89 research outputs found

    Energy Management Strategy of Microgrids Based on Benders Decomposition Method

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper discusses an optimal energy management system for microgrids, taking into account distribution power flow and dynamic loads, in presence of storage units and all associated constraints, aiming to reduce microgrid costs under two grid-connected and islanded modes. Getting the unit commitment, the microgrid energy management problem is introduced as a mixed integer nonlinear problem (MINLP). Since solving MINLP problems is complex and time consuming, a linearization technique is applied for simplification of the problem as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem. Then, the Benders decomposition method is used to reach an efficient and accurate answer. The model proposed is implemented on a 14-bus microgrid including conventional and renewable distributed resources, storage units, and dynamic loads. The results indicated fair and fast performance of the proposed model

    Assessment of energy storage systems as a reserve provider in stochastic network constrained unit commitment

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    Recently, the provision of the reserve from energy storage systems (ESSs) is introduced as a source for ancillary services to address the uncertainties of renewable power generations. The performance of ESSs is analysed while they are applied as a provider of regulation reserves. It has been revealed that previous stochastic models neglect the impact of corrective dispatches, related to the provision of regulation reserves, on the energy level stored in the ESSs, which can lead to large deviations. This study coordinates the stored energy of ESSs to be feasible regarding the dispatches in the base schedule and rescheduling within scenarios. Also, the wind speed fluctuations are considered as the source of uncertainty, and scenarios of wind energy are generated using the Weibull distribution function. The IEEE 24-Bus standard test system is applied for the examination of the proposed model. The results show that the proposed model can manage the performance of ESSs in rescheduling within scenarios, while the coordinated reserve provision of ESSs can remove the concerns about insufficient stored energy of ESSs

    Tree-partitioning as an emergency measure to contain cascading line failures

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    This paper proposes to replace controlled islanding, which is a defense mechanism against cascading failures, by tree partitioning whereby some of the tie-lines connecting the clusters are still connected in such a way that the cluster-level graph forms a tree. Tree-partitioning prevents line failures from spreading between clusters, similarly as for islanding, but keeps the clusters connected. That results in three main advantages. Power transfers between the clusters can still take place, helping to balance each cluster and limiting any necessary load shedding. Fewer lines are cut, which reduces the shock to the system. There is no need to re-synchronize the clusters after the emergency. This paper offers a simple graph-theoretic justification for tree-partitioning, rather than one based on the spectral analysis of network Laplacian proposed in the literature. It also proposes a two-stage methodology, which utilizes spectral clustering, for splitting a network into tree-connected clusters. Test results performed on the 118 node IEEE test network have confirmed the usefulness of the methodology

    A review on demand-side tools in electricity market

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    With the advent of restructuring in the electricity markets, the Supply-side quickly adapted to the new environment, whereas, the story in the demand side has been different. Demand side dealt with the electric energy as a commodity available to the necessary extent. This caused the Supply-side to realize that the demand side would admit to purchase electric energy at any price, and this resulted in the advent of bidding strategies in the Supply-Side, known as “hockey-stick bidding”. The most important result was transfer of the demand side assets to the Supply-side. After a while, the demand side noticed the self-sloppy condition, therefore looked for tools to deal with these threats. This subject is examined in this paper
