37 research outputs found


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    O Tronco encefálico é uma estrutura singular do sistema nervoso central, pois nele passam tratos sensoriais ascendentes da medula espinal; tratos sensoriais da cabeça e do pescoço, os tratos descendentes motores originados no prosencéfalo, e as vias ligadas a centro de movimento dos olhos. Contém ainda os núcleos dos nervos cranianos e também está envolvido na regulação do nível de consciência através de projeções ao prosencéfalo oriundas na formação reticular, no cerne do tronco encefálico. Tudo isto em um espaço muito exíguo, o que faz deste um local muito sensível as alterações patológicas que possam ocorrer, sendo que os pacientes apresentam muitos sinais neurológicos mesmo com lesões muito pequenas no tronco encefálico. Compreender a anatomia interna do tronco encefálico é essencial para o diagnóstico neurológico e a prática da medicina clínica. Outros profissionais da saúde também se beneficiam desse conhecimento para melhor manejo dos seus pacientes neurológicos. Nessa revisão, apresentamos com detalhes a anatomia macroscópica e microscópica do bulbo, bem como seus correlatos clínicos frente às lesões mais comuns dessa estrutura, conhecidas como síndromes bulbares

    Prevention of Osteometabolic Diseases Begins in Childhood: The Relevance of Healthy Ageing

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    The present study aimed to work on providing information to students from elementary schools (from 1st to 9th grades) in the region of Ribeirão Preto - SP on how to lead a healthy life. Given this, it demonstrated the effectiveness of taking measures that positively influenced overall health and how they actively operate in their aging process. After the final tabulation and analysis of the obtained data, four thousand copies of an eight-page booklet were made with didactic activitiesto reinforce learning about osteometabolic diseases and their prevention among students and were distributed in schools that agreed to participate in the research. The study has aimed at the benefits of guidance on a healthy lifestyle, which can be composed of diversified healthy food intake, regular physical exercise, and daily doses of exposure to sunlight to obtain vitamin D throughout the week. We showed the students that putting the given guidelines into practice is important, as soonas possible, a routine that is related to the overall well-being of their organism, since they are in an important stage of learning and skeletal development.Fil: Alves Pinto da Silva, Laisa. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Meciano Pereira dos Santos, Lucas. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Feldman, Sara. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Osteoarticular, Ingeniería Tisular y Terapias Emergentes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Sassoli Fazan, Valéria Paula. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Mardegan Issa, João Paulo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    The Perception of Undergraduate Degree Students in Dentistry About the Importance of Learning and Continuing Education in Head and Neck Morphology

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    Introduction: this study aimed to evaluate undergraduates from the 2nd to the 5th year of the School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto of University of São Paulo (FORP-USP) in relation to their perception of the impact of teaching on head and neck morphology in their professional career through a satisfaction questionnaire, based on the Posnick and Wallace (2008) model with modifications for such specificity. Methods: an evaluation form was elaborated with 100 multiple-choice questions referring to specific knowledge of head and neck morphology, subdivided into the areas of temporomandibular joint and skeletal, nervous, circulatory and muscular systems. Additionally, 10 questions of a satisfaction questionnaire were applied at: 1) the beginning of the research; 2) after 60 specific knowledge questions; and 3) at the end of the research (after 100 specific knowledge questions), with the objective of measuring students’ satisfaction and understanding of the content based on the answers to the questions, and to relate the progress of the participating students in different stages of undergraduate education. Results: although the sample group was very small, it was observed that the students’ self-assessment is a strategy that drives and stimulates their perception of the importance of studying head and neck morphology for professional practice in dentistry, as well as the relevance of maintaining this knowledge updated after completing the course. Conclusion: further works will be proposed in this line of research to increase the sample size, obtain broader results, and strengthen the statistical analysis in order to better understand the experimental model.Fil: Daneze, Isabela. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Pereira dos Santos, Lucas Meciano. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Prado Amaral, Claudio do. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Sassoli Fazan, Valéria Paula. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Feldman, Sara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Osteoarticular, Ingeniería Tisular y Terapias Emergentes; ArgentinaFil: Mardegan Issa, João Paulo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Importance of Raising Awareness in People in Charge of Old Age Homes About Metabolic Bone Diseases and Their Prevention for the Elderly

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    Introduction: vitamin deficiency, lack of sun exposure, and a sedentary lifestyle are factors that make the elderly susceptibleto comorbidities, such as metabolic bone diseases. Thus, people in charge of nursing homes must be aware of such habits infavor of a better quality of life for the elderly. The present study aimed to analyze the habits adopted by nursing homes inRibeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, as well as to bring knowledge to professionals about the importance of maintaining suchhabits for a healthy life.Methods and Results: when administering questionnaires to those in charge about the institutional habits, together with the explanation of an informative folder, it was noticeable that concerning food and exposure to sunlight, most homes were doing very well, with some divergences just in terms of physical exercise. However, in the promotion of knowledge about the prevention of metabolic bone diseases, both for those in charge and for the residents, the result was not satisfactory.Conclusion: in this way, it was possible to study the knowledge of the team involved on this subject and especially to make them aware of the importance of maintaining such habits for a good quality of life for the elderly.Fil: Brito Bordini, Sofia. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Maki Sato, Cindy. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Meciano Pereira dos Santos, Lucas. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Sassoli Fazan, Valéria Paula. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Feldman, Sara. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Osteoarticular, Ingeniería Tisular y Terapias Emergentes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Mardegan Issa, Joao Paulo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Sural nerve involvement in experimental hypertension: morphology and morphometry in male and female normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The sural nerve has been widely investigated in experimental models of neuropathies but information about its involvement in hypertension was not yet explored. The aim of the present study was to compare the morphological and morphometric aspects of different segments of the sural nerve in male and female spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Rats aged 20 weeks (N = 6 in each group) were investigated. After arterial pressure and heart rate recordings in anesthetized animals, right and left sural nerves were removed and prepared for epoxy resin embedding and light microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed with the aid of computer software, and took into consideration the fascicle area and diameter, as well as myelinated fiber number, density, area and diameter.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant differences were observed for the myelinated fiber number and density, comparing different genders of WKY and SHR. Also, significant differences for the morphological (thickening of the endoneural blood vessel walls and lumen reduction) and morphometric (myelinated fibers diameter and G ratio) parameters of myelinated fibers were identified. Morphological exam of the myelinated fibers suggested the presence of a neuropathy due to hypertension in both SHR genders.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that hypertension altered important morphometric parameters related to nerve conduction of sural nerve in hypertensive animals. Moreover the comparison between males and females of WKY and SHR allows the conclusion that the morphological and morphometric parameters of sural nerve are not gender related. The morphometric approach confirmed the presence of neuropathy, mainly associated to the small myelinated fibers. In conclusion, the present study collected evidences that the high blood pressure in SHR is affecting the sural nerve myelinated fibers.</p

    Efeitos da aplicação do laser de baixa potência na regeneração do nervo isquiático de ratos

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    Os nervos periféricos sofrem constantes lesões de origem traumática, o que resulta em perdas funcionais. A terapia com laser de baixa potência vem sendo utilizada para minimizar os efeitos maléficos da inflamação e acelerar o processo de cicatrização dos tecidos lesados. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da irradiação do laser 830 nm no comportamento do nervo isquiático de ratos submetido a esmagamento. Foram utilizados 20 ratos, todos tendo tido o nervo isquiático esmagado, divididos em 4 grupos (n=5): P7 e P14, tratamento placebo por 7 e 14 dias; L7 e L14, tratamento por laser (dosagem de 4 J/cm²) por 7 e 14 dias. Os animais dos grupos P7 e P14 foram submetidos aos mesmos procedimentos, mas com o laser desligado. Os parâmetros analisados foram presença de infiltrado inflamatório e fibroblastos, destruição da bainha de mielina e degeneração axonal. Na análise estatística foi observada diferença estatística com relação a três parâmetros: os animais do grupo L14 apresentaram maior quantidade de fibroblastos (p=0,0001), menor degeneração da bainha de mielina (p=0,007) e menor quantidade de infiltrado inflamatório (p=0,001). A aplicação do laser de baixa potência contribuiu para a redução do processo inflamatório decorrente da lesão do nervo isquiático de ratos.Peripheral nerves are commonly subject to traumatic injuries, leading to functional loss. Low-power laser therapy has been used in order to minimize harmful effects of inflammation and to accelerate healing of injured tissues. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of 830 nm-laser irradiation on rat sciatic nerves submitted to crush. Twenty male Wistar rats had their sciatic nerve crushed and were divided into 4 groups (n=5): Sham7 and Sham14, placebo-treated for 7 and 14 days; L7 and L14, laser-treated (at 4 J/cm²) for 7 and 14 days. Sham group animals were submitted to the same procedures, but with the laser turned off. Assessed parameters were inflammatory infiltrates, fibroblasts, myelin sheath destruction, and axonal degeneration. The statistical analysis showed significant differences in three parameters: L14 animals showed more fibroblasts (p=0.0001), lesser myelin sheath degeneration (p=0.007), and lesser inflammatory infiltrates (p=0.001). Low-power laser therapy hence contributed to reduce the inflammatory process due to rat sciatic nerve injury

    Arterial diameter of the celiac trunk and its branches: anatomical study Diâmetro arterial do tronco celíaco e seus ramos: estudo anatômico

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    PURPOSE: Despite the fact that anatomical variations of the celiac trunk are well explored in the literature, information on these vessels diameters is scanty. The aims of the present study were to describe the arterial diameters of the celiac trunk and its main branches, and to investigate if these diameters are altered in those cases presenting anatomical variations of these vessels. METHODS: Twenty-one formalin fixed adult male cadavers were appropriately dissected for the celiac trunk identification and arterial diameter measurements. Arteries measured included the celiac trunk and its main branches (splenic artery, left gastric artery and common hepatic artery), as the proper hepatic artery, right gastric artery, the left and right hepatic arteries and the gastroduodenal artery. RESULTS: From the 21 cadavers, 6 presented anatomical variations of, at least, one of the above mentioned branches. The average arterial diameter comparisons between groups (normal and variable) clearly showed smaller diameters for variable vessels, but with no significant difference. CONCLUSION: Our data indicates the possibility of a diameter reduction of the celiac trunk main branches in the presence of anatomical variations. This should be taken into account on the selection for the liver transplantation donors.<br>OBJETIVO: Embora as variações arteriais do tronco celíaco e seus ramos estejam bem documentadas na literatura, o mesmo não ocorre com as descrições dos diâmetros dessas artérias. O presente estudo tem por objetivo descrever os diâmetros arteriais do tronco celíaco e seus ramos em indivíduos normais, bem como investigar se esses diâmetros se apresentam alterados em indivíduos com variação anatômica desses vasos. MÉTODOS: Utilizamos 21 cadáveres adultos, do sexo masculino, previamente fixados em formol a 10% que foram dissecados apropriadamente para a exposição do tronco celíaco e seus ramos. Com o auxílio de um paquímetro digital, foram obtidos os diâmetros externos dos seguintes vasos: tronco celíaco, artéria hepática comum, artéria gástrica direita, artéria esplênica, artéria gástrica esquerda, artéria gastroduodenal, artéria hepática própria e artérias hepáticas direita e esquerda. RESULTADOS: Dos 21 cadáveres avaliados, 6 apresentaram variação anatômica de pelo menos um dos ramos acima mencionados. Ao compararmos os diâmetros arteriais dos vasos normais com os que apresentaram variação, os variáveis apresentaram diâmetros menores, sem, entretanto alcançar níveis de significância. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados apontam para a possibilidade de uma diferença de diâmetros entre artérias abdominais normais e variáveis, sendo esse dado de implicância clínica para os transplantes hepáticos de doadores vivos