13 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of the multi-channel spiral cyclone / Daugiakanalio spiralinio ciklono oro greičių tyrimas

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    The article deals with a problem of experimental investigation and numerical simulation of gas aerodynamics of a multi-channel spiral cyclone with a tangential inlet. The paper presents an overview of experimental and theoretical works on the cyclones having a particularly complex turbulent flow and focuses on three-dimensional transport differential equations for a non-compressible laminar and turbulent flow inside the cyclone. The equations have been solved applying the numerical finite volume method using the RNG (Re–Normalisation Group) k-ε turbulence model. The numerical simulation of the flow cyclone has been carried out. The height of the cyclone is 0.80 m with 0.33 m in diameter, the height of the spiral–cylindrical part – 0.098 meters and that of the cone – 0.45 m. Inlet dimensions (cylindrical part on the side), in accordance with drawings makes a×b = 28×95 mm. The mathematical model for the air traffic movement cyclone has accounted for Navier-Stokes (Reynolds) three-dimensional differential equations. The simulation results have been obtained with reference to the cyclone of tangential velocity profiles using RNG k-ε turbulence model. The inlet velocity of 5.1 m/s slightly differs from experimental results, thus making an error of 7%. Santrauka Nagrinėjama dujų aerodinamikos daugiakanaliame spiraliniame ciklone eksperimentinio tyrimo ir skaitinio modeliavimo problema. Apžvelgti eksperimentiniai ir teoriniai ciklonų, kuriuose susidaro ypač sudėtingas sūkurinis srautas, tyrimai. Pateiktos nespūdžiojo laminarinio ir turbulentinio srauto tekėjimo ciklono viduje diferencialinės trimatės pernašos lygtys. Jos skaitiškai spręstos baigtinių tūrių metodu taikant RNG (Re – Normalisation Group) k–ε turbulencijos modelį. Atliktas skaitinis oro srauto judėjimo ciklone modeliavimas. Ciklono aukštis 0,80 m, skersmuo 0,33 m, spiralinės-cilindrinės dalies aukštis 0,098 m, kūginės – 0,45 m, įtekėjimo angos matmenys (cilindrinės dalies šone) pagal brėžinius yra a×b = 28×95 mm. Oro srauto judėjimo ciklone matematinį modelį sudaro Navjė ir Stokso (Reinoldso) trimačių diferencialinių lygčių sistema. Modeliavimo rezultatai, t. y. taikant RNG k–ε turbulencijos modelį (įtekėjimo greitis 5,1 m/s) gauti tangentinio greičio ciklone kitimo duomenys, nežymiai (su 7 % paklaida) skyrėsi nuo eksperimentinių rezultatų. Reikšminiai žodžiai: spiralinis ciklonas, kietosios dalelės, skaitinis modeliavimas, turbulentiškumas, vienfazis srautas

    Generation of ferromagnetic micro and nanoparticles by laser and mechanical milling methods

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    The generation of micro– and nanoparticles using laser cutting of steel strips of the thickness of 0.2–0.6 mm and the separation of particles according to their size were studied. Under optimal cutting con ditions (laser power, gas pressure before the nozzle), the cutting quality is good when a small amount of fully oxidized erosion products at the cut edge of a slit is obtained. The study showed that the cascade filter system can be used to separate the particles up to nanometer dimensions. The simulation of the gas flow can be used to create optimal conditions for collecting generated particles of the required dimensions. The modelling data confirmed that small particles from the liquid metal state in the cut slit are generated most effectively using nozzles forming ring flows. The larger particles modification with aluminium and zinc by milling was per formedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij