551 research outputs found


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    J. Freund: interaccionismo dialéctico y equilibrio social. Recepción crítica de la sociología de Simmel y Pareto en la construcción de una filosofía social

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    This article explores the influence of Simmel and Pareto on the social theory of J. Freund (1921-1993). Recognized as an interpreter and promoter of the sociology of both authors in the French academic context of the last third of the past century, both play a fundamental role in the construction of his social philosophy, a central part of which is his theory of essences, developed especially in L’essence du politique (1965). However, this influence has not been yet sufficiently studied. This article proposes a preliminary approach, highlighting the presence of both authors in the definition of what I will be described here as Freundian “dialectical interactionism”, his methodological perspective for the study of dynamics and social equilibrium

    El dolor y la muerte en Julien Freund

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    Julien Freund, "teórico de las esencias": un intento filosófico de clarificación

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    Julien Freund's political theory, particularly known for his 1965 opus magnum "L'essence du politique", rests on epistemological and philosophical foundations that he himself condensed into his "theory of essence." Although he first applied this theoretical model to politics, he conceived it as a tool for the global analysis of social phenomena from an onto-phenomenological and, in this same sense, anthropological perspective. However, there has not yet been a complete exposition of this theory, to which we now aim to dedicate a first systematic study, focusing especially on two problems: the historical context in which the theory was forged and its general epistemological intent, which can only be adequately understood in its original metaphysical significance

    Era la imagen viva de nuestro deseo

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    Sólo con agradecimiento puede uno repasar años decisivos transcurridos en una Universidad como la de Navarra; con un agradecimiento profundo por el bien que la Universidad misma representa y por la compañía en ella de maestros y condiscípulos que siguen siendo –incluso más hoy que en el pasado– fuente de inspiración y estímulo permanente

    Proposal for the implementation of RFID technology in the control of inventories in a company that facilitates electronic payments

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    El propósito de este artículo es presentar una propuesta para implementar la tecnología de RFID en el manejo de los inventarios en una empresa facilitadora de pagos electrónicos. A pesar de que la empresa en estudio cuenta con un sistema de código de barras para identificar los dispositivos electrónicos, la información y el control de los inventarios no es exacta, presentando desabastecimiento, reprocesos por errores humanos, demoras en la ejecución de los procedimientos e incumplimiento de la demanda generada. A lo largo de este artículo, se realiza un proceso de investigación de esta tecnología para conocer las características técnicas del RFID, su funcionamiento y los beneficios que proporciona. Se realiza una comparación entre los códigos de barras y el RFID para identificar las ventajas y desventajas de cada una de ellas. Después se calculan los costos de implementación para determinar el presupuesto y por último se propone una metodología que sirva de guía para la implementación. Los resultados esperados de esta propuesta es que la empresa conozca los beneficios que obtendría en la implementación de este tipo de tecnología, logrando optimizar los procesos, reducir los tiempos en las actividades, generar un inventario confiable, reducir roturas de stock, evitar reprocesos y realizar lecturas más rápidas y precisas.The purpose of this article is to present a proposal to implement RFID technology in the management of inventories in an enterprise facilitator of electronic payments. Despite the fact that the company in study has a barcode system to identify the electronic devices, the information and the control of inventories is not exact, presenting shortages, rework by human errors, delays in the execution of procedures and non-compliance of the demand generated. Throughout this article, is performed a process of research of this technology to know the technical characteristics of RFID, its functioning and the benefits it provides. A comparison is made between the barcode and the RFID to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. After it is calculated the implementation costs for determining the budget and finally proposes a methodology that would serve as a guide for implementation. The expected results of this proposal is that the company is aware of the benefits that would accrue in the implementation of this type of technology, managing to optimize the processes, reducing time in activities, generate an inventory to be reliable, to reduce breakage of stock, to avoid re-work and perform quicker and more accurate reads