17 research outputs found

    Clinical Performance of RT-PCR and Chest CT Scan for Covid-19 Diagnosis; A Systematic Review

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    Context: Due to their availability and rapid turnaround time, the supplemental role of chest computed tomography (CT) scan and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is growing for early diagnosis of patients with COVID-19. However, due to the low efficiency of viral nucleic acid detection as well as low specificity of chest CT scan for detecting COVID-19 pneumonia, both methods show incomplete clinical performance for proper COVID-19 disease diagnosis. The purpose of this review was to compare the clinical performance of two methods and to evaluate the diagnostic values of chest CT scan and RT-PCR for suspected COVID-19 patients. Evidence acquisition: We systemically searched PubMed, Cochrane, from December 2019 to the end of April 2020. Clinical research papers in goal fields that reviewed COVID-19 patients, whom chest CT scan, and PCR testing were performed together were included. Results: In total, we found 536 studies; and finally168 studies were shortlisted. Following title and abstract screening, we reached 83 studies based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conducted screen by the full text covered 28 studies, which led to data extraction. By the full-text assessment of 28 included studies, we found 4486 assessed patients. Totally, 3164 patients had positive chest CT scans, and 3014 patients had positive PCR results. The finding showed that recent studies on the diagnostic performance of RT-PCR and chest CT scan have commonly been reported from China. Conclusion: The results from this review indicate that the chest CT scan should be used for symptomatic and hospitalized patients. Moreover, chest CT scan should not be used as a primary screening tool for diagnosing COVID-19. Application of RT-PCR as the first line diagnosis is still recommended

    A Comparative Analysis of Clinical Characteristics and Laboratory Findings of COVID-19 between Intensive Care Unit and Non-Intensive Care Unit Pediatric Patients: A Multicenter, Retrospective, Observational Study from Iranian Network for Research in Viral

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    Introduction: To date, little is known about the clinical features of pediatric COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs). Objective: Herein, we aimed to describe the differences in demographic characteristics, laboratory findings, clinical presentations, and outcomes of Iranian pediatric COVID-19 patients admitted to ICU versus those in non-ICU settings. Methods: This multicenter investigation involved 15 general and pediatrics hospitals and included cases with confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection based on positive real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) admitted to these centers between March and May 2020, during the initial peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran. Results: Overall, 166 patients were included, 61 (36.7%) of whom required ICU admission. The highest number of admitted cases to ICU were in the age group of 1–5 years old. Malignancy and heart diseases were the most frequent underlying conditions. Dyspnea was the major symptom for ICU-admitted patients. There were significant decreases in PH, HCO3 and base excess, as well as increases in creatinine, creatine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and potassium levels between ICU-admitted and non-ICU patients. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), shock, and acute cardiac injury were the most common features among ICU-admitted patients. The mortality rate in the ICU-admitted patients was substantially higher than non-ICU cases (45.9% vs. 1.9%, respectively; p<0.001). Conclusions: Underlying diseases were the major risk factors for the increased ICU admissions and mortality rates in pediatric COVID-19 patients. There were few paraclinical parameters that could differentiate between pediatrics in terms of prognosis and serious outcomes of COVID-19. Healthcare providers should consider children as a high-risk group, especially those with underlying medical conditions

    Clinical Performance of RT-PCR and Chest CT Scan for Covid-19 Diagnosis; A Systematic Review

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    Context: Due to their availability and rapid turnaround time, the supplemental role of chest computed tomography (CT) scan and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is growing for early diagnosis of patients with COVID-19. However, due to the low efficiency of viral nucleic acid detection as well as low specificity of chest CT scan for detecting COVID-19 pneumonia, both methods show incomplete clinical performance for proper COVID-19 disease diagnosis. The purpose of this review was to compare the clinical performance of two methods and to evaluate the diagnostic values of chest CT scan and RT-PCR for suspected COVID-19 patients. Evidence acquisition: We systemically searched PubMed, Cochrane, from December 2019 to the end of April 2020. Clinical research papers in goal fields that reviewed COVID-19 patients, whom chest CT scan, and PCR testing were performed together were included. Results: In total, we found 536 studies; and finally168 studies were shortlisted. Following title and abstract screening, we reached 83 studies based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conducted screen by the full text covered 28 studies, which led to data extraction. By the full-text assessment of 28 included studies, we found 4486 assessed patients. Totally, 3164 patients had positive chest CT scans, and 3014 patients had positive PCR results. The finding showed that recent studies on the diagnostic performance of RT-PCR and chest CT scan have commonly been reported from China. Conclusion: The results from this review indicate that the chest CT scan should be used for symptomatic and hospitalized patients. Moreover, chest CT scan should not be used as a primary screening tool for diagnosing COVID-19. Application of RT-PCR as the first line diagnosis is still recommended

    Mutation hot spots in hepatitis B surface antigen in chronic carriers from Khoozestan Province, Southern of Iran

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    Mutations in the human hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome contribute to its escape from host immune surveillance and result in persistent infections. The aim of this study was to characterize the molecular variations of the surface gene and protein in chronically-infected patients from the southern part of Iran. The surface genes from 12 HBV chronic carriers were amplified, sequenced and subsequently aligned using international and national Iranian database. All strains belonged to genotype D, subgenotype D1 and subtype ayw2. Of all 30 mutations occurred at 22 nucleotide positions, 18 (60%) were missense (amino acid altering) and 12 (40%) were silent (no amino acid changing). The mean mutation frequency (missense to silent nucleotide ratio), was 1.5, indicating application of a high positive selection pressure on the surface proteins. At the amino acid level, of 17 substitutions, 15 (88%) occurred in different immune epitopes within surface protein, of which 7 (46.6%) in B cell epitopes in 5 residues; 7 (46.6%) in T helper epitopes in 6 positions; 1 (7%) in inside CTL epitopes in 1 residue. We therefore conclude that the distribution of 93.2% of amino acid mutations inside B and T helper immune epitopes as well as the ratio between silent and missense nucleotide mutations showed a positive, focused immune selection pressure on the surface protein, which led to the evolution and emergence of escape mutants in these patients. Copyright© Autumn 2013, Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. All rights reserved.Peer Reviewe

    Occult Hepatitis B Infection among Hemodialysis Patients in Tabriz, Northwest of Iran: Prevalence and Mutations within the S Region

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    Regardless of the extensive screening for the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hemodialysis (HD) patients are still severely at the risk of occult hepatitis B virus infection (OBI), especially in developing countries. OBI is defined as the presence of HBV DNA with undetectable HBsAg in the liver and/or Serum. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OBI in HD patients in East Azerbaijan Province, northwest of Iran, and inquire about the mutations in the detected HBsAg. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, ELISA method assessed serum and plasma samples of 118 HBsAg-negative patients undergoing HD treatment for HBV serological markers (HBsAg and Anti-HBc). Specific primers by nested polymerase chain reaction have been utilized to examine HBV DNA; also, direct sequencing of surface genes was carried out to characterize the viral genotypes and S gene mutations. Finally, followed by real-time PCR, the quantity of viral load in OBI-positive patients was determined. A total of 118 HD patients were included (63.6% were male and 36.4% female), with an overall mean age of 60.8 ± 12.8 years old. The prevalence of antihepatitis B core antibody (Anti-HBc) in the study population was 26.3% (31/118). Five patients (4.2%) were positive for HBV DNA and labeled OBI-positive; their plasma HBV-DNA load was less than 100 IU/ml. Following the phylogenetic analysis, the samples with OBI roughly belonged to genotype D, subtype ayw2 and only two had mutations within the S ’gene’s major hydrophilic region (MHR), including T123I, C124F, and P127T. This study reports the prevalence of OBI in the HBsAg-negative HD patients being at a rate of 4.2%, which can be a clinically vital consideration in this region. HBV serologic screening approaches need to be renewed to cover nucleic acid testing in the setting of hemodialysis and all the other high-risk groups associated with it (i.e., blood and organ donors)

    Hepatitis A: Viral Structure, Classification, Life Cycle, Clinical Symptoms, Diagnosis Error, and Vaccination

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    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is one of the well-known viruses that cause hepatitis all around the globe. Although this illness has decreased in developed countries due to extensive immunization, numerous developing and under-developed countries are struggling with this virus. HAV infection can be spread by oral-fecal contact, and there are frequent epidemics through nutrition. Improvements in socioeconomic and sanitary circumstances have caused a shift in the disease’s prevalence worldwide. Younger children are usually asymptomatic, but as they become older, the infection symptoms begin to appear. Symptoms range from slight inflammation and jaundice to acute liver failure in older individuals. While an acute infection may be self-limiting, unrecognized persistent infections, and the misapplication of therapeutic methods based on clinical guidelines are linked to a higher incidence of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and mortality. Fortunately, most patients recover within two months of infection, though 10–15% of patients will relapse within the first six months. A virus seldom leads to persistent infection or liver damage. The mainstay of therapy is based on supportive care. All children from 12–23 months, as well as some susceptible populations, should receive routine vaccinations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Laboratory diagnosis of HAV is based on antigen detection, checking liver enzyme levels, and antibody screening. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology has identified HAV in suspected nutrition sources; therefore, this technique is used for preventative measures and food-related laws

    Prevalence of blood-borne viruses among Iranian dentists: Results of a national survey

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    Objectives: Health care workers, including dentists, are at the front line for acquiring blood-borne virus infections. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency viruses among Iranian dentists. Material and Methods: The survey included 1628 dental health care workers who attended the 51st annual Congress of the Iranian Dental Association. Data on the risk of blood-borne virus transmission during health care and infection control practices were gathered from self-administered questionnaires. Sera were screened serologically by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The positive samples were examined by polymerase chain reaction (PRC) followed by direct sequencing. Results: Six (0.36%) and 81 (5.0%) were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and (anti-hepatitis B virus core antigen (anti-HBc), respectively. Only 1 (0.061%) was positive for anti-hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV). No case was positive for anti-human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV). One case was diagnosed as being occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. One thousand five hundred thirty-five (94.3%) of participants had received at least 1 dose of HBV vaccine. One thousand three hundred fifty-nine (88.5%) contained hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) > 10 IU/ml, of whom 55 (4.0%) were anti-HBc positive, suggesting that they had been infected with HBV in the past. Anti-HBc positive cases had past histories of hepatitis, either their own or their spouses’. Individuals with inadequate anti-HBs levels (< 10 IU/ml) were significantly more prevalent among anti-HBc positive cases (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of blood-borne viruses among dental HCWs found in this study was lower than past reports from Iranian dentists and general population. The implementation of HBV vaccination together with improvement in infection control procedures has reduced the potential for risk infection among Iranian dentists

    Therapeutic and diagnostic applications of nanoparticles in the management of COVID-19: a comprehensive overview

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    Abstract In December 2019, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was reported in Wuhan, China. Comprehensive strategies for quick identification, prevention, control, and remedy of COVID-19 have been implemented until today. Advances in various nanoparticle-based technologies, including organic and inorganic nanoparticles, have created new perspectives in this field. These materials were extensively used to control COVID-19 because of their specific attribution to preparing antiviral face masks, various safety sensors, etc. In this review, the most current nanoparticle-based technologies, applications, and achievements against the coronavirus were summarized and highlighted. This paper also offers nanoparticle preventive, diagnostic, and treatment options to combat this pandemic. Graphical Abstrac