC 1396 H II region

    A 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina 32-m telescope

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    The Arcetri/Bologna H2O maser group has been monitoring the 1.3-cm water maser emission from a sample of 43 star-forming regions (SFRs) and 22 late-type stars for about 20 years at a sampling rate of 4-5 observations each year, using the 32-m Medicina Radio Telescope (HPBW 1.‧9 at 22 GHz). For the late-type stars we observe representative samples of OH/IR-stars, Mira's, semi-regular variables, and supergiants. The SFR-sample spans a large interval in FIR luminosity of the associated Young Stellar Object (YSO), from 20 L to 1.5 × 106 L, and offers a unique data base for the study of the long-term (years) variability of the maser emission in regions of star formation. This presentation concerns only the masers in SFRs. The information obtained from single-dish monitoring is complementary to what is extracted from higher-resolution (VLA and VLBI) observations, and can better explore the velocity domain and the long-term variability therein. We characterize the variability of the sources in various ways and we study how it depends on the luminosity and other properties of the associated YSO and its environment

    Star formation in the S235A-B complex

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    . We present near infrared broad band (J,H and K) and narrow band (H 2 S(1) 1 ! 0 and Brfl) images, and high resolution molecular observations (C 34 S(2-1), (32) , (5-4) and 13 CO(2-1)) around the highly variable H 2 O maser located between the S235 A and B optical nebulosities. These observations are part of an on-going search for the sources of excitation of H 2 O masers in regions of star formation or, alternatively, for the earlieast evolutionary phases of massive stars. We confirm the presence of a highly obscured stellar cluster between S235 A and B and, from the colour-colour analysis, we show that the cluster contains many sources with infrared excess, which are believed to be Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in an early evolutionary stage. Diffuse Brfl emission is found mainly in the vicinity of S235 A, and unresolved Brfl emission is found coincident with S235 B. Hot molecular hydrogen emission is distributed around the S235 A nebula, especially in a beltlike region to the so..