16 research outputs found

    Aplicación de la teoría de la elasticidad al estudio de la resistencia de frutos.

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    Para estudiar la resistencia de los frutos a la acción mecánica se han empleado frutos enteros, lo que puede hacerse aplicando la teoría de contacto de Hertz. Se han determinado el modulo de elasticidad aparente del albaricoque (4,1 a 12.105N/m2) melocotón (2,6 a 5,2.105 N/m2) y tomate (0,8 a 2,36.105 N/m2). En los ensayos de impacto, los valores calculados han resultado inferiores a los reales, pero siguen una evolución semejante. Se deduce que con ensayos sistemáticos de este tipo pueden hallarse las condiciones en que estos daños sean mínimos a lo largo del proceso de recolección y manipulación mecánicas

    Prototype for the Application of Proportional Phytosanitaries to the Size of Trees in Citrus

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    [EN] The prevailing need to reduce the use of phytosanitary products, which helps mitigate its effect on the environment, makes it necessary to apply phytosanitary products more precisely, so in this work the design and the first results are presented of the evaluation of an experimental air-assisted sprayer designed to adapt application doses to tree canopy size. The prototype features vertical booms and customized air vents in conjunction with three ultrasonic rangefinders to estimate distances to targeted trees at three different heights. These ranges are continuously being sent to the decision making processor which applies a logic rule based on different criteria adjusted to the specific objectives selected for each application. Multiple field tests were performed in orange groves with varieties Clemenules and Orogrande. After applying a reference volume of 3000 l/ha, results showed that spraying savings up to 30 % are possible while maintaining the same coverage rates[ES] La imperante necesidad de reducción del uso de fitosanitarios, que ayude a mitigar su efecto sobre el ambiente, hace que sea necesaria la aplicación de fitosanitarios de manera más precisa, por lo que en este trabajo se presentan el diseño y los primeros resultados de un prototipo de pulverizador hidroneumático diseñado para una aplicación que tenga en cuenta el tamaño de los árboles. El prototipo diseñado está dotado de deflectores y barras prácticamente verticales. Se le incorporan tres sensores de ultrasonidos para la detección de la distancia al árbol a tres alturas. La información obtenida de dichos sensores es enviada a un controlador de automatización programable. La programación realizada en Labview para su control tiene en cuenta las características específicas de cada árbol y permite emplear diferentes criterios para conseguir diferentes objetivos. En los ensayos de campo con dos variedades de cítricos, Clemenules y Orogrande, distribuyendo un volumen de 3000 L/ha como referencia, se ha comprobado cómo se pueden mantener índices de recubrimiento similares a los obtenidos con un diseño convencional, pero con un ahorro del 25 al 30% del volumen distribuido.Sozzi-Rodríguez, AJ.; Ortí García, E.; Cuenca-Cuenca, A.; Val Manterola, LMJ. (2019). Prototipo para la aplicación de fitosanitarios proporcional al tamaño de los árboles en cítricos. Agroindustria, Sociedad y Ambiente (ASA). 1(12):71-81. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/159755S718111

    Variable dose rate sprayer prototype for dose adjustment in tree crops according to canopy characteristics measured with ultrasonic and laser lidar sensor.

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    One of the key issues in crop protection products to be applied in tree crops is the dose rate adjustment. An inappropriate dose selection could be responsible of the lack of efficacy due to under dosage and a loss in efficiency due to over dosage. Both situations imply economical losses and greater impacts on the environment. A better dose adjustment is possible from a variable rate technology approach by measuring the crown volume and adjusting the dose rate on-the-go according to the variation of the estimated vegetation volume. Tests have been done with a variable rate sprayer prototype and satisfactory results have been achieved.Postprint (published version

    Distribution and effectiveness of pesticide application with a cold fogger on pepper plants cultured in a greenhouse

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    [EN] A cold fogger was evaluated for efficiency of spray-deposit distribution and for control of insect damage and fungal disease on pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants cultured in a greenhouse. The logger was placed at one end of an 800-m(2) greenhouse, and the distribution and deposition of a fluorescent tracer by the cold logger was evaluated using quantitative methods and image analysis. An increased cold fogger-dependent air speed, determined by anemometry, was correlated with increased deposition of the fluorescent tracer. A consistent decline of deposition from the area nearest to the cold logger to the far end of the greenhouse was observed. Nonetheless, no differences were found in the droplet density between the outer and inner parts of the foliage. The average droplet density was 1828 cm(-2), but the leaf deposition was restricted to the upper surface of the leaves. The distribution and numbers of thrips (Thrips sp.) and powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica [Lev.] G. Arnaud) on leaves were assessed over a period of five months. Thrips control was found to be quite good throughout the greenhouse in response to phytosanitary treatments. Although the control of powdery mildew was generally adequate, there was significant disease development in certain locations in the greenhouse that were distant from the cold logger. The employment of cold loggers in greenhouses needs to be carefully analysed in terms of the dimensions of the greenhouse and the pests and diseases to be controlled due to the uneven deposition of the sprayed products. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Palabras claveOlivet, JJ.; Val Manterola, LMJ.; Usera, G. (2011). Distribution and effectiveness of pesticide application with a cold fogger on pepper plants cultured in a greenhouse. Crop Protection. 30(8):977-985. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2011.04.005S97798530

    A procedure for monitoring the phenological status of peach flowers with artificial vision

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    Tree flowering is a major event in crop production as it anticipates season yield. However a number of issues may occur during the campaign such as frost, and/or irregular mineral nutrition, among other, that strongly affect this process. On the other hand many fruit species show the phenomenon of “vecería” that refers to the fact that the trees have an increased yield every two year. Therefore, fruit growers and production engineers demand an insitu tool that would allow providing quantitative features regarding the amount of flowering, their phenological status, or even the presence of strong mineral deficiencies which lead to an abnormal development of the sexual organs of the flowers. Artificial vision suites into such a demands since it can be performed in the fields on-board of drones. In this work free online tools such as Makesense, Roboflow and YOLOv4 have been used to train and validate an automated procedure for the identification of the position of the sexual organs of Caterina Peach Flowers in order to relate their status with the nutrition state of the trees

    12th Workshop on spray application techniques in fruit growing (SuproFruit 2013)

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    Esta publicación recoge las comunicaciones presentadas en el 12º Workshop sobre "Spray Applications Techniques in Fruit Growing" (SuproFruit 2013), organizado por el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) y la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), y celebrado en Valencia los días 26, 27 y 28 de junio de 2013.Dicho workshop forma parte de una serie de eventos organizados desde 1991 por toda Europa.Se presentan las comunicaciones aceptadas en el congreso y que exponen la discusión abierta entre investigadores, fabricantes de maquinaria de aplicación de productos fitosanitarios, así como responsables del diseño de políticas relacionadas con la fruticultura, la protección de cultivos, la tecnología de aplicación de productos fitosanitarios y temas medioambientales. Así, este libro de actas supone un espacio de encuentro, análisis y reflexión sobre el trabajo que se está realizando en esta temática y presenta el estado del arte, ideas innovadoras, nuevas aproximaciones y últimos avances y conocimientos encaminados a aumentar la precisión en la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios y reducir los riesgos para los consumidores y el medioambiente."Moltó García, E.; Val Manterola, LMJ.; Juste Pérez, F.; chueca adell; Garcerá Figueroa, MDLC. (2013). 12th Workshop on spray application techniques in fruit growing (SuproFruit 2013). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/30587Archivo delegad

    Variable dose rate sprayer prototype for dose adjustment in tree crops according to canopy characteristics measured with ultrasonic and laser lidar sensor.

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    One of the key issues in crop protection products to be applied in tree crops is the dose rate adjustment. An inappropriate dose selection could be responsible of the lack of efficacy due to under dosage and a loss in efficiency due to over dosage. Both situations imply economical losses and greater impacts on the environment. A better dose adjustment is possible from a variable rate technology approach by measuring the crown volume and adjusting the dose rate on-the-go according to the variation of the estimated vegetation volume. Tests have been done with a variable rate sprayer prototype and satisfactory results have been achieved

    Variable dose rate sprayer prototype for dose adjustment in tree crops according to canopy characteristics measured with ultrasonic and laser lidar sensor.

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    One of the key issues in crop protection products to be applied in tree crops is the dose rate adjustment. An inappropriate dose selection could be responsible of the lack of efficacy due to under dosage and a loss in efficiency due to over dosage. Both situations imply economical losses and greater impacts on the environment. A better dose adjustment is possible from a variable rate technology approach by measuring the crown volume and adjusting the dose rate on-the-go according to the variation of the estimated vegetation volume. Tests have been done with a variable rate sprayer prototype and satisfactory results have been achieved