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    Liječenje reumatoidnog artritisa tijekom trudnoće

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    Quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis before and after biological therapy

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    Uvod: Reumatoidni artritis (RA) i ankilozantni spondilitis (AS) najčešće su upalne, kronične, progresivne reumatske bolesti. Prvenstveno pogađaju mišićno-koštani sustav te uzrokuju oštećenja koja dovode do značajnog smanjena kvalitete života. Biološki lijekovi koji modificiraju tijek bolesti smanjuju upalne i imunološke reakcije, dovode do smanjenja simptoma te poboljšanja kvalitete života u bolesnika s RA-om i AS-om. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je procjena kvalitete života u bolesnika s RA-om i AS-om prije i nakon liječenja biološkom terapijom. Metode: Retrospektivno opservacijsko istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo vremensko razdoblje od 2016. godine do 2020. godine te uključilo 100 bolesnika s potvrđenom dijagnozom RA-a i AS-a. Rezultati mjernih instrumenata, prediktora kvalitete života, VAS bol, VAS-GH, HAQ-DI, FACIT-F prikupljeni su iz postojeće medicinske dokumentacije Bolničkog informatičkog sustava Klinike za reumatske bolesti i rehabilitaciju, KBC-a Zagreb, neposredno prije primjene biološke terapije te devet mjeseci nakon primjene iste. Rezultati: Zabilježene su statistički značajne promjene između dva mjerenja s obzirom na promatrani period u bolesnika s RA-om i AS-om. Zaključak: Primjena biološke terapiju u bolesnika oboljelih od RA-a i AS-a koji ne reagiraju adekvatno na konvencionalnu terapiju, pokazala se važnom farmakološkom strategijom u poboljšanju kvalitete života.Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) are the most common inflammatory, chronic, progressive rheumatic diseases. They primarily affect the musculoskeletal system and cause damages that leads to a significantly reduced quality of life. Biological disease modifying antirheumatic drugs reduce inflammatory and immune reactions, lead to a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in the quality of life in patients with RA and AS. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life in patients with RA and AS before and after treatment with biologic therapy. Methods: A retrospective observational study that covered the time period from 2016. to 2020. and included 100 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of RA and AS. The results of measuring instruments, predictors of quality of life, VAS pain, VAS-GH, HAQ-DI, FACIT-F were collected from the existing medical documentation of the Hospital Information System of the Clinic for Rheumatic Diseases and Rehabilitation, KBC Zagreb, immediately before the application of biological therapy and nine months after application of the same. Results: Statistically significant changes were observed between the two measurements within the observed period in patients with RA and AS. Conclusion: The application of biological therapy in patients with RA and AS who do not respond adequately to conventional therapy, has proven to be an important pharmacological strategy in improving quality of life