110 research outputs found
DRAUGO konceptas publicistikoje
This article deals with the contents of friend based on the different forms of the noun friend (Lith. draugas). A balance is drawn between the structural and cognitive approach to its meaning. The study is grounded on 700 publicistics sentences collected in the Corpus of the Modern Lithuanian Language compiled by the Centre for Computational Linguistics at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas.The study has showed that friend is perceived as a person who acts out of love at a certain place and time.In terms of love, there are friends that are tied (rather) by bonds of fellow-feeling (The Dictionary of the Standard Lithuanian Language – DSLLe friend definition 1, 2) (In the beginning, they were huge friends and liked each other a lot; Friends love you) and those who (rather) share bodily intimacy (DSLLe friend definition 3). On the basis of the criterion of love, the relationship between a person and their friend can revolve in circles: a friend by DSLLe definition 1 or 2 becomes a friend by DSLLe definition 3 (After all, our friends, then families would begin and end in theatre), and vice-versa; a friend by DSLLe definition 2 can become a friend by DSLLe definition 1, and so on. In other words, friendship as fellow-feeling can transform into bodily love, and once bodily love goes away, friends, as husband and wife, can become/remain friends again as very close acquaintances.Someone who loves themselves unconditionally knows how to love another person that way. This kind of friend favours themselves and the other person. Mutual favour unfolds over time spent together, when mutual affinity is found/discovered. That time creates good, real friends that become a value (I treasure good friends the most. We have a bunch of very good mates that we have jolly good time with. We talk, we dance. Or we simply spend time in very comfortable silence).To be a friend, is to become a friend (DSLLe friend definition 1–3 vs. DSLLe friend definition 4). To oneself, first and foremost. The type of friend a person is to themselves is usually revealed through the person’s (myself) relationship with another person they know to a greater or lesser extent. That other person can either be a familiar (DSLLe friend definition 3) or strange (DSLLe friend definition 1, 2) person and/or non-person. Friendship between a person and a thing is a one-way street: it is untrue. What matters in this type of friendship, is not the time spent together, but rather benefit and/or pleasure. In other words, the person (myself) cannot be defined through the understanding of friend, i.e. on the basis of the criterion of similarity: tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.In terms of time, friends can be defined to a lesser or greater extent (DSLLe friend definition 1, 3 (These friends of father’s go back to Smetona’s era; the friend of my life) resp. DSLLe friend definition 2 (Could it be that she only remained a mere dodgeball friend?)). This is also more or less the case in point when it comes to the aspect of location: well-defined (DSLLe friend definition 3), better-defined (DSLLe friend definition 2; cf.: my roommate) or undefined (DSLLe friend definition 1) friends.The friendship between man and God can be one-way (from God to man) an (become) two-way (between God and man). They both are driven by love, hence are real.Šio straipsnio objektas – draugo samprata daiktavardžio draugas formų pagrindu. Struktūrinis požiūris į reikšmę čia derinamas su kognityviniu. Remiantis Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno (DLKT ) publicistikos medžiaga, kalbama apie tai, kaip dabartinės lietuvių kalbos vartotojas suvokia draugą. Tyrimas parodė, kad pagal aptariamojo žodžio valentinius aktantus ir predikatus, kurių aktantu jis pats eina, draugas – tai tam tikru laiku tam tam tikroje vietoje iš meilės veikiantis žmogus
Įmonių nuosavo kapitalo ir jo apskaitos ypatumai
From the fundamental accounting equation becomes the evidence that equity is one of the most significant indicator of enterprise state. So the process of enterprise equity formation that should be not only legally based but also economically reasoned is definitely relevant aspect in accounting. Both the reform of public sector and complex and hard to prognosticate conditions in private sector also laws of free market that promote to respond operative to external factors require complex and comprehensive equity accounting researches.
The aim of this article – compare peculiarities of different enterprise equity accounting (closed share holding company, state enterprise, state budget institution).
Tasks that have been set to reach the aim: 1) scrutinize requirements for share holding company, state enterprise, state budget institution of their equity accounting; 2) compare their peculiarities of equity accounting: structure of equity, similarities and differences between 3rd class of a chart of accounts.
After the research becomes the evidence that equity accounting of closed share holding company is strictly regulated by laws and standards while equity accounting of state enterprise and budget institution is almost unregulated. The most specific structure of equity is in state budget institution. Whereas the structure of equity in state enterprise is closer to the structure of equity in closed share holding company. Consequently in a number of cases requirements for state enterprise of their equity accounting might become closer to requirements for closed share holding company, for example, requirements for shareholders equity, formation of reserves. In this way the stringency of regulation for closed share holding company would be taken to regulate state enterprise equity accounting. However, closed share hold company has specificities that might not be adjusted in state enterprise, for example, requirements for share premium, reserve for own shares because the activity of state enterprise is not intended to reach for profit. After the comparison of the 3rd class of a chart of accounts becomes the evidence that closed share holding company and state enterprise have many similarities. However, closed share holding company has far and away more sub accounts to register equity and changes of equity.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami uždarosioms akcinėms bendrovėms keliami reikalavimai nuosavo kapitalo apskaitai, atsižvelgiant į tai, jog įmonės nuosavo kapitalo formavimo procesas turi būti ne tik juridiškai pagrįstas, bet ir ekonomiškai argumentuotas. Taip pat lyginami nuosavo kapitalo (grynojo turto) apskaitos ypatumai skirtingo nuosavo kapitalo įmonėse/organizacijose (uždarosiose akcinėse bendrovėse, biudžetinėse įstaigose, viešosiose įstaigose). Remiantis atliktos kokybinės duomenų analizės rezultatais identifikuojami ir nustatomi nagrinėjamų skirtingų organizacijų nuosavo kapitalo (grynojo turto) struktūros, sąskaitų plano 3 klasės panašumai ir skirtumai
Isolated Word Recognition by Recursive HMM Parameter Estimation Algorithm
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies enable humans to communicate with computers. Isolated word recognition (IWR) is an important part of many known ASR systems. Minimizing the word error rate in cases of incremental learning is a unique challenge for developing an on-line ASR system. This paper focuses on on-line IWR using a recursive hidden Markov model (HMM) multivariate parameter estimation algorithm. The maximum likelihood method was used to estimate the unknown parameters of the model, and an algorithm for the adapted recursive EM algorithm for HMMs parameter estimation was derived. The resulting recursive EM algorithm is unique among its counterparts because of state transition probabilities calculation. It obtains more accurate parameter estimates compared to other algorithms of this type. In our experiment, the algorithm was implemented and adapted to several datasets for IWR. Thus, the recognition rate and algorithm convergence results are discussed in this work
Accounting and governance risk forecasting in the health care industry
Previous authors have proved the advantage of commercial Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR) evaluation methods over academic methods. However, the information used in commercial methods is not readily available to an investor. Therefore, the most important features used in academic methods and the AGR was
forecast by Random Forests. It found a weak relation between the AGR rating and share price data (Close and Volume), using a skew t-distribution. For visualisation we used the Kohonen map, which identified three clusters. Clusters revealed AGR increasing, decreasing trendsetting and cluster-based companies which appear to have
no clear trend. A self-organised map (SOM) used the AGR history of alpha-stable distribution parameters, which were calculated from the stock data (Close and Volume). Also, the test sample (companies rating data), following from skew t-distribution, has been simulated by maximum likelihood method, and parameters of the skew t-distribution have been estimated
Gervėčių šnektos vardažodinės ir dalyvinės kilmės prieveiksmių daryba
This article discusses several types of adverbs derived from nominatives and participles in the Lithuanian dialect of Gervėčiai. The main types of derivation are as follows: derivation with affixes, and adverbialisation of prepositional constructions and noun cases. The types of adverbs selected are typologically indiscrete or Lithuanian and mixed Slavonic
The fractal dimension of agricultural parcels considering maize yield
Before making any decisions, all farm managers would like to have some
indication about the effectiveness of a particular investment, especially when investing in precision
agriculture technologies. Usually, the best indicator should be associated with the yield geometric
complexity and its spatial and temporal dynamics. The fractal dimension of corn yield in a given
year was calculated for six studied parcels, considering the fractal dimension of yield buffer zones
above and below average yield. The less complex geometries usually have a fractal dimension
close to the unit which can reach a value close to 2 in more complex geometries. This study shows
that the number of yield buffer zones, above or below average yield, changes over time, with a
different pattern, from parcel to parcel, and that there is a greater change in the smaller yield buffer
zones compared to the larger ones. Fractal dimension can be a very strong indicator when the
spatial complexity of a particular parcel is considered, and it is therefore a strong indicator of the
greater or lesser need for precision agriculture technologies. The higher the fractal dimension of a
given parcel, the higher will be the economic and environmental return of that parcel, when using
precision agriculture technologies
Daiktavardžiai kvantifikatoriai lietuvių kalboje ir vertimuose
[full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in German]
Im vorliegenden Artikel wird gestützt auf Daten aus dem elektronischen Korpus der heutigen litauischen Schriftsprache Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno (DLKT) die Verwendung von Nomina in der Funktion von Zahlwörtern im Litauischen diskutiert. Außerdem werden Zahlwörter im Litauischen, Deutschen und Englischen anhand von Beispielen aus dem Online-Wörterbuchs Linguee auf Ähnlichkeiten und/oder Unterschiede in der Verwendungsweise untersucht. Dabei wird analytisch-beschreibend und inter-pretativ vorgegangen.
Dabei hat sich ergeben, dass in 53,4% der untersuchten Fälle (39 von 73 Sätzen im Deutschen und Englischen) eine wörtliche Übersetzung des betreffenden Zahlworts und in 46,6% der Fälle (34 von 73 Sätzen) eine Transformation des Zahlworts gewählt wurde. Bei den Transformationen handelte es sich um Auswechslung, Hinzufügung (migration among the EU-15 →migracijossrautas tarp 15 ES valstybių narių) oder Hinweglassung (Funke, Welle) von Zahlwörtern.
Aus den untersuchten Beispielen geht hervor, dass im Litauischen eine Tendenz zur Verwendung des Quantors lavina (Lawine) für Deutsch bzw. englisch Flut, Zufluss, Welle, Unmenge; barrage, flood, influx,wave besteht.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba]
Šiame straipsnyje visų pirma kalbama apie dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje kaip kvantifikatorius vartojamus daiktavardžius. Glaustai aptarus aptariamų daiktavardžių apibrėžtis lietuvių, vokiečių ir anglų kalbų žodynuose, analizuojami kvantifikatorių panašumai ir (arba) skirtumai vertimuose. Naudojamasi aprašomuoju analitiniu ir interpretacijos metodais. Remiamasi medžiaga iš Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos tekstyno (DLKT) ir vertimų žodyno LINGUEE. Tyrimas rodo, kad pažodinį ir laisvąjį kvantifikatorių vertimą renkamasi beveik vienodai
Multidimensional rare event probability estimation algorithm
This work contains Monte–Carlo Markov Chain algorithm for estimation of multi-dimensional rare events frequencies. Logits of rare event likelihood we are modeling with Poisson distribution, which parameters are distributed by multivariate normal law with unknown parameters – mean vector and covariance matrix. The estimations of unknown parameters are calculated by the maximum likelihood method. There are equations derived, those must be satisfied with model’s maximum likelihood parameters estimations. Positive definition of evaluated covariance matrixes are controlled by calculating ratio between matrix maximum and minimum eigenvalues.</p
Daugiamatis mažų dažnių vertinimo algoritmas
The present paper describes the empirical Bayesian approach applied in the estimation of several small rates. Modeling by empirical Bayesian approach the probabilities of several rare events, it is assumed that the frequencies of events follow to Poisson’s law with different parameters, which are correlated Gaussian random values. The unknown parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method computing the integrals appeared here by Hermite–Gauss quadratures. The equations derived that are satisfied by maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters.Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas empirinio Bajeso metodo taikymas kelių mažų dažnių įvertinimui. Modeliuojant kelių kiekybinių rodiklių – retų įvykių skaičių tikimybes, yra laikoma, kad tikimybės pasiskirsčiusios pagal Puasono dėsnį su skirtingais parametrais, kurie yra atsitiktiniai koreliuoti Gauso dydžiai. Nežinomų parametrų įverčiai gaunami didžiausio tikėtinumo metodu. Išvestos lygtys, kurias turi tenkinti modelio parametrų didžiausio tikėtinumo įverčiai
Mogućnost primjene bakterije Lactobacillus reuteri, izolirane iz kiselog tijesta, kao dodatka starter-kulturi, radi poboljšanja kakvoće kruha
Retardation of microbial spoilage of bread can be achieved by the use of spontaneous sourdough with an antimicrobial activity. This study was undertaken to identify lactic acid bacteria naturally occurring in spontaneous sourdough and use them for quality improvement
and prolonging shelf life of rye, wheat and rye with wheat bread. Identification of isolates from spontaneous sourdough by pyrosequencing assay showed that Lactobacillus reuteri were dominant lactic acid bacteria. The isolates showed a wide range of antimicrobial
activity and displayed a synergistic activity against other lactobacilli, some lactococci and foodborne yeasts. The best application of spontaneous sourdough was noticed in the rye bread with the lowest crumb fi rmness of the fi nal product, although the sensory results
of wheat and rye with wheat bread did not statistically diff er from control bread. L. reuteri showed a high preserving capacity against fungi during storage. This may be due to bacteriocins and various fatty acids secreted into the growth medium that were identified by agar well diffusion assay and gas chromatography. L. reuteri showing high antimicrobial activity have the potential to be used as a starter additive that could improve safety and/or shelf life of bread.Usporavanje mikrobnog kvarenja kruha može se postići uporabom kiselog tijesta koje ima antimikrobni učinak. U ovom su radu identificirane bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja prirodno prisutne u kiselom tijestu, te su upotrijebljene za poboljšanje kakvoće i produljenje trajnosti raženog, bijelog i miješanog raženog kruha. Pirosekvenciranjem su identificirani izolati iz kiselog tijesta, te je utvrđeno da među mliječno-kiselim bakterijama prevladava bakterija Lactobacillus reuteri. Izolati su imali antimikrobni učinak na razne uzročnike kvarenja i sinergistički učinak na druge vrste bakterija Lactobacillus i Lactococcus, te na kvasce. Najbolji je učinak dodatka izolata iz kiselog tijesta postignut u raženom kruhu, koji je imao najmanju tvrdoću mrvica, no senzorska se svojstva bijelog i miješanog raženog kruha, u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom, nisu bitno promijenila. Bakterija L. reuteri učinkovito je spriječila pojavu plijesni na kruhu tijekom skladištenja, vjerojatno zato što je u podlogu za rast lučila bakteriocine, koji su identificirani pomoću metode difuzije u jažicama agara, te razne masne kiseline, određene plinskom kromatografijom. Zaključeno je da L. reuteri ima izražen antimikrobni učinak, pa se može upotrijebiti kao dodatak starter-kulturi radi sprečavanja kvarenja i/ili produljenja trajnosti kruha
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