20 research outputs found

    Legislative framework for sediment management in the United States

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    [EN] Sediment erosion is a serious issue, with approximately 75 billion tons of soil is eroded annually around the world (Pimentel and Kounang, 1998). Although erosion is a natural process, it can accelerate due to human activity and land use changes. Increasing soil erosion beyond its natural threshold can result in significant environmental degradation and decreased economic productivity. Implementing sediment management laws and practices is critical to significantly decrease soil erosion and preserve environmental resources. In the United States, there is a comprehensive system of laws and regulations at national, state, county, and city level that govern erosion and sediment control. The laws and voluntary incentives outlined in our paper have significantly reduced the negative impacts of sediment carried in urban and storm-generated runoff, have reduced chemical and biological pollutants in sediment transported in aquatic ecosystems, and have improved the air quality in several cities with air pollution problems. Having a multi-faceted approach to monitoring erosion and improving soil management is important for a healthy, productive environment and economy.[ES] La erosión de sedimentos es un problema serio, con aproximadamente 75.000 millones de toneladas de suelo erosionadas anualmente en todo el mundo (Pimentel y Kounang, 1998). Aunque la erosión es un proceso natural, ésta puede acelerarse debido a la actividad humana y a los cambios en el uso de la tierra. El incremento de la erosión del suelo más allá de su umbral natural puede resultar en una degradación ambiental significativa y una disminución de la productividad económica. La implementación de leyes y prácticas de gestión de sedimentos es fundamental para disminuir significativamente la erosión del suelo y preservar los recursos ambientales. En los Estados Unidos, existe un sistema integral de leyes y regulaciones a nivel nacional, estatal, del condado y de ciudad que gobiernan la erosión y el control de sedimentos. Las leyes y los incentivos voluntarios descritos en nuestro trabajo han reducido significativamente los impactos negativos de los sedimentos transportados en las escorrentías urbanas y rurales, han reducido los contaminantes químicos y biológicos en los sedimentos transportados hacia los ecosistemas acuáticos y han mejorado la calidad del aire en varias ciudades con problemas de contaminación atmosférica. Tener un enfoque multifacético para monitorizar la erosión y mejorar la gestión del suelo es importante para un ambiente y una economía sanos y productivos.Los autores agradecen la colaboración de las agencias federales y estatales norteamericanas que colaboraron en la elaboración de este artículo.Garcia-Chevesich, PA.; Jones, SL.; Daniels, JM.; Valdés-Pineda, R.; Venegas-Quiñones, H.; Pizarro, R. (2018). Marco legislativo para la gestión de sedimentos en los Estados Unidos. Ingeniería del Agua. 22(2):53-67. doi:10.4995/ia.2018.7916SWORD5367222Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. 2017. Air Quality Forecast. Recuperado de http://www.azdeq.gov/programs/airquality-programs/air-forecasting. Fecha de acceso 8 Mayo, 2017.California Environmental Protection Agency. 2017. Air Quality Resources Board. Recuperado de https://www.arb.ca.gov/. Fecha de acceso 8 Mayo, 2017.City of Lone Tree. 2015. Grading, erosion and control fact sheet. 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    Improving operational short-to medium-range (Sr2mr) streamflow forecasts in the upper zambezi basin and its sub-basins using variational ensemble forecasting

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    The combination of Hydrological Models and high-resolution Satellite Precipitation Products (SPPs) or regional Climatological Models (RCMs), has provided the means to establish baselines for the quantification, propagation, and reduction in hydrological uncertainty when generating streamflow forecasts. This study aimed to improve operational real-time streamflow forecasts for the Upper Zambezi River Basin (UZRB), in Africa, utilizing the novel Variational Ensemble Forecasting (VEF) approach. In this regard, we describe and discuss the main steps required to implement, calibrate, and validate an operational hydrologic forecasting system (HFS) using VEF and Hydrologic Processing Strategies (HPS). The operational HFS was constructed to monitor daily streamflow and forecast them up to eight days in the future. The forecasting process called short-to medium-range (SR2MR) streamflow forecasting was implemented using real-time rainfall data from three Satellite Precipitation Products or SPPs (The real-time TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis TMPA-RT, the NOAA CPC Morphing Technique CMORPH, and the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed data using Artificial Neural Networks, PERSIANN) and rainfall forecasts from the Global Forecasting System (GFS). The hydrologic preprocessing (HPR) strategy considered using all raw and bias corrected rainfall estimates to calibrate three distributed hydrological models (HYMOD_DS, HBV_DS, and VIC 4.2.b). The hydrologic processing (HP) strategy considered using all optimal parameter sets estimated during the calibration process to increase the number of ensembles avail-able for operational forecasting. Finally, inference-based approaches were evaluated during the application of a hydrological postprocessing (HPP) strategy. The final evaluation and reduction in uncertainty from multiple sources, i.e., multiple precipitation products, hydrologic models, and optimal parameter sets, was significantly achieved through a fully operational implementation of VEF combined with several HPS. Finally, the main challenges and opportunities associated with operational SR2MR streamflow forecasting using VEF are evaluated and discussed. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]