22 research outputs found

    Nitrogen and organic compounds correlations in groundwater from the aquifer in a semi-island (Curonian Spit, Lithuania) = Azoto ir organinių junginių koreliacija pusiasalio (Kuršių nerija, Lietuva) požeminio vandeningo sluoksnio vandenyje

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    Antropogeninė veikla yra pagrindinis požeminio vandens taršos šaltinis pusiasalių (nerijų) teritorijose, todėl vertinimo metodai, sukurti vidinėms (žemyninėms) teritorijoms, gali būti netinkami pakrančių teritorijoms. Tyrėme nitratais paveiktų požeminio vandens šaltinių sąveikos sistemą pusiasalio (nerijos) aplinkoje naudodami lyginamuosius metodus. Tyrimų vieta – požeminio vandens gręžiniai Neringos mieste, kuriame azoto junginių koncentracijos požeminiame vandenyje padidėjo įrengus vandens ruošimo įrenginius. Vertinome amonio jonų ir amonio azoto / organinių junginių rodiklius, taip pat bendro azoto koncentraciją, siekdami parodyti, kad biologiniai procesai vyko šaltinio bei vandens ruošimo vietoje ir galėjo padidinti azoto koncentracijas. Derinami azoto junginių ir organinės anglies junginių kiekiai keitė vandens kokybės parametrus, taip buvo atskleisti būdai, kaip galima užkirsti kelią azoto junginių koncentracijos didėjimui vykdant kontroliuojamas chemines reakcijas. Darome išvadą, kad biologiniai procesai iš tiesų lemia azoto junginių pasiskirstymą tokio tipo teritorijoje. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6001/ekologija.v60i1.285

    Analysis and assessment of heavy metals concentrations in Nemunas river bottom sediments at Alytus city territory

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    Concentrations and spatial distribution of heavy metals on the left and right banks of the river Nemunas bottom sediments are analyzed in this article. The research methodology of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for bottom sediments and operating principles of XL2 spectrometer used for analysis are overviewed. The results of analysis are presented and compared with LAND 20-2005 requirements as well as studies that were carried out previously. The influence of Alytus city for Nemunas river sediments quality is assessed. Dischargers formed additional samples which were taken and included to the list of ordinary samples. The trend of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr) concentrations showed the growth of pollution downstream the urban area. The estimated Zd (total pollution) values clearly indicated higher contamination by heavy metals on the left bank of Nemunas River. Extensive surveys of river sediments allow assessing the extent of anthropogenic impact, which can be harmful to the river ecosystem and human health. First published online: 28 Jan 201

    Use of sapropel for removal of heavy metals from solution

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    Abundant resources, natural and organic material – sapropel containing a multitude of different chemical elements has a great potential to be used in different areas, but for now these rich resources are not widely used because of different chemical composition of sapropel research is very few. The article deals with silicon sapropel as a sorbent is able to absorb heavy metals from the solution depending on the time and the concentration of heavy metals in the solution. The sorption studies of heavy metal concentrations were measured in dry sapropel sample using Thermo Scientific Niton® XL2 series of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XPS). Also, the heavy metal concentrations in solution were measured by atomic absorption spectrometer AAnalyst 200 (AAS). Get sapropel sorption capacity results are analyzed through absorption capacity curves and Matala ion removal efficiency curves. Also, comparing the results with the initial concentration of heavy metals sapropel and foreign authors used sorbent properties. After thorough research sapropel sorption capacity can be added to the knowledge of sapropel properties utilization

    Taršos arsenu iš natūralių ir antropogeninių šaltinių keturiose šiaurės rytų Europos šalyse apžvalga.

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    Arsenic (As) is one of the most important elements found in the environment. It is a toxic metalloid that is responsible for the contamination of soil/sediments and water courses due to various natural and anthropogenic processes. This may lead to adverse effects on human health, therefore it is important to monitor and control. The objective of this paper is to summarize the literature on arsenic anomalies in soil/sediments and water of four North-East European countries; the measurements are reported for Finland, Sweden, Lithuania and Poland. The origin of most of the arsenic pollution is determined to be natural and mostly anthropogenic for these countries. The data reveal that As is present in matrices such as soil, sediments and water. This review highlights that the As concentration in drinking water or soil/sediments of the four countries exceeds the international standard limits. As at higher concentrations are associated with the mining region of Adak in the Västerbotten district of northern Sweden (e.g. groundwater upto 2900 μg/L; sediments upto 900 mg/kg)

    The contamination of Sventoji river bottom sediments by heavy metals in Ukmerge, Lithuania

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    Bottom sediment pollution with heavy metals of the Sventoji River in Ukmerge, Lithuania using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is analyzed in this article. During the research, qualitative and quantitative parameters of heavy metal concentrations and their distribution were investigated. This article presents obtained results of study, where bottom sediment samples were examined from both shores of the river of Sventoji. During this research, received data was treated using GIS software, which helped to interpolate the data of concentrations into the research polygon of the river. GIS software also helped to evaluate the urban runoff influence to the bottom sediment quality and exclude sources of pollution. The runoff dischargers which transport surface wastewater to the river were registered before sampling. At the mouth of streams, flowing into the river of Sventoji, additional samples were taken. After comprehensive river bottom sediment research there is a possibility to assess the extent of anthropogenic activity and its impact on the river ecosystem and human health

    Soil contamination by heavy metals in playgrounds of kindergardens in Vilnius

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    The soil contamination by heavy metals in playgrounds of kindergartens in Vilnius city is analysed in this article. The aim of this research is to investigate and evaluate soil contamination by heavy metals in playgrounds of kindergartens in different territories of Vilnius city. Concentrations of heavy metals were measured using Thermo Fisher Scientific Niton® XL2 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Maximum allowable and background concentrations that are given in Lithuanian hygiene standard and Lithuania geochemical atlas are used to compare and evaluate concentrations of heavy metals. Concentrations of heavy metals and their spatial distribution were analysed in order to exclude the most contaminated areas relating with different functional areas of the city. Geo-statistical analysis and maps of spatial distribution were developed using IDW interpolator in ArcMap software. Detail soil surveys helps to assess the extent of anthropogenic impact in different parts of the city which can be harmful to the soil ecosystem and human health. Such researches can help to change or select different function for city areas in territorial planning process

    Geochemical composition of sapropel in lakes of akmeniai erosive valley

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    Serija: Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“; ISSN 2029-5456, eISSN 2029-7149. eISBN 978-609-476-130-0. Str. nr. 013Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Akmenių erozinio klonio sapropelio geocheminė sudėtis ir užterštumas minerogeniniais ir sunkiaisiais metalais. Tyrimai atlikti rentgeno fluorescenciniu spektrometru Niton XL2. Analizuojami kokybiniai Šamuko, Antakmenių ir Drabužaičio ežerų parametrai: minerogeninių elementų (Rb, Zr, Sr) ir sunkiųjų metalų (As, Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb) koncentracijų pasiskirstymas paviršiniuose (0,0–0,6 m) ir giluminiuose (0,6–2,0 m) sluoksniuose. Pateikiami ir aptariami tyrimų duomenys, kurie lyginami su aplinkosauginiais normatyvais (foninėmis ir didžiausiomis leistinomis koncentracijomis (DLK)) bei rodikliais: suminiu užterštumu (Zd) ir praturtinimo faktoriumi (EF). Tyrimų rezultatai ir jų analizė leidžia nustatyti ežerų būklę, juose vykstančius procesus ir pokyčius per kelių šimtų metų laikotarpįThe lakes of Akmeniu erosive clones differ in size, depth, shape and origin. Samukas, Antakmeniai and Drabuzaitis lakes were chosen as objects of the current study. In the sapropel of lakes, heavy metals are accumulated; their concentrations depend both on anthropogenic and natural factors, such as geological processes, geochemical conditions, morphometric indices and climate change. These factors influence the access, accumulation and migration of heavy metals in the lake sediment environment. Sapropel samples were taken from surface (0.0–0.6 m) and deep (0.6–2.0 m) sludge layers. The ice-peat drill was used for sampling. The samples were tested on a Thermo Scientific Niton® XL2 series X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The following mineralogical elements were selected for the analysis of lake sediment: Zr, Rb, Sr, as well as potentially dangerous anthropogenic elements: As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr. The concentrations of the chemical elements obtained were compared with the background concentrations of the soil and the maximum allowable concentrations (DKL) according to HN 60: 2004. Also, the total pollution of the lakes (Zd) and the enrichment factor (EF) were assessedMokytojų rengimo institutasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Dust in Vilnius Schools: Source Identification, Pollution Levels, and Potential Health Risks for Children

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    The main objective of this study is to thoroughly evaluate the diversity and sources of heavy metals in the school environment. Specifically, this study examines the presence of heavy metals in the dust found and collected from 24 schools in Vilnius. Employing hierarchical cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and positive matrix factorization, we identified combustion-related activities as primary contributors to elevated metal concentrations, notably zinc, scandium, and copper, with PM2.5/PM10 ratios indicating a combustion source. They reveal significant differences in the levels of elements such as arsenic (4.55–69.96 mg/kg), copper (51.28–395.37 mg/kg), zinc, and lead, which are affected by both local environmental factors and human activities. Elevated pollution levels were found in certain school environments, indicating environmental degradation. Pollution assessment and specific element pairings’ strong positive correlations suggested shared origins or deposition processes. While this study primarily assesses non-carcinogenic risks to children based on a health risk assessment model, it acknowledges the well-documented carcinogenic potential of substances such as lead and arsenic. The research emphasizes the immediate necessity for efficient pollution management in educational environments, as indicated by the elevated hazard index for substances such as lead and arsenic, which present non-carcinogenic risks to children. This research offers important insights into the composition and origins of dust pollution in schools. It also promotes the need for broader geographic sampling and prolonged data collection to improve our understanding of pollution sources, alongside advocating for actionable strategies such as environmental management and policy reforms to effectively reduce exposure risks in educational settings. Furthermore, it aims to develop specific strategies to safeguard the health of students in Vilnius and similar urban areas

    Lunar phases and wildlife–vehicle collisions: application of the lunar disk percentage method

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    We investigated the relationship between lunar illumination based on the percentage of the visible lunar disk (LDP) and the frequency of wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVCs) in Lithuania. We analyzed WVC frequency during ten 10% LDP intervals to more precisely reflect the relationship between LDP and WVC. The 10% LDP interval approach showed a significant trend of increasing WVC frequencies with an increasing LDP at night. We also examined the correlation between the daily numbers of WVCs and LDP for different months and seasons. The relationship seemed to be stronger at night and during the late autumn–winter months, particularly in December, suggesting the importance of lunar illumination on WVCs. There was a weak positive correlation between LDP and overall daily number of WVCs (rs = 0.091; p < 0.001) and between LDP and night WVCs (rs = 0.104; p < 0.001). We found significant positive correlations for winter (December–February) (rs = 0.118; p = 0.012) and autumn (August–November) (rs = 0.127; p = 0.007). Our study suggests that the LDP interval approach may provide more possibilities for the evaluation and quantification of WVCs and lunar light relationships than the traditional lunar phase approach