26 research outputs found

    Analysis of high-technology product development models

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    The power and development indicators of high-technology products stimulate the search for new opportunities and strategies for their successful development and realization. To achieve this, the concept of high-technology product development, relations between high technologies and innovations, factors of high-technology environment uncertainty, and business area- and product-specific features are specified. High-technology development models presented in literature are proposed and their comparison is given.Produktų, sukurtų įdiegiant aukštąsias technologijas, vertė bei galia yra tiek įmonės gerovės, tiek ir šalies ekonomikos variklis. Šių produktų vystymo nesėkmės mastas skatina išsiaiškinti šio reiškinio priežastis, stabdančias aukštųjų technologijų sektoriaus plėtrą, ir ieškoti naujų galimybių bei strategijų sudarančių prielaidas sėkmingam šių produktų vystymui bei realizavimui. Siekiant šio tikslo apibrėžiama aukštųjų technologijų produktų vystymo samprata, išryškinamas aukštųjų technologijų ir inovacijų santykis, įvardinami aukštųjų technologijų aplinkos neapibrėžtumo veiksniai, šiai verslo sričiai bei produktams būdingi ypatumai. Pateikiami literatūroje įvairių autorių siūlomi modeliai, susiję su produktų, sukurtų įdiegiant aukštąsias technologijas, vystymu, atliekamas jų lyginimas

    Technologijų komercinio potencialo vertinimas

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    Disertacijoje pagrindžiama skirtingų lygmenų technologijų komercinio potencialo vertinimo reikšmė, pateikiami vertinimo problemų sprendimo būdai, kurie empiriškai patikrinami praktikoje. Tyrimų objektas – skirtingų lygmenų technologijų komercinio potencialo vertinimas, aktualus instituci-joms, vykdančioms mokslinius tyrimus (MT) ir mokslinius tyrimus bei eksperimentinę plėtrą (MTEP), priimančioms sprendimus dėl technologijų komercializavimo tikslingumo ir siekiančioms išvengti neproduktyvių investicijų. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – parengti technologijų komercinio potencialo vertinimo modelį – įmonės strateginio valdymo sprendimų priėmimo priemonę, lanksčiai taikomą skirtingų lygmenų technologijoms vertinti. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autorės publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai, devyni priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, pagrindžiamas mokslinis darbo naujumas, praktinė darbo rezultatų reikšmė, pateikiami ginamieji teiginiai, pristatomos disertacijos tema autorės pas-kelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose. Pirmajame skyriuje pagrindžiamas skirtingų lygmenų technologijų ko-mercinio potencialo vertinimo aktualumas, parengiamas technologijų ko-mercinio potencialo vertinimo veiksnių rinkinys, apibendrinamos technologijų lygmens nustatymo priemonių metodikos, parenkama priemonė technologijos lygmeniui nustatyti, nustatomi veiksniai, būdingi aukštųjų technologijų komerciniam potencialui, tinkamas etapas komerciniam potencialui vertinti technologijos komercializavimo cikle. Skyriaus pabaigoje pateikiamos mokslinės literatūros analizės išvados. Antrajame skyriuje pasiūloma skirtingų lygmenų technologijų komer-cinio potencialo veiksnių vertinimo sistema, nustatomos reikšmės ir reikšmingumai, jiems susieti į apibendrinamąjį dydį pasirenkami WASPAS ir TOPSIS metodai. Siūlomas originalus technologijų komercinio potencialo vertinimo modelis lanksčiai taikomas skirtingų lygmenų technologijoms vertinti. Trečiajame skyriuje modelis patikrinamas empiriškai, atliekant trijų biotechnologijų vertinimą MTEP vykdančioje institucijoje. Skyrius baigia-mas atlikto ekspermento išvadomis. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos bendro-sios išvados. Disertacijos tema paskelbti keturi moksliniai straipsniai: vienas mokslo žurnale, įtrauktame į EBSCO duomenų bazes; vienas mokslo žurnale, įt-rauktame į Scopus, ICONDA, CSA duomenų bazes, vienas mokslo žurna-le, įtrauktame į duomenų bazę IndexCopernicus, vienas recenzuojamame Lietuvos tarptautinės konferencijos straipsnių rinkinyje. Skaityti du pranešimai mokslinėse konferencijose

    Customization Model for Assessing the Commercial Potential of Technologies to Different Technology Manufacturing Branches: Development a Set of Factors

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    Previously developed model for assessing the commercial potential of technologies is universal—dedicated for assessment technologies in all manufacturing branches. However, in the course of research has been established, that specifics of different technology manufacturing branches (DTMB) are important for assessing the commercial potential. Historically, several technology manufacturing branches had already positive results in Lithuania, they cover the most promising part of the national economy and are in line with EU priorities. For these reasons a decision was taken to customize the model for assessing the commercial potential of technologies to biotechnology, mechatronics, laser technology, information technology, nano electronics. The article presents development a sets of factors for assessment commercial potential for different technology manufacturing branches based on multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods. Afterwards sets of factors will be used as the research tool for determination meanings of factors values and the significance of factors for every manufacturing branche.This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 2nd Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Research International ConferenceThis research is/was funded by the European Social Fund under the No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities” measure

    Evaluation of the expediency of technology commercialization: a case of information technology and biotechnology

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    The ability to timely and objectively evaluate the expediency of technology commercialising is a crucial step for R&D organisations. It is a game with business success, which could enable to operate technologies efficiently and prevent unproductive investments. Managers in power, involved in the technology commercialization cycle, create rules for the game and are the leading players. The research establishes specifics of different technological fields, which are essential for assessing the expediency of technology commercialization. The scientific literature of technology commercialization didn’t take into account the specifics of different technological fields. The study presents the first two phases of the expediency of commercialization of the information technologies and biotechnologies evaluation models: the development of elements collections and the establishment of the importance of elements. The proposed technique could be expanded to select the most suitable technology for sustainable management of commercialization and the rational use of resources. The results of the expert’s survey aimed at establishing the importance of the elements are compared, efforts are made to identify differences in the evaluation the expediency of technology commercialization for information technologies and biotechnologies. The MCDM method has applied the selection of which was established by the motive related to the goal of evaluation – to evaluate the expediency of technology commercialization for information technologies and biotechnologies

    Factors impacting the commercial potential of technologies: expert approach

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    In order to ensure the harmonious activity of the institutions engaged in R&D and to reduce the uncertainty of the commercialization of technologies, an advanced tool for verifying decisions on technology development at early stages of commercialization, i.e. an instrument for assessing the commercial potential of technology, is needed. The article is aimed at defining the importance of factors in the commercial potential of technologies with the help of expert research. To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been approached: (1) on the basis of the created system for factors in the commercial potential of technologies, to conduct expert research aimed at collecting information on the importance of factors in technologies; (2) to apply the methods of mathematical statistics in order to determine the compatibility level of expert opinions and the significance of factors. The system of factors in the commercial potential of technologies and the identified significance of factors can be used as recommended guidelines for technology developers, investors and potential owners in the decision-making processes of commercialization, investment or purchase of technology as well as at the next stage of research on the development model for assessing the commercial potential of technologies

    Transport management: The popularity of study programmes among the applicants to Lithuanian universities evaluating the qualifications of graduates in the labour‐market

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    The accession of Lithuania to the European Union made transport one of the most important branches of national economy. Presently, economic development is hardly possible without an efficient transport system (providing both local and international transportation). The operation of industrial, construction and agricultural enterprises as well as work efficiency and a public opinion largely depend on the reliability and effective performance of transport systems which is not possible without qualified transport managers. The paper presents requirements raised for controlling the abilities and level of educating specialists in Transport Management and introduces employee assesment at student skills. Specialists in Transport Management are trained at vocational and higher schools of Lithuania. Experts in the field of Transport Management are trained at two university‐level higher schools in Lithuania (Bachelors, Masters and Doctors) including Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (the introduced higher schools are located in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania). Although both study programmes taught at the above mentioned higher schools cover the area of Transport Management, they have some differences discussed in the paper. A brief survey of admission to Lithuanian higher schools is analyzed in the article. Some statistical data on the popularity of study programmes chosen by the applicants participating in the joint admission programme to Lithuanian higher schools is presented in the article. Also the popularity of the study programmes of Transport Management (competition, competitiveness indices and average competitive marks and motivation indices) available at two higher schools of Lithuania is described. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Analysis of high-technology product development models

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    The power and development indicators of high-technology products stimulate the search for new opportunities and strategies for their successful development and realization. To achieve this, the concept of high-technology product development, relations between high technologies and innovations, factors of high-technology environment uncertainty, and business area- and product-specific features are specified. High-technology development models presented in literature are proposed and their comparison is given

    Customization Model for Assessing the Commercial Potential of Technologies to Different Technology Manufacturing Branches: Development a Set of Factors

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    previously developed model for assessing the commercial potential of technologies is universal—dedicated for assessment technologies in all manufacturing branches. However, in the course of research has been established, that specifics of different technology manufacturing branches (DTMB) are important for assessing the commercial potential. Historically, several technology manufacturing branches had already positive results in Lithuania, they cover the most promising part of the national economy and are in line with EU priorities. For these reasons a decision was taken to customize the model for assessing the commercial potential of technologies to biotechnology, mechatronics, laser technology, information technology, nano electronics. The article presents development a sets of factors for assessment commercial potential for different technology manufacturing branches based on multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods. Afterwards sets of factors will be used as the research tool for determination meanings of factors values and the significance of factors for every manufacturing branche

    Technology Development Decision-Making Points and Differences in Identifying Commercial Opportunities for Mechatronics, Laser, and Nanoelectronic Technologies

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    There is a popular idea that technology-development success depends on some creative magic, but leaders contradict the assertion that innovation is a process that can be perfected. Turning technology into reality requires an excellent understanding of the development process from idea to market. The technology commercialization process is broken down into phases in which vital decision-making points exist. In the scientific literature, which examines and analyzes the process of technology development and its problems, there is a variety of views and opinions related to the concepts used to define this process and its content. These motives led to the formulation of the first objective of this article: to analyze technology-development models studied by different researchers and used by different reliable organizations. The second objective is to determine the content of the technology-development process and processes that are alternative or related to the content of the technology-development process, in this way elucidate the differences and interfaces between these models and the vital decision-making points. There are many vital decision-making points in the early stage of technology development. However, only one point—identification of commercial opportunities, determines whether technology will reach other vital decision points. Based on the results of this identification, large-scale investments are made. The decision made at this stage determines whether or not a project will have a successful return on investment. However, the specifics of the different technology industries are apparent, and these differences may affect the identification of commercial opportunities. The article also sought to reveal the specifics of commercialization for different technology industries. The research uses the integrated fuzzy Delphic-Eckenrode Likert-type scale-based rating technique for grey numbers to gather expert opinions and determine the weights of factors. The research results show the differences in identifying commercial opportunities for mechatronics, laser, and nanoelectronic technologies