28 research outputs found

    Role of Cognitive and Emotional Factors on Educational Achievement among High School Students in Physics

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of cognitive and emotional factors on physics achievement of high school students in Tabriz City. Using multistage sampling, 400 students were selected. Epistemological beliefs (EBAPS) scale, physic anxiety rating scale and questionnaire of attitudes towards physics were employed to gathering needed data in the study. Data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation test, and stepwise regression using SPSS. The results showed a significant and positive relationship between epistemological beliefs, attitude towards physics, prior knowledge of chemistry and mathematic with physics achievement. Also, a significant and negative relationship between physics anxiety and physics achievement was found.

    Role of Cognitive and Emotional Factors on Educational Achievement among High School Students in Physics

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of cognitive and emotional factors on physics achievement of high school students in Tabriz City. Using multistage sampling, 400 students were selected. Epistemological beliefs (EBAPS) scale, physic anxiety rating scale and questionnaire of attitudes towards physics were employed to gathering needed data in the study. Data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation test, and stepwise regression using SPSS. The results showed a significant and positive relationship between epistemological beliefs, attitude towards physics, prior knowledge of chemistry and mathematic with physics achievement. Also, a significant and negative relationship between physics anxiety and physics achievement was found.

    A study on the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ sense of efficacy and their educational quality

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    For many years, one of the main aims of pedagogy is the promotion of educational quality. Any impressive achievement in educational quality and pedagogy needs to be active participation and support by teachers. Considering the important role of the teacher in promotion of educational quality, this study was to investigate the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ senses of efficacy and their educational quality to shed some lights on the blurred issues in this regard. To this end 60 high school teachers (30 psychology teachers and 30 physics teachers) were selected from the population of study. For assessing educational quality, Flanders Interaction Analysis Category, and for evaluating teachers' sense of efficacy, Ohio Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale was used. The results of Canonical correlation indicated that only one root of analysis was significant and from the predictor variables, teacher sense of efficacy is significantly related to the indirect to direct teaching method and teacher- student reactions

    A study on the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ sense of efficacy and their educational quality

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    For many years, one of the main aims of pedagogy is the promotion of educational quality. Any impressive achievement in educational quality and pedagogy needs to be active participation and support by teachers. Considering the important role of the teacher in promotion of educational quality, this study was to investigate the relationship between Tabriz high school teachers’ senses of efficacy and their educational quality to shed some lights on the blurred issues in this regard. To this end 60 high school teachers (30 psychology teachers and 30 physics teachers) were selected from the population of study. For assessing educational quality, Flanders Interaction Analysis Category, and for evaluating teachers' sense of efficacy, Ohio Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale was used. The results of Canonical correlation indicated that only one root of analysis was significant and from the predictor variables, teacher sense of efficacy is significantly related to the indirect to direct teaching method and teacher- student reactions

    A multiple-baseline evaluation of Painting therapy on decreasing Aggression sings of preschool children

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    The Early diagnosis and intervention during the preschool years will improve your child’s chances for overcoming his or her behavioral-emotional problems. One of most common problems of behavioral visit that of People to the mental health centers is aggression. This study examined the effectiveness of painting therapy in reducing aggression of preschool children. Thus, a single-subject multiple baseline design was used. In this research, the observed or measured intervals in which a unit may be an individual or group of individuals, was used. The first phase of the project (A) is baseline and second (B) is the intervention phase. After the intervention, the follow-up observations were carried out and the results of the second search step plotted. Subjects of the research were five aggressive children from preschool centers in Tabriz city (4 boys and 1 girl). In the analysis of date charting and visual analysis was used. In the visual analysis, changes resulting from intervention on the level, trend and variability of observations were reviewed and interpreted. The results are the average of all children at baseline, intervention, and follow up and effect size observed for all children and visual analysis of the results showed the painting effect in reducing aggression in preschool children was high. Therefore, painting therapy has an impact on reducing symptoms of preschool aggression

    A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Structure of Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale

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    "nObjective: The aim of this study is to explore the confirmatory factor analysis results of the Persian adaptation of Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS), proposed by Hopko, Mahadevan, Bare & Hunt. "nMethod: The validity and reliability assessments of the scale were performed on 298 college students chosen randomly from Tabriz University in Iran. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out to determine the factor structures of the Persian version of AMAS. "nResults: As expected, the two-factor solution provided a better fit to the data than a single factor. Moreover, multi-group analyses showed that this two-factor structure was invariant across sex. Hence, AMAS provides an equally valid measure for use among college students. "nConclusions:  Brief AMAS demonstrates adequate reliability and validity. The AMAS scores can be used to compare symptoms of math anxiety between male and female students. The study both expands and adds support to the existing body of math anxiety literature

    The effect of acquisitions on firm performance: Evidence Tehran Stock Exchange

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    Nowadays, mergers and acquisitions are stated as favorable strategies and as free flows of capital applied by managers for the optimal implementation of resources and assets. Acquisition is associated with a condition where two businesses are placed under one shelter and are run like members of a group or are merged as a single corporate. In mergers, two businesses are combined in a new form based on the mutual interests of both parties. The shares of the two businesses are usually exchanged so that they could take part in the new business as shareholders. In acquisition, a business begins to control another business effectively by purchasing parts of its ownership. The present study explored the impact of acquisition on performance of Iranian target companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. The results of testing research hypotheses showed that performance of target companies did not significantly increase after acquisition, suggesting a decreasing trend in the performance of the target companies after acquisition compared with the period before acquisition

    Self-Regulation and Dimensions of Parenting Styles Predict Psychological Procrastination of Undergraduate Students

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    "n Objective: "n "nPrevious research has linked self regulation and parenting styles separately to academic procrastination. This article investigates the impact of the dimensions of parenting styles, behavioral self regulation and short term self regulation on procrastination of students. "nMethod: A sample of 249 adolescents (174 females and 75 male) aged 19 - 21 years completed measures of Parent as Social Context Questionnaire- Adolescent Report, Self-regulation Questionnaire (SRQ), Adolescent Self- Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) and Procrastination Tendency scale. Correlation coefficient indicted that in contrast to harsh or unsupportive parenting (rejection, chaos, and coercion), authoritative parenting (warmth, structure, and autonomy support) was inversely related with procrastination. "nResults: The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed a clear negative relationship between a students' short term self regulation, dimensions of parenting styles (structure and warmth) and procrastination consistent with the literature. "nConclusions: Surprisingly, in contrast to behavioral self regulation of Miler& Brown, short term self regulation was found to be negatively related to procrastination

    Effect of the penn resiliency program on student with emotional problems

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    Aim: Education in university is difficult for some students and so depression, stress, and anxiety are prevalent problems in colleges across the country. People experiencing such psychosocial difficulties are more likely to be defeated in the course. Resilience training can target these risk factors, but there is little research evaluating the effectiveness of such programs. This paper describes the design and measures of a study to evaluate a resilience training program to decrease emotional problems. Methods: This study followed a randomized controlled trial and included a pretest and posttest. A purposive sampling was used. In this way, participants were 30 students randomly selected between who have emotional problems in 2014 at Tabriz University, Iran. They were assigned into control and experimental group. Data were collected using depression, anxiety, and stress scale 21. Cronbach's alpha coefficients for each subscale indicate high internal reliability. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was run to analyze the data. Results: The findings of this study show a decrease in the mean score in the mean score of the experimental group in the posttest. Multivariate variance analysis MANOVA showed difference in posttest mean scores of participants' anxiety, depression, and stress in the experimental group. Conclusions: The Penn Resiliency Program will promote psychosocial well-being for student with emotional problems

    The relationship between emotional intelligence and critical thinking in nursing students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: One of the important requirements of nursing profession is to have critical thinking skills for the success in clinical settings. Emotional intelligence is an important factor for improving critical thinking. This study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and critical thinking among nursing students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This was a descriptive–correlational research. The data was collected by standard Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking questionnaires. A sample of 200 participants was selected randomly from nursing students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. To analyze the data, Pearson Coefficient inferential statistics, regression analysis, multivariate analysis of variance and t-test were used. Results: The results detected that there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills among male and female students. Female students had higher levels of emotional intelligence and critical thinking than male students. Conclusion: Fostering critical thinking and emotional intelligence among nursing students would help them improve social relationships and their ability to resolve conflicts this could also enhance nursing students' problem-solving skills and judgment abilities which in turn leads to providing more qualified clinical services