841 research outputs found

    The 10Be contents of SNC meteorites

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    Several authors have explored the possibility that the Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassigny (SNC) came from Mars. The spallogenic gas contents of the SNC meteorites have been used to: constrain the sizes of the SNC's during the last few million years; to establish groupings independent of the geochemical ones; and to estimate the likelihood of certain entries in the catalog of all conceivable passages from Mars to Earth. The particular shielding dependence of Be-10 makes the isotope a good probe of the irradiation conditions experienced by the SNC meteorites. The Be-10 contents of nine members of the group were measured using the technique of accelerator mass spectrometry. The Be-10 contents of Nakhla, Governador Valadares, Chassigny, and probably Lafayette, about 20 dpm/kg, exceed the values expected from irradiation of the surface of a large body. The Be-10 data therfore do not support scenario III of Bogard et al., one in which most of the Be-10 in the SNC meteorites would have formed on the Martian surface; they resemble rather the Be-10 contents found in many ordinary chondrites subjected to 4 Pi exposures. The uncertainties of the Be-10 contents lead to appreciable errors in the Be-10 ages, t(1) = -1/lambda ln(1 Be-10/Be-10). Nonetheless, the Be-10 ages are consistent with the Ne-21 ages calculated assuming conventional, small-body production rates and short terrestrial ages for the finds. It is believed that this concordance strengthens the case for at least 3 different irradiation ages for the SNC meteorites. Given the similar half-thicknesses of the Be-10 and Ne-21 production rates, the ratios of the Be-10 and Ne-21 contents do not appear consistent with common ages for any of the groups. In view of the general agreement between the Be-10 and Ne-21 ages it does not seem useful at this time to construct multiple-stage irradiation histories for the SNC meteorites

    Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important 17O(p,gamma)18F reaction in a wide energy range

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    The 17O(p,g)18F reaction plays an important role in hydrogen burning processes in different stages of stellar evolution. The rate of this reaction must therefore be known with high accuracy in order to provide the necessary input for astrophysical models. The cross section of 17O(p,g)18F is characterized by a complicated resonance structure at low energies. Experimental data, however, is scarce in a wide energy range which increases the uncertainty of the low energy extrapolations. The purpose of the present work is therefore to provide consistent and precise cross section values in a wide energy range. The cross section is measured using the activation method which provides directly the total cross section. With this technique some typical systematic uncertainties encountered in in-beam gamma-spectroscopy experiments can be avoided. The cross section was measured between 500 keV and 1.8 MeV proton energies with a total uncertainty of typically 10%. The results are compared with earlier measurements and it is found that the gross features of the 17O(p,g)18F excitation function is relatively well reproduced by the present data. Deviation of roughly a factor of 1.5 is found in the case of the total cross section when compared with the only one high energy dataset. At the lowest measured energy our result is in agreement with two recent datasets within one standard deviation and deviates by roughly two standard deviations from a third one. An R-matrix analysis of the present and previous data strengthen the reliability of the extrapolated zero energy astrophysical S-factor. Using an independent experimental technique, the literature cross section data of 17O(p,g)18F is confirmed in the energy region of the resonances while lower direct capture cross section is recommended at higher energies. The present dataset provides a constraint for the theoretical cross sections.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. Abstract shortened in order to comply with arxiv rule

    Light-induced instabilities in photo-oriented liquid crystal cells

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    In a planar liquid crystal sample sandwiched between a photosensitive and a reference plate instabilities occurred, when the cell was illuminated from the reference side. The instabilities were induced both by polarized white light source and monochromatic laser beams. Static and dynamic regimes were found; for laser irradiation dynamic instability was found only in a range of polarization directions. A model, developed for monochromatic excitation, predicts that at certain thicknesses dynamic instability is forbidden. Experiments on a wedge-like cell confirmed this conclusion.Comment: to appear in Mol. Cryst. Liq. Crys

    The outcomes of pregnancy in women with untreated epilepsy

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    Purpose: To determine the outcomes in regards to seizure control and foetal malformation in pregnant women with epilepsy not treated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Method: Analysis of data from the Australian Register of AEDs in Pregnancy on 148 women with epilepsy who were not receiving AEDs before and during at least the first trimester of pregnancy. Results: Seizure control was less likely to be maintained in AED-untreated pregnancies. Whether AED therapy had been ceased in preparation for pregnancy, or had not been employed for long periods before pregnancy, made no statistically significant difference to seizure control outcomes, but those who ceased therapy in preparation for pregnancy were more likely to again be taking AED therapy by term. Foetal malformation rates were reasonably similar in untreated pregnancies, and in treated pregnancies if pregnancies exposed to known AED teratogens (valproate and probably topiramate) were excluded from consideration. Conclusion: Leaving epilepsy untreated during pregnancy appears disadvantageous from the standpoint of seizure control: it also does not reduce the hazard of foetal malformation unless it avoids valproate or topiramate intake during pregnancy

    Beable trajectories for revealing quantum control mechanisms

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    The dynamics induced while controlling quantum systems by optimally shaped laser pulses have often been difficult to understand in detail. A method is presented for quantifying the importance of specific sequences of quantum transitions involved in the control process. The method is based on a ``beable'' formulation of quantum mechanics due to John Bell that rigorously maps the quantum evolution onto an ensemble of stochastic trajectories over a classical state space. Detailed mechanism identification is illustrated with a model 7-level system. A general procedure is presented to extract mechanism information directly from closed-loop control experiments. Application to simulated experimental data for the model system proves robust with up to 25% noise.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 13 figure

    Teratogenic risk and contraceptive counselling in psychiatric practice: analysis of anticonvulsant therapy

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    <p>Background: Anticonvulsants have been used to manage psychiatric conditions for over 50 years. It is recognised that some, particularly valproate, carbamazepine and lamotrigine, are human teratogens, while others including topiramate require further investigation. We aimed to appraise the documentation of this risk by psychiatrists and review discussion around contraceptive issues.</p> <p>Methods: A retrospective review of prescribing patterns of four anticonvulsants (valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine and topiramate) in women of child bearing age was undertaken. Documented evidence of discussion surrounding teratogenicity and contraceptive issues was sought.</p> <p>Results: Valproate was most commonly prescribed (n=67). Evidence of teratogenic risk counselling at medication initiation was sub-optimal – 40% of individuals prescribed carbamazepine and 22% of valproate. Documentation surrounding contraceptive issues was also low- 17% of individuals prescribed carbamazepine and 13% of valproate.</p> <p>Conclusion: We found both low rates of teratogenic risk counselling and low rates of contraception advice in our cohort. Given the high rates of unplanned pregnancies combined with the relatively high risk of major congenital malformations, it is essential that a detailed appraisal of the risks and benefits associated with anticonvulsant medication occurs and is documented within patients’ psychiatric notes.</p&gt

    Electronic Structure of Lanthanum Hydrides with Switchable Optical Properties

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    Recent dramatic changes in the optical properties of LaH_{2+x} and YH_{2+x} films discovered by Huiberts et al. suggest their electronic structure is described best by a local model. Electron correlation is important in H^- -centers and in explaining the transparent insulating behavior of LaH_3. The metal-insulator transition at x0.8x\sim 0.8 takes place in a band of highly localized states centered on the HH-vacancies in the LaH_3 structure.Comment: plain tex, 3 figure