14 research outputs found

    Pro- and antitumor effects of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species.

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    In cancer, mitochondrial functions are commonly altered. Directly involved in metabolic reprogramming, mitochondrial plasticity confers to cancer cells a high degree of adaptability to a wide range of stresses and to the harsh tumor microenvironment. Lack of nutrients or oxygen caused by altered perfusion, metabolic needs of proliferating cells, co-option of the microenvironment, control of the immune system, cell migration and metastasis, and evasion of exogenous stress (e.g., chemotherapy) are all, at least in part, influenced by mitochondria. Mitochondria are undoubtedly one of the key contributors to cancer development and progression. Understanding their protumoral (dys)functions may pave the way to therapeutic strategies capable of turning them into innocent entities. Here, we will focus on the production and detoxification of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS), on their impact on tumorigenesis (genetic, prosurvival, and microenvironmental effects and their involvement in autophagy), and on tumor metastasis. We will also summarize the latest therapeutic approaches involving mtROS

    Influence of a pro-inflammatory stimulus on the miRNA and lipid content of human dental stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles and their impact on microglial activation

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    Neuro-inflammation occurs in numerous disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. However, anti-inflammatory drugs for the central nervous system have failed to show significant improvement when compared to a placebo in clinical trials. Our previous work demonstrated that stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAP) can decrease neuro-inflammation and stimulate oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation. One hypothesis is that the therapeutic effect of SCAP could be mediated by their secretome, including extracellular vesicles (EV). Here, our objectives were to characterize SCAP-EV and to study their effect on microglial cells. We isolated EV from non-activated SCAP and from SCAP activated with TNFα and IFN-γ and characterized them according to their size, EV markers, miRNA and lipid content. Their ability to decrease pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in vitro and ex vivo was also assessed. We showed that the miRNA content was impacted by a pro-inflammatory environment but not their lipid composition. SCAP-EV reduced the expression of pro-inflammatory markers in LPS-activated microglial cells while their effect was limited on mouse spinal cord sections. In conclusion, we were able to isolate EV from SCAP, to show that their miRNA content was impacted by a pro-inflammatory stimulus, and to describe that SCAP-EV and not the protein fraction of conditioned medium could reduce pro-inflammatory marker expression in LPS-activated BV2 cells

    Single-cell RNA sequencing of human liver reveals hepatic stellate cell heterogeneity

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    Background & aims: The multiple vital functions of the human liver are performed by highly specialised parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells organised in complex collaborative sinusoidal units. Although crucial for homeostasis, the cellular make-up of the human liver remains to be fully elucidated. Here, single-cell RNA-sequencing was used to unravel the heterogeneity of human liver cells, in particular of hepatocytes (HEPs) and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). Method: The transcriptome of ~25,000 freshly isolated human liver cells was profiled using droplet-based RNA-sequencing. Recently published data sets and RNA in situ hybridisation were integrated to validate and locate newly identified cell populations. Results: In total, 22 cell populations were annotated that reflected the heterogeneity of human parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells. More than 20,000 HEPs were ordered along the portocentral axis to confirm known, and reveal previously undescribed, zonated liver functions. The existence of 2 subpopulations of human HSCs with unique gene expression signatures and distinct intralobular localisation was revealed (i.e. portal and central vein-concentrated GPC3 + HSCs and perisinusoidally located DBH + HSCs). In particular, these data suggest that, although both subpopulations collaborate in the production and organisation of extracellular matrix, GPC3 + HSCs specifically express genes involved in the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans, whereas DBH + HSCs display a gene signature that is reminiscent of antigen-presenting cells. Conclusions: This study highlights metabolic zonation as a key determinant of HEP transcriptomic heterogeneity and, for the first time, outlines the existence of heterogeneous HSC subpopulations in the human liver. These findings call for further research on the functional implications of liver cell heterogeneity in health and disease. Lay summary: This study resolves the cellular landscape of the human liver in an unbiased manner and at high resolution to provide new insights into human liver cell biology. The results highlight the physiological heterogeneity of human hepatic stellate cells. Keywords: BSA, bovine serum albumin; CC, cholangiocyte; CV, central vein; DEG, differentially expressed gene; EC, endothelial cell; ECM, extracellular matrix; Extracellular matrix; FFPE, formaldehyde-fixed paraffin embedded; GAG, glycosaminoglycan; GEO, Gene Expression Omnibus; GO, gene ontology; HEP, hepatocyte; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; HSC, hepatic stellate cell; Hepatocyte; ISH, in situ hybridisation; KLR, killer lectin-like receptor; LP, lymphoid cell; Liver cell atlas; MP, macrophage; MZ, midzonal; PC, pericentral; PP, periportal; PV, portal vein; TBS, Tris buffered saline; TSA, tyramide signal amplification; UMAP, uniform manifold approximation and projection; UMI, unique molecular identifier; VIM, vimentin; Zonation; scRNA-seq, single-cell RNA-sequencing

    (+)-Catechin in a 1:2 Complex with Lysine Inhibits Cancer Cell Migration and Metastatic Take in Mice.

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    Metastasis is of dismal prognosis for cancer patients, but recent evidence in mouse models of cancer shows that metastasis prevention is a reachable clinical objective. These experiments indicate that altered mitochondrial activities are associated with the metastatic phenotype. Mitochondrial transfer from metastatic to non-metastatic cells can indeed transfer the metastatic phenotype, and metastatic progenitor cells differ from other cancer cells by a higher sublethal production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover, mitochondria-targeted antioxidants can prevent metastatic dissemination in mouse models of cancer. Comparatively, general antioxidants have unpredictable effects on cancer metastasis, most probably because they affect several cell types, several subcellular ROS production sites and, often, several endogenous oxidant species. Thus, targeting antioxidants to mitochondria could improve their antimetastatic activities, as previously exemplified with mitochondria-targeted mitoTEMPO and mitoQ that can prevent metastatic dissemination in cancer-bearing mice. Our objective in this study was to identify whether catechins, which are known to be potent antioxidants, can inhibit cancer cell migration in vitro and metastatic take in vivo. Comparative analysis of the response to epigallocatechin-3-gallate, (+)-catechin and (+)-catechin:lysine complexes revealed that, whereas all compounds had similar general antioxidant properties, (+)-catechin:lysine 1:2, but not epigallocatechin-3-gallate, can prevent metastatic take of melanoma cells to the lungs of mice. (+)-Catechin:lysine 1:2 possesses two net positive charges provided by lysines at physiological pH, which could provide high affinity for the negatively charged mitochondrial matrix. While this study reveals that (+)-catechin:lysine 1:2 has interesting antimetastatic effects, future experiments are needed to formally demonstrate the stability of the complex, its effective tropism for mitochondria and whether or not its activity can be globally attributed to its antioxidant activity at this precise subcellular location

    MitoQ Prevents Human Breast Cancer Recurrence and Lung Metastasis in Mice.

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    In oncology, the occurrence of distant metastases often marks the transition from curative to palliative care. Such outcome is highly predictable for breast cancer patients, even if tumors are detected early, and there is no specific treatment to prevent metastasis. Previous observations indicated that cancer cell mitochondria are bioenergetic sensors of the tumor microenvironment that produce superoxide to promote evasion. Here, we tested whether mitochondria-targeted antioxidant MitoQ is capable to prevent metastasis in the MDA-MB-231 model of triple-negative human breast cancer in mice and in the MMTV-PyMT model of spontaneously metastatic mouse breast cancer. At clinically relevant doses, we report that MitoQ not only prevented metastatic take and dissemination, but also local recurrence after surgery. We further provide in vitro evidence that MitoQ does not interfere with conventional chemotherapies used to treat breast cancer patients. Since MitoQ already successfully passed Phase I safety clinical trials, our preclinical data collectively provide a strong incentive to test this drug for the prevention of cancer dissemination and relapse in clinical trials with breast cancer patients

    Single cell RNA sequencing of the native human liver and its spatial resolution reveal new subpopulations of non-parenchymal cells.

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    Background: The liver’s multitude of vital functions are tightly linked to its complex assembly of highly specialized parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells in collaborative sinusoidal units. In the present study we aimed at providing the first high-resolution transcriptomic map of the infant and adult human liver by single-cell RNA sequencing, as a reference to understanding liver physiology and disease. Method: ~80,000 liver cells obtained after collagenase digestion of two human livers were loaded in a 10X Genomics instrument and sequenced using the Illumina technology to an average of 65,000 reads/cells. Results: A total of ~28,000 single-cell transcriptomes were generated, of which ~78%, 3% and 18% corresponds to hepatocytes, cholangiocytes and non-parenchymal cells, respectively. Taking specific gene expression patterns related to zonated liver functions (i.e. glutamine metabolism, urea cycle, bile acid synthesis, xenobiotic metabolism and albumine production) as a reference, the single-cell transcriptomes obtained for hepatocytes have efficiently been organized along the porto-central axis, revealing the pericentral-, periportal- and midzonal-specific hepatocyte transcriptomes. Within the clusters of cholangiocytes and non-parenchymal cells, our results identify multiple subpopulations, including two distinct populations of hepatic stellate cells, of which the transcriptomic disparities hint to intriguing functional subspecializations, and in situ hybridization suggests their spatial zonation in the liver lobule. Conclusion: Our study provides a transcriptomic atlas of the human native liver at an unparalleled resolution and contributes to a better understanding of the heterogeneity of the cellular compartments that underlies the physiology of the human liver

    Effects of tumor metabolic microenvironment on regulatory T cells

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    Abstract Recent studies have shown that on one hand, tumors need to obtain a sufficient energy supply, and on the other hand they must evade the body’s immune surveillance. Because of their metabolic reprogramming characteristics, tumors can modify the physicochemical properties of the microenvironment, which in turn affects the biological characteristics of the cells infiltrating them. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a subset of T cells that regulate immune responses in the body. They exist in large quantities in the tumor microenvironment and exert immunosuppressive effects. The main effect of tumor microenvironment on Tregs is to promote their differentiation, proliferation, secretion of immunosuppressive factors, and chemotactic recruitment to play a role in immunosuppression in tumor tissues. This review focuses on cell metabolism reprogramming and the most significant features of the tumor microenvironment relative to the functional effects on Tregs, highlighting our understanding of the mechanisms of tumor immune evasion and providing new directions for tumor immunotherapy