5 research outputs found
Co je impresionismus v lyriké?
Nejprve bude představen impresionismus v malířství. Navazujíc na to se bude diskutovat otázka, jak se můžou impresionistické črty prokázat v literatuře (zejména v poezii), jejíž předchůdce bylo malířství. Na příkladu básně budou představeny hlavní rysy impresionismu v literatuře, v následující kapitole bude ukázáno, jak se tyto rysy ještě prokazují v německé literatuře u jednotlivých autorů. Na závěr bude vysvětleno, proč se německý impresionismus v poezii nemůže považovat za nezávislý umělecký styl jako v malířství, a proč se zahrnuje do symbolismu. Klíčová slova Impresionismus - malířství - Monet - lyrika - Detlev von Liliencron - Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Stefan George - Rainer Maria RilkeAt first, impressionism will be presented in painting. Based on this, will be discussed what impressionistic features the literature (especially poetry) can have, whose precursor was the painting. On the example of a poem the main impressionistic features in the poetry will be shown, hereinafter how these features can be indentified in German poetry with individual authors. At the end, will be explained why the German impressionism in poetry cannot be viewed as an independent period (as in painting) and why it was subsumed to the symbolism. Key words impressionism - painting - Monet - poetry - Detlev von Liliencron - Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Stefan George - Rainer Maria RilkeInstitute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult
Vídeňská moderna v kontextu společenských a estetických změn na přelomu 19. a 20. století
Diplomová práce má představit vídeňskou modernu na pozadí společenských a estetických změn na přelomu století. Nejdřív bude nastíněná společenská situace kolem roku 1900 a společenská pozice měšťanské vrstvy v společnosti, protože z ní vzešla bohatá kultura vídeňské moderny. Z této společenské pozice jako i četných skandálů moderního umění v konzervativní společnosti lze vysvětlit i organizace kulturního života mladé umělecké generace. Dále budou prostřednictvím hlavních zástupců umělecké moderny představeny inovace v malířství, architektuře a hudbě. Podobně i v literatuře bude představen Hermann Bahr jako organizátor literární skupiny Mladá Vídeň a jeho největší oponent Karl Kraus, satirik své doby. Tematicky je dílo autorů Mladé Vídně rozdělen do troch okruhů, a to do obrazu společnosti, který se odráží hlavně v díle Arthura Schnitzlera a Petra Altenberga, esteticismu, který je předmětem i nejvýznamnějších děl od Leopolda Andriana, Richarda Beer-Hofmanna a raných dram Huga von Hofmannsthala. Poslední témou je Chandos-Brief od Huga von Hofmannsthala, který dokumentuje vzniklou jazykovou krizi.This thesis will introduce the Viennese Modernism from the background of social and aesthetic changes at the turn of the 20th century. First will be outlined the social situation around 1900 and a position of bourgeois class in this society, because this class is where the culture of Viennese Modernism came from. From this social status as well as numerous scandals of modern art in this conservative society will be explained the organization of the cultural life of the young generation of artists. Furthermore there will also be introduced the Modernism in painting, architecture and music by their major artists. Similarly, in literature will be presented Hermann Bahr as an organizer of the literary group Young Vienna and his biggest opponent Karl Kraus, the satirist of his time. Thematically, the work of the authors of Young Vienna is divided into three areas, namely into the image of the society, which is mainly reflected in the work of Arthur Schnitzler and Peter Altenberg, aestheticism, which is also the subject of the most important works by Leopold Andrian, Richard Beer-Hofmann and the early dramas of Hugo von Hofmannsthal. The last theme is Chandos-Brief, written by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which is a document of the language crisis in this time.Institute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art
What does Impressionism mean in Poetry?
At first, impressionism will be presented in painting. Based on this, will be discussed what impressionistic features the literature (especially poetry) can have, whose precursor was the painting. On the example of a poem the main impressionistic features in the poetry will be shown, hereinafter how these features can be indentified in German poetry with individual authors. At the end, will be explained why the German impressionism in poetry cannot be viewed as an independent period (as in painting) and why it was subsumed to the symbolism. Key words impressionism - painting - Monet - poetry - Detlev von Liliencron - Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Stefan George - Rainer Maria Rilk
Viennese modernism in the context of social and aesthetic changes at turn of the 20th century
This thesis will introduce the Viennese Modernism from the background of social and aesthetic changes at the turn of the 20th century. First will be outlined the social situation around 1900 and a position of bourgeois class in this society, because this class is where the culture of Viennese Modernism came from. From this social status as well as numerous scandals of modern art in this conservative society will be explained the organization of the cultural life of the young generation of artists. Furthermore there will also be introduced the Modernism in painting, architecture and music by their major artists. Similarly, in literature will be presented Hermann Bahr as an organizer of the literary group Young Vienna and his biggest opponent Karl Kraus, the satirist of his time. Thematically, the work of the authors of Young Vienna is divided into three areas, namely into the image of the society, which is mainly reflected in the work of Arthur Schnitzler and Peter Altenberg, aestheticism, which is also the subject of the most important works by Leopold Andrian, Richard Beer-Hofmann and the early dramas of Hugo von Hofmannsthal. The last theme is Chandos-Brief, written by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which is a document of the language crisis in this time
Viennese modernism in the context of social and aesthetic changes at turn of the 20th century
This thesis will introduce the Viennese Modernism from the background of social and aesthetic changes at the turn of the 20th century. First will be outlined the social situation around 1900 and a position of bourgeois class in this society, because this class is where the culture of Viennese Modernism came from. From this social status as well as numerous scandals of modern art in this conservative society will be explained the organization of the cultural life of the young generation of artists. Furthermore there will also be introduced the Modernism in painting, architecture and music by their major artists. Similarly, in literature will be presented Hermann Bahr as an organizer of the literary group Young Vienna and his biggest opponent Karl Kraus, the satirist of his time. Thematically, the work of the authors of Young Vienna is divided into three areas, namely into the image of the society, which is mainly reflected in the work of Arthur Schnitzler and Peter Altenberg, aestheticism, which is also the subject of the most important works by Leopold Andrian, Richard Beer-Hofmann and the early dramas of Hugo von Hofmannsthal. The last theme is Chandos-Brief, written by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which is a document of the language crisis in this time