11 research outputs found

    Cost-effective targeting of conservation investments to reduce the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone

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    A seasonally occurring summer hypoxic (low oxygen) zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico is the second largest in the world. Reductions in nutrients from agricultural cropland in its watershed are needed to reduce the hypoxic zone size to the national policy goal of 5,000 km2 (as a 5-y running average) set by the national Gulf of Mexico Task Force’s Action Plan. We develop an integrated assessment model linking the water quality effects of cropland conservation investment decisions on the more than 550 agricultural subwatersheds that deliver nutrients into the Gulf with a hypoxic zone model. We use this integrated assessment model to identify the most cost-effective subwatersheds to target for cropland conservation investments. We consider targeting of the location (which subwatersheds to treat) and the extent of conservation investment to undertake (how much cropland within a subwatershed to treat). We use process models to simulate the dynamics of the effects of cropland conservation investments on nutrient delivery to the Gulf and use an evolutionary algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Model results suggest that by targeting cropland conservation investments to the most cost-effective location and extent of coverage, the Action Plan goal of 5,000 km2 can be achieved at a cost of 2.7billionannually.Alargesetofcost−hypoxiatradeoffsisdeveloped,rangingfromthebaselinetothenontargetedadoptionofthemostaggressivecroplandconservationinvestmentsinallsubwatersheds(estimatedtoreducethehypoxiczonetolessthan3,000km2atacostof2.7 billion annually. A large set of cost-hypoxia tradeoffs is developed, ranging from the baseline to the nontargeted adoption of the most aggressive cropland conservation investments in all subwatersheds (estimated to reduce the hypoxic zone to less than 3,000 km2 at a cost of 5.6 billion annually)

    A POLLUTION TRADING SYSTEM WITH COST ASSYMETRY: An Application to Nonpoint Source Trading in the Boone River Watershed

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    The goal of watershed scale analysis is to assign to each field unit the best set of agricultural practices in order to achieve a maximum outcome from both environmental and economic perspectives. Watershed physically based models linked to multiobjective optimization models can overcome the high dimensionality of watershed pollution problem. Market based instruments such as permit trading settings which consider abatement measures’ cost heterogeneity have been regarded as being superior to command and control programs. Empirical analysis reveals that when local environmental authority and farmers have different cost information, a permit trading program has the potential to offer cost savings

    Reversing the Property Rights: Practice-Based Approaches for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint-Source Water Pollution When Emissions Aggregate Nonlinearly

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    Nonpoint-source pollution remains a troubling source of water quality problems despite decades of economics research on the matter. Among the chief difficulties for addressing the issue are the property rights assignments implicit in the current policy environment that favor agricultural nonpoint-source pollution, the unobservability of field-level emissions, and complex fate and transport relationships linking them to ambient water quality. Theoretical and practical considerations lead to the focus on observable abatement actions (conservation practices). Biophysical models are increasingly more capable of linking abatement actions to policy-relevant water quality outcomes. If costs of abatement actions are known, finding the least-cost mix of abatement actions is possible, while incorporating the nonlinearity of the pollution process. When costs are not known or information is incomplete, regulators can rely on flexible incentive-based programs, but the design of such programs is complicated by the complexities of emission aggregation. In this work, we focus on the regulator capable of focusing on nonpoint-source emitters. We address the design and performance of three practice-based approaches, ranging from the command-and-control approach mandating practices, to the more flexible performance standard approach where farmers are free to select the optimal mix of on-farm conservation practices, to a fully flexible approach where credits for conservation practices are freely tradable. We do so by utilizing the representation of the nonlinear emission aggregation (fate and transport) process (the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model), and consider cases ranging from the regulator having perfect information on the costs of conservation practices to no information at all. We show how workable programs utilizing the biophysical models and simulation-optimization approaches can be designed, and assess their performance relative to the efficient case. We find that flexible programs perform well both in terms of cost and water quality goals attainment. In particular, a trading program designed around an approximation of the nonlinear pollution process performs well, relative to first-best under no information on the cost of conservation practices

    Cost-effective targeting of conservation investments to reduce the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone

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    A seasonally occurring summer hypoxic (low oxygen) zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico is the second largest in the world. Reductions in nutrients from agricultural cropland in its watershed are needed to reduce the hypoxic zone size to the national policy goal of 5,000 km2 (as a 5-y running average) set by the national Gulf of Mexico Task Force’s Action Plan. We develop an integrated assessment model linking the water quality effects of cropland conservation investment decisions on the more than 550 agricultural subwatersheds that deliver nutrients into the Gulf with a hypoxic zone model. We use this integrated assessment model to identify the most cost-effective subwatersheds to target for cropland conservation investments. We consider targeting of the location (which subwatersheds to treat) and the extent of conservation investment to undertake (how much cropland within a subwatershed to treat). We use process models to simulate the dynamics of the effects of cropland conservation investments on nutrient delivery to the Gulf and use an evolutionary algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Model results suggest that by targeting cropland conservation investments to the most cost-effective location and extent of coverage, the Action Plan goal of 5,000 km2 can be achieved at a cost of 2.7billionannually.Alargesetofcost−hypoxiatradeoffsisdeveloped,rangingfromthebaselinetothenontargetedadoptionofthemostaggressivecroplandconservationinvestmentsinallsubwatersheds(estimatedtoreducethehypoxiczonetolessthan3,000km2atacostof2.7 billion annually. A large set of cost-hypoxia tradeoffs is developed, ranging from the baseline to the nontargeted adoption of the most aggressive cropland conservation investments in all subwatersheds (estimated to reduce the hypoxic zone to less than 3,000 km2 at a cost of 5.6 billion annually).This article is from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (2014): 18530, doi:10.1073/pnas.1405837111. Posted with permission.</p