23 research outputs found

    Efectes de la nanofiltraci贸 en la qualitat del vinagre de vi blanc: reducci贸 d'amines i repercussions en els compostos arom脿tics

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    El treball realitzat consisteix en determinar els efectes de la nanofiltraci贸 sobre la qualitat del vinagre de vi blanc. L鈥檈studi es basa en la utilitzaci贸 de la nanofiltraci贸 com a possible t猫cnica de reducci贸 d鈥檃mines bi貌genes intentant, per貌, que no s鈥檃lteri una propietat tan valorada en aquest producte com s贸n els aromes. Les condicions de treball s贸n les proposades per Canal i Carmona (2007) per a vinagres de vi blanc: pressi贸 10 bars, temperatura 24潞C i freq眉猫ncia 12 Hz. i una membrana MPF-36 de Molecular Weigth cut-off (MWCO) de 1000 Da. S鈥檈studiar脿 el contingut d鈥檃mines biog猫niques (histamina, tiramina i putrescina) en mostres comercials amb i sense addici贸 de patr贸 (25 ppm de cadascuna de les amines proposades) per comprovar si la retenci贸 d鈥檃mines per la membrana varia amb la concentraci贸. L鈥檈studi es far脿 a partir de les mostres obtingudes abans del proc茅s de la nanofiltraci贸: original, prefiltrat; i durant el proc茅s: abans de l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines, filtrat i rebuig; i despr猫s de l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines, filtrat i rebuig. La quantificaci贸 de les amines bi貌genes es far脿 per HPLC en fase reversa i amb detecci贸 fluorom猫trica. Els perfils arom脿tics es quantificaran pel m猫tode de microextracci贸 en fase s貌lida (SPME) utilitzant la CG detecci贸 FID com a sistema de quantificaci贸 . Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la nanofiltraci贸 pot ser una t猫cnica adequada per reduir el contingut de histamina, tiramina i putrescina en vinagres de vi blanc, observant-se una major efectivitat del proc茅s pel cas de la putrescina i la histamina (80% de reducci贸 aprox.), atribu茂ble a la major compet猫ncia de c脿rregues entre membrana i aliment. En lo referent als perfils arom脿tics, no s鈥檕bserva que l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines influeixi en els components arom脿tics durant el proc茅s de filtraci贸 ni tampoc que les seves concentracions es vegin redu茂des per efecte de la membrana

    Efectes de la nanofiltraci贸 en la qualitat del vinagre de vi blanc: reducci贸 d'amines i repercussions en els compostos arom脿tics

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    El treball realitzat consisteix en determinar els efectes de la nanofiltraci贸 sobre la qualitat del vinagre de vi blanc. L鈥檈studi es basa en la utilitzaci贸 de la nanofiltraci贸 com a possible t猫cnica de reducci贸 d鈥檃mines bi貌genes intentant, per貌, que no s鈥檃lteri una propietat tan valorada en aquest producte com s贸n els aromes. Les condicions de treball s贸n les proposades per Canal i Carmona (2007) per a vinagres de vi blanc: pressi贸 10 bars, temperatura 24潞C i freq眉猫ncia 12 Hz. i una membrana MPF-36 de Molecular Weigth cut-off (MWCO) de 1000 Da. S鈥檈studiar脿 el contingut d鈥檃mines biog猫niques (histamina, tiramina i putrescina) en mostres comercials amb i sense addici贸 de patr贸 (25 ppm de cadascuna de les amines proposades) per comprovar si la retenci贸 d鈥檃mines per la membrana varia amb la concentraci贸. L鈥檈studi es far脿 a partir de les mostres obtingudes abans del proc茅s de la nanofiltraci贸: original, prefiltrat; i durant el proc茅s: abans de l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines, filtrat i rebuig; i despr猫s de l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines, filtrat i rebuig. La quantificaci贸 de les amines bi貌genes es far脿 per HPLC en fase reversa i amb detecci贸 fluorom猫trica. Els perfils arom脿tics es quantificaran pel m猫tode de microextracci贸 en fase s貌lida (SPME) utilitzant la CG detecci贸 FID com a sistema de quantificaci贸 . Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la nanofiltraci贸 pot ser una t猫cnica adequada per reduir el contingut de histamina, tiramina i putrescina en vinagres de vi blanc, observant-se una major efectivitat del proc茅s pel cas de la putrescina i la histamina (80% de reducci贸 aprox.), atribu茂ble a la major compet猫ncia de c脿rregues entre membrana i aliment. En lo referent als perfils arom脿tics, no s鈥檕bserva que l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines influeixi en els components arom脿tics durant el proc茅s de filtraci贸 ni tampoc que les seves concentracions es vegin redu茂des per efecte de la membrana

    Dealcoholized Red Wine Decreases Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure and Increases Plasma Nitric Oxide

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    RATIONALE: Experimental studies have shown a potential blood pressure (BP) lowering effect of red wine polyphenols, whereas the effects of ethanol and polyphenols on BP in humans are not yet clear. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of red wine fractions (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) on BP and plasma nitric oxide (NO) in subjects at high cardiovascular risk. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sixty-seven men at high cardiovascular risk were studied. After a 2-week run-in period, subjects were randomized into 3 treatment periods in a crossover clinical trial, with a common background diet plus red wine (30g alcohol/day), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine, or gin (30g alcohol/day), lasting 4 weeks each intervention. At baseline and after each intervention, anthropometrical parameters, BP and plasma NO were measured. Systolic and diastolic BP decreased significantly after the dealcoholized red wine intervention and these changes correlated with increases in plasma NO. CONCLUSIONS: Dealcoholized red wine decreases systolic and diastolic BP. Our results point out through an NO-mediated mechanism. The daily consumption of dealcoholized red wine could be useful for the prevention of low to moderate hypertension. Trial registered at controlled-trials.com: ISRCTN88720134

    Sensitive and Rapid UHPLC-MS/MS for the Analysis of Tomato Phenolics in Human Biological Samples

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    An UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of tomato phenolic metabolites in human fluids was optimized and validated, and then applied in a pilot dietary intervention study with healthy volunteers. A 5-fold gain in speed (3.5 min of total run); 7-fold increase in MS sensitivity and 2-fold greater efficiency (50% peak width reduction) were observed when comparing the proposed method with the reference-quality HPLC-MS/MS system, whose assay performance has been previously documented. The UHPLC-MS/MS method led to an overall improvement in the limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for all the phenolic compounds studied. The recoveries ranged between 68% and 100% in urine and 61% and 100% in plasma. The accuracy; intra- and interday precision; and stability met with the acceptance criteria of the AOAC International norms. Due to the improvements in the analytical method; the total phenolic metabolites detected in plasma and urine in the pilot intervention study were 3 times higher than those detected by HPLC-MS/MS. Comparing with traditional methods; which require longer time of analysis; the methodology described is suitable for the analysis of phenolic compounds in a large number of plasma and urine samples in a reduced time frame

    Tomato sauce enriched with olive oil exerts greater effects on cardiovascular disease risk factors than raw tomato and tomato sauce: a randomized trial

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    Epidemiological studies have observed a negative association between tomato intake and the incidence of cardiovascular disease. As tomato sauces are usually cooked with the addition of oil, some studies have pointed out that both processes may increase the bioavailability of the bioactive compounds. However, the effect of consumption of raw tomatoes and tomato sauces on inflammation biomarkers and adhesion molecules related to atherosclerosis remains unknown. The aim of this study was to test the postprandial effects of a single dose of raw tomatoes (RT), tomato sauce (TS) and tomato sauce with refined olive oil (TSOO) on cardiovascular disease risk factors. We performed an open, prospective, randomized, cross-over, controlled feeding trial in 40 healthy subjects who randomly received: 7.0 g of RT/kg of body weight (BW), 3.5 g of TS/kg BW, 3.5 g of TSOO/Kg BW and 0.25 g of sugar solved in water/kg BW on a single occasion on four different days. Biochemical parameters and cellular and circulating inflammatory biomarkers were assessed at baseline and 6 h after each intervention. The results indicate that, compared to control intervention, a single tomato intake in any form decreased plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides and several cellular and plasma inflammatory biomarkers, and increased plasma high density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol and interleukine (IL) 10 concentrations. However, the changes of plasma IL-6 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) from T-lymphocytes and CD36 from monocytes were significantly greater after TSOO than after RT and TS interventions. We concluded that tomato intake has beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors, especially cooked and enriched with oil

    Efectes de la nanofiltraci贸 en la qualitat del vinagre de vi blanc: reducci贸 d'amines i repercussions en els compostos arom脿tics

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    El treball realitzat consisteix en determinar els efectes de la nanofiltraci贸 sobre la qualitat del vinagre de vi blanc. L鈥檈studi es basa en la utilitzaci贸 de la nanofiltraci贸 com a possible t猫cnica de reducci贸 d鈥檃mines bi貌genes intentant, per貌, que no s鈥檃lteri una propietat tan valorada en aquest producte com s贸n els aromes. Les condicions de treball s贸n les proposades per Canal i Carmona (2007) per a vinagres de vi blanc: pressi贸 10 bars, temperatura 24潞C i freq眉猫ncia 12 Hz. i una membrana MPF-36 de Molecular Weigth cut-off (MWCO) de 1000 Da. S鈥檈studiar脿 el contingut d鈥檃mines biog猫niques (histamina, tiramina i putrescina) en mostres comercials amb i sense addici贸 de patr贸 (25 ppm de cadascuna de les amines proposades) per comprovar si la retenci贸 d鈥檃mines per la membrana varia amb la concentraci贸. L鈥檈studi es far脿 a partir de les mostres obtingudes abans del proc茅s de la nanofiltraci贸: original, prefiltrat; i durant el proc茅s: abans de l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines, filtrat i rebuig; i despr猫s de l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines, filtrat i rebuig. La quantificaci贸 de les amines bi貌genes es far脿 per HPLC en fase reversa i amb detecci贸 fluorom猫trica. Els perfils arom脿tics es quantificaran pel m猫tode de microextracci贸 en fase s貌lida (SPME) utilitzant la CG detecci贸 FID com a sistema de quantificaci贸 . Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la nanofiltraci贸 pot ser una t猫cnica adequada per reduir el contingut de histamina, tiramina i putrescina en vinagres de vi blanc, observant-se una major efectivitat del proc茅s pel cas de la putrescina i la histamina (80% de reducci贸 aprox.), atribu茂ble a la major compet猫ncia de c脿rregues entre membrana i aliment. En lo referent als perfils arom脿tics, no s鈥檕bserva que l鈥檃ddici贸 d鈥檃mines influeixi en els components arom脿tics durant el proc茅s de filtraci贸 ni tampoc que les seves concentracions es vegin redu茂des per efecte de la membrana

    Efficacy and Safety of an Oral Nutritional (Dietary) Supplement Containing Pinus pinaster Bark Extract and Grape Seed Extract in Combination with a High SPF Sunscreen in the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Melasma: A Prospective Clinical Study

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    Background: Melasma is a common hyperpigmentation disorder, characterized by light-to-dark brown patches, usually distributed on sun-exposed areas of the body. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of an oral nutritional supplement containing Pinus pinaster and Grape seed extract, vitamins and minerals, used concomitantly with a high SPF sunscreen in 30 women with mild-to-moderate facial melasma. Methods: Efficacy was assessed by measurement of the Melasma Area and Severity Index (MASI), instrumental analysis of the lesions (Mexameter®, VISIA®)) and Patient’s and Physician’s Global Assessment (PGA). Results: The MASI score decreased significantly compared with baseline at days 28, 56, and 84. Mexameter® analysis showed a significant decrease of 鈭哅 (difference in the melanin index between melasma and adjacent area). VISIA® results also showed a reduction in the number and areas of UV pigmented spots and in the areas of melasma overtime. Both the Patient’s and Physician’s Global Assessment showed that the product led to an improvement of the lesions in terms of depigmentation and had positive cosmetic features without adverse events. Conclusion: The oral supplement subject of this study in combination with high SPF sunscreen was effective and well-tolerated for treatment of mild to moderate facial melasma

    Sensitive and Rapid UHPLC-MS/MS for the Analysis of Tomato Phenolics in Human Biological Samples

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    An UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of tomato phenolic metabolites in human fluids was optimized and validated, and then applied in a pilot dietary intervention study with healthy volunteers. A 5-fold gain in speed (3.5 min of total run); 7-fold increase in MS sensitivity and 2-fold greater efficiency (50% peak width reduction) were observed when comparing the proposed method with the reference-quality HPLC-MS/MS system, whose assay performance has been previously documented. The UHPLC-MS/MS method led to an overall improvement in the limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for all the phenolic compounds studied. The recoveries ranged between 68% and 100% in urine and 61% and 100% in plasma. The accuracy; intra- and interday precision; and stability met with the acceptance criteria of the AOAC International norms. Due to the improvements in the analytical method; the total phenolic metabolites detected in plasma and urine in the pilot intervention study were 3 times higher than those detected by HPLC-MS/MS. Comparing with traditional methods; which require longer time of analysis; the methodology described is suitable for the analysis of phenolic compounds in a large number of plasma and urine samples in a reduced time frame

    Sensitive and Rapid UHPLC-MS/MS for the Analysis of Tomato Phenolics in Human Biological Samples

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    An UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of tomato phenolic metabolites in human fluids was optimized and validated, and then applied in a pilot dietary intervention study with healthy volunteers. A 5-fold gain in speed (3.5 min of total run); 7-fold increase in MS sensitivity and 2-fold greater efficiency (50% peak width reduction) were observed when comparing the proposed method with the reference-quality HPLC-MS/MS system, whose assay performance has been previously documented. The UHPLC-MS/MS method led to an overall improvement in the limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for all the phenolic compounds studied. The recoveries ranged between 68% and 100% in urine and 61% and 100% in plasma. The accuracy; intra- and interday precision; and stability met with the acceptance criteria of the AOAC International norms. Due to the improvements in the analytical method; the total phenolic metabolites detected in plasma and urine in the pilot intervention study were 3 times higher than those detected by HPLC-MS/MS. Comparing with traditional methods; which require longer time of analysis; the methodology described is suitable for the analysis of phenolic compounds in a large number of plasma and urine samples in a reduced time frame

    Bioavailability of tomato polyphenols is enhanced by processing and fat addition: Evidence from a randomized feeding trial

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    Scope: Tomato contains a variety of phenolics associated with health-promoting properties. However, the effects of processing and the addition of oil during tomato sauce preparation on microbial metabolism of phenolics in the small intestine are still unclear.Methods and results: An open, controlled, randomized, and crossover feeding trial with 40 healthy volunteers was carried out to analyze the metabolites in plasma and urine after the consumption of tomato and tomato sauces, with tomato sauce enriched with refined olive oil (ROOE) and without refined olive oil (oil-free: OF). Ten phenolics in plasma and 93 metabolites in urine were quantified. Processing tomatoes into sauce enhanced the bioavailability of flavanones, flavanols, and some hydroxycinnamic acids, as reflected by the increase in the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve. An increase in their plasma half-life was also observed, particularly after ingestion of ROOE, possibly favored by enterohepatic circulation. A wide variety of gut microbial metabolites was also detected, namely flavanones, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, hydroxyphenylpropanoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acids, and hydroxybenzoic acids.Conclusions: Flavanones and flavonols in ROOE presented higher bioavailability, suggesting that the processing undergone by the raw tomato improved their absorption