1,155 research outputs found

    Loop-Less Electric Dipole Moment of the Nucleon in the Standard Model

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    We point out that the electric dipole moment of the neutron in the Standard Model is generated already at tree level to the second order in the weak interactions due to bound-state effects, without short-distance Penguin loops. The related contribution has a regular nonvanishing chiral limit and does not depend on the mass splitting between s and d quarks. We estimate it to be roughly 10^(-31)e*cm and expect a more accurate evaluation in the future. We comment on the connection between d_n and the direct CP-violation in D decays.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Evidence for topological nonequilibrium in magnetic configurations

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    We use direct numerical simulations to study the evolution, or relaxation, of magnetic configurations to an equilibrium state. We use the full single-fluid equations of motion for a magnetized, non-resistive, but viscous fluid; and a Lagrangian approach is used to obtain exact solutions for the magnetic field. As a result, the topology of the magnetic field remains unchanged, which makes it possible to study the case of topological nonequilibrium. We find two cases for which such nonequilibrium appears, indicating that these configurations may develop singular current sheets.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Index theorem for topological excitations on R^3 * S^1 and Chern-Simons theory

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    We derive an index theorem for the Dirac operator in the background of various topological excitations on an R^3 \times S^1 geometry. The index theorem provides more refined data than the APS index for an instanton on R^4 and reproduces it in decompactification limit. In the R^3 limit, it reduces to the Callias index theorem. The index is expressed in terms of topological charge and the eta-invariant associated with the boundary Dirac operator. Neither topological charge nor eta-invariant is typically an integer, however, the non-integer parts cancel to give an integer-valued index. Our derivation is based on axial current non-conservation--an exact operator identity valid on any four-manifold--and on the existence of a center symmetric, or approximately center symmetric, boundary holonomy (Wilson line). We expect the index theorem to usefully apply to many physical systems of interest, such as low temperature (large S^1, confined) phases of gauge theories, center stabilized Yang-Mills theories with vector-like or chiral matter (at S^1 of any size), and supersymmetric gauge theories with supersymmetry-preserving boundary conditions (also at any S^1). In QCD-like and chiral gauge theories, the index theorem should shed light into the nature of topological excitations responsible for chiral symmetry breaking and the generation of mass gap in the gauge sector. We also show that imposing chirally-twisted boundary condition in gauge theories with fermions induces a Chern-Simons term in the infrared. This suggests that some QCD-like gauge theories should possess components with a topological Chern-Simons phase in the small S^1 regime.Comment: 29 pages, refs added, published versio

    Compressible hydromagnetic nonlinearities in the predecoupling plasma

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    The adiabatic inhomogeneities of the scalar curvature lead to a compressible flow affecting the dynamics of the hydromagnetic nonlinearities. The influence of the plasma on the evolution of a putative magnetic field is explored with the aim of obtaining an effective description valid for sufficiently large scales. The bulk velocity of the plasma, computed in the framework of the LambdaCDM scenario, feeds back into the evolution of the magnetic power spectra leading to a (nonlocal) master equation valid in Fourier space and similar to the ones discussed in the context of wave turbulence. Conversely, in physical space, the magnetic power spectra obey a Schroedinger-like equation whose effective potential depends on the large-scale curvature perturbations. Explicit solutions are presented both in physical space and in Fourier space. It is argued that curvature inhomogeneities, compatible with the WMAP 7yr data, shift to lower wavenumbers the magnetic diffusivity scale.Comment: 29 page

    Scalar Quarkonia at Finite Temperature

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    Masses and decay constants of the scalar quarkonia, χQ0(Q=b,c)\chi_{Q0} (Q=b,c) with quantum numbers IG(JPC)=0+(0++)I^G(J^{PC})=0^{+}(0^{++}) are calculated in the framework of the QCD sum rules approach both in vacuum and finite temperature. The masses and decay constants remain unchanged up to T≃100 MeVT\simeq100~MeV but they start to diminish with increasing the temperature after this point. At near the critic or deconfinement temperature, the decay constants reach approximately to 25% of their values in vacuum, while the masses are decreased about 6% and 23% for bottom and charm cases, respectively. The results at zero temperature are in a good consistency with the existing experimental values and predictions of the other nonperturbative approaches. Our predictions on the decay constants in vacuum as well as the behavior of the masses and decay constants with respect to the temperature can be checked in the future experiments.Comment: 12 Pages, 9 Figures and 2 Table

    AFM of metallic nano-particles and nano-structures in heavily irradiated NaCl

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    AFM investigations are reported for heavily, electron irradiated NaCl crystals in ultra high vacuum (UHV) in the non-contact mode with an UHV AFM/STM Omicron system. To avoid chemical reactions between the radiolytic Na and oxygen and water, the irradiated samples were cleaved and prepared for the experiments in UHV. At the surface of freshly cleaved samples, we have observed sodium nano-precipitates with shapes, which depend on the irradiation dose and the volume fraction of the radiolytic Na. It appears that the nano-structures consist of (i) isolated nano-particles, (ii) more or less random aggregates of these particles, (iii) fractally shaped networks and (iv) ‘‘fabrics’’ consisting of bundles of Quasi-1D arrays forming polymeric networks of nano-particles. Almost independent of the concentration of the metallic Na in the samples the size of the individual nano-particles is in the range 1–3 nm. Our new AFM results are fully in line with our CESR and previous Raman scattering results.

    On the effective action of the vacuum photon splitting in Lorentz-violating QED

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    We consider one-loop radiative corrections from Lorentz- and CPT- violating extended QED to address the specific problem of finding explicitly an effective action describing amplitude of photon triple splitting. We show that it is not possible to find a nonzero photon triple splitting effective action, at least by using the derivative expansion method (at zero external momenta), up to leading order in the Lorentz- and CPT- violating parameter.Comment: 4 pages, version to appear in EP

    Rapid dissipation of magnetic fields due to Hall current

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    We propose a mechanism for the fast dissipation of magnetic fields which is effective in a stratified medium where ion motions can be neglected. In such a medium, the field is frozen into the electrons and Hall currents prevail. Although Hall currents conserve magnetic energy, in the presence of density gradients, they are able to create current sheets which can be the sites for efficient dissipation of magnetic fields. We recover the frequency, ωMH\omega_{MH}, for Hall oscillations modified by the presence of density gradients. We show that these oscillations can lead to the exchange of energy between different components of the field. We calculate the time evolution and show that magnetic fields can dissipate on a timescale of order 1/ωMH1/\omega_{MH}. This mechanism can play an important role for magnetic dissipation in systems with very steep density gradients where the ions are static such as those found in the solid crust of neutron stars.Comment: 9 pages, changed fig.

    N=1 Non-Abelian Tensor Multiplet in Four Dimensions

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    We carry out the N=1 supersymmetrization of a physical non-Abelian tensor with non-trivial consistent couplings in four dimensions. Our system has three multiplets: (i) The usual non-Abelian vector multiplet (VM) (A_\mu{}^I, \lambda^I), (ii) A non-Abelian tensor multiplet (TM) (B_{\mu\nu}{}^I, \chi^I, \varphi^I), and (iii) A compensator vector multiplet (CVM) (C_\mu{}^I, \rho^I). All of these multiplets are in the adjoint representation of a non-Abelian group G. Unlike topological theory, all of our fields are propagating with kinetic terms. The C_\mu{}^I-field plays the role of a Stueckelberg compensator absorbed into the longitudinal component of B_{\mu\nu}{}^I. We give not only the component lagrangian, but also a corresponding superspace reformulation, reconfirming the total consistency of the system. The adjoint representation of the TM and CVM is further generalized to an arbitrary real representation of general SO(N) gauge group. We also couple the globally N=1 supersymmetric system to supergravity, as an additional non-trivial confirmation.Comment: 18 pages, no figur
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