1,353 research outputs found

    Genetic mapping of legume orthologs reveals high conservation of synteny between lentil species and the sequenced genomes of Medicago and chickpea.

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    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is a global food crop with increasing importance for food security in south Asia and other regions. Lens ervoides, a wild relative of cultivated lentil, is an important source of agronomic trait variation. Lens is a member of the galegoid clade of the Papilionoideae family, which includes other important dietary legumes such as chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and pea (Pisum sativum), and the sequenced model legume Medicago truncatula. Understanding the genetic structure of Lens spp. in relation to more fully sequenced legumes would allow leveraging of genomic resources. A set of 1107 TOG-based amplicons were identified in L. ervoides and a subset thereof used to design SNP markers for mapping. A map of L. ervoides consisting of 377 SNP markers spread across seven linkage groups was developed using a GoldenGate genotyping array and single SNP marker assays. Comparison with maps of M. truncatula and L. culinaris documented considerable shared synteny and led to the identification of a few major translocations and a major inversion that distinguish Lens from M. truncatula, as well as a translocation that distinguishes L. culinaris from L. ervoides. The identification of chromosome-level differences among Lens spp. will aid in the understanding of introgression of genes from L. ervoides into cultivated L. culinaris, furthering genetic research and breeding applications in lentil

    Tendencias actuales en los algodones de planchado permanente.

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    La introducción en 1964 de prendas de planchado permanente en Estados Unidos tuvo un impacto que puede compararse por su importancia con el de la introducción del nylon. El empleo de tejidos de algodón 100 % para planchado permanente ha disminuído debido a un problema de abrasión debido principalmente a las duras condiciones del tratamiento químico. Se describen métodos que aumentan la resistencia a la abrasión de los tejidos de algodón 100 %. Estos métodos incluyen la adición de determinados polímeros y suavizantes, mercerizado sin tensión del tejido antes de la reticulación, y el empleo de adecuadas condiciones de polimerización así como de un hilo o tejidos de alta resistencia. Igualmente, se describen otros métodos tales como reticulado optativo, doble polimerización y fijado en húmedo. En todos estos procesos la elección adecuada del agente reticulador es muy importante. Estos resultados demuestran que pueden producirse mejores algodones 100% para planchado permanente mediante cierto número de procesos nuevos.Peer Reviewe

    El acabado de los tejidos elásticos de algodon.

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    Los tejidos elásticos de algodón fabricados mediante mercerizado sin tensión de tejidos de calada y acabados utilizando agentes de reticulado, proporcionan a la prenda y a los mercados industriales una mercancía muy útil cuyos usos aumentan cada día gracias a la investigación aplicada. La construcción de un tejido es más importante que las variaciones de la estructura del hilo. Se han observado algunas diferencias al estabilizar las propiedades elásticas en un estudio limitado de diversos agentes de reticulado. Sin embargo, se considera que las condiciones adecuadas de reticulado son más importantes que el tipo de agente de reticulado. En la aplicación de múltiples acabados no se observaron diferencias significantes en las propiedades como consecuencia del tipo de colorante aplicado, mientras que la elección de un suavizante fue de importancia. Igualmente, algunos tratamientos ignífugos que utilizan THPC han coadyuvado a estabilizar los tejidos mercerizados sin tensión, sin reducir las propiedades elásticas. Se detallan distintos productos comerciales y se describe su método de producción. Se pueden producir encajes labrados con propiedades elásticas mediante un proceso simple. La forma de someter a proceso a los tejidos de algodón elástico pudiera incluir una variación del proceso de planchado permanente; por tanto, se necesitan nuevas mejoras y una mayor investigación para conseguir que los tejidos y prendas respondan al último requerimiento de comodidad y fácil cuidado.Peer Reviewe

    Population studies of Ascochyta rabiei on chickpea in Saskatchewan

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    An epidemic increase in severity and incidence of asochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass) Labrousse (teleomorph: Didymella rabiei (Kovachevski) v. Arx. Syn. Mycosphaerella rabiei Kovachevski), has occurred on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) crops in Saskatchewan over the past 5 growing seasons. In order to explore the nature of the outbreak, studies assessing population differences in pathogenicity and genetic variability were employed. Isolates of A. rabiei collected in 1998, 2001 and 2002 were inoculated onto 7 differential chickpea genotypes for pathogenicity testing. Significant isolate by differential interaction occurred, but accounted for a low proportion of the total variability suggesting no genotype specific relationship exists between A. rabiei and C. arietinum. Furthermore, it was found that when averaged over all differentials, the isolates from 2001 and 2002 caused significantly greater disease than isolates from 1998, suggesting that the disease epidemic is in part due to a shift in the population to overall greater aggressiveness. The largest increase in disease severity was observed on the cultivar ‘Sanford’, which was widely grown in commercial chickpea fields before 1999. To evaluate the genetic diversity of different A. rabiei populations, 30 isolates from 1998 and 30 isolates from 2002 were compared with random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting. Several clusters of isolates collected from either 1998 or 2002 were approximately 60% genetic similar suggesting divergence of these populations of A. rabiei. However, analysis of molecular variance showed that over 90% of the variation occurred within populations. Pairwise differences and gene diversity over loci showed that genetic diversity of the 2 populations had the same amount of genetic variability. Analysis of mating type distributions revealed that the populations from 1998, 2001 and 2002 did not significantly depart from a 1:1 ratio suggesting random mating of each population. Further supporting the hypothesis of a randomly mating population, linkage disequilibrium for both 1998 and 2002 populations was very low

    Fish choose appropriately when and with whom to collaborate

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    SummaryCollaborative abilities are integral to human society [1] and their evolutionary origins are of great interest. Chimpanzees are capable of determining appropriately when and with whom to collaborate in a rope-pull experiment [2] — the only non-human species known to possess both abilities. Chimpanzees are thought to share these abilities with humans as a result of common ancestry [2]. Here, we show that a fish — the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus — has partner-choice abilities comparable to those of chimpanzees in the context of its collaborative hunting relationship with moray eels [3]. Using experiments analogous to those performed on chimpanzees [2], but modified to be ecologically relevant to trout, we showed that trout recruit a moray collaborator more often when the situation requires it and quickly learn to choose the more effective individual collaborator. Thus, these collaborative abilities are not specific to apes and may be more closely linked to ecological need [4] than brain size or relatedness to humans

    International Environmental Law: 2005 Annual Report

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