43 research outputs found

    Health behaviour modelling for prenatal diagnosis in Australia: a geodemographic framework for health service utilisation and policy development

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the wide availability of prenatal screening and diagnosis, a number of studies have reported no decrease in the rate of babies born with Down syndrome. The objective of this study was to investigate the geodemographic characteristics of women who have prenatal diagnosis in Victoria, Australia, by applying a novel consumer behaviour modelling technique in the analysis of health data. METHODS: A descriptive analysis of data on all prenatal diagnostic tests, births (1998 and 2002) and births of babies with Down syndrome (1998 to 2002) was undertaken using a Geographic Information System and socioeconomic lifestyle segmentation classifications. RESULTS: Most metropolitan women in Victoria have average or above State average levels of uptake of prenatal diagnosis. Inner city women residing in high socioeconomic lifestyle segments who have high rates of prenatal diagnosis spend 20% more on specialist physician's fees when compared to those whose rates are average. Rates of prenatal diagnosis are generally low amongst women in rural Victoria, with the lowest rates observed in farming districts. Reasons for this are likely to be a combination of lack of access to services (remoteness) and individual opportunity (lack of transportation, low levels of support and income). However, there are additional reasons for low uptake rates in farming areas that could not be explained by the behaviour modelling. These may relate to women's attitudes and choices. CONCLUSION: A lack of statewide geodemographic consistency in uptake of prenatal diagnosis implies that there is a need to target health professionals and pregnant women in specific areas to ensure there is increased equity of access to services and that all pregnant women can make informed choices that are best for them. Equally as important is appropriate health service provision for families of children with Down syndrome. Our findings show that these potential interventions are particularly relevant in rural areas. Classifying data to lifestyle segments allowed for practical comparisons of the geodemographic characteristics of women having prenatal diagnosis in Australia at a population level. This methodology may in future be a feasible and cost-effective tool for service planners and policy developers

    Stres u radu sveučilišnih nastavnika: rodne i pozicijske razlike

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    The aim of this study was to investigate exposure to stress at work in university teachers and see if there were differences between men and women as well as between positions. The study was carried out online and included a representative sample of 1,168 teachers employed at universities in Croatia. This included all teaching positions: assistants (50 %), assistant professors (18 %), associate professors (17 %), and full professors (15 %). Fifty-seven percent of the sample were women. The participants answered a questionnaire of our own design that measured six groups of stressors: workload, material and technical conditions at work, relationships with colleagues at work, work with students, work organisation, and social recognition and status. Women reported greater stress than men. Assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors reported greater stress related to material and technical conditions of work and work organisation than assistants, who, in turn, found relationships with colleagues a greater stressor. Full professors, reported lower exposure to stress at work than associate professors, assistant professors, and assistants.Cilj rada bio je istražiti izloženost sveučilišnih nastavnika stresu u radu i ispitati postoje li razlike između muškaraca i žena te zaposlenika na različitim pozicijama u stupnju izloženosti i prirodi radnih stresora. Istraživanje je metodom on-line ankete provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku od 1168 nastavnika zaposlenih na sveučilištima u Hrvatskoj. Obuhvaćene su bile sve znanstveno-nastavne pozicije: asistenti (51 %), docenti (19 %), izvanredni profesori (15 %) i redoviti profesori (15 %). 57 % uzorka činile su žene. Primijenjen je Upitnik izloženosti stresu u radu za sveučilišne nastavnike (ISR-SN) koji sadržava 37 čestica i mjeri šest latentnih dimenzija izvora stresa: radno opterećenje, materijalne/tehničke uvjete rada, odnose na poslu, studente, organizaciju rada i društvene uvjete rada. Žene u odnosu prema muškarcima u prosjeku izvještavaju o većoj prisutnosti izvora stresa u svom poslu. Docenti, izvanredni i redoviti profesori u prosjeku procjenjuju veću prisutnost stresora vezanih uz materijalne/tehničke uvjete rada i organizaciju rada u odnosu na asistente koji, pak, u većoj mjeri procjenjuju prisutnost stresora vezanih uz međuljudske odnose. Redoviti profesori u prosjeku izvještavaju o manjoj izloženosti stresorima u svom poslu od izvanrednih profesora, docenata i asistenata

    El individuo en la masa. Psicología del comportamiento colectivo. El cuerpo como delito: anorexia, bulimia, cultura y sociedad. El cerebro humano. Libro de trabajo. Text anxiety: theory, assesment, and treatment

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    Comprender desde una óptica psicosocial los fenómenos colectivos es el objetivo fundamental del presente trabajo. Para llevar a cabo este empeño el autor se sitúa en una posición no experimentalista, considerada por su parte la más idónea para abordar estos temas. Reclama así mismo, la interdisciplinariedad de la psicología social colectiva para acometer con éxito este objetivo. En la actualidad uno de los trastornos que más se están incrementando en los paises occidentales, tanto en el número de casos como en el inicio cada vez más temprano en el que surgen, son los trastornos alimentarios; en particular, la anorexia y la bulimia. Consecuentemente cada vez hay una literatura más extensa sobre este tema. Ahora bien, el libro que trata este comentario, " El cuerpo como delito: anorexia, bulimia, cultura y sociedad ", tiene la virtud de adentrarnos en este problema abordando variables fundamentales de la realidad de este fenómeno.El aprendizaje y conocimiento de la anatomía del sistema nervioso implica una enorme dosis de esfuerzo, memoria y motivación. Cuando se enfrenta a esta materia, el estudiante de Psicología se encuentra frecuentemente con un doble problema: a la dificultad que supone entender la utilidad de disponer de conocimientos neuroanatómicos se añade también en numerosas ocasiones el hecho de carecer de unas prácticas apropiadas de la asignatura. Además, aunque existen en el mercado buenos libros de texto sobre neuroanatomía, el diseño y estructuración de los mismos no suele ser lo suficientemente atractivo como para facilitar su aprendizaje. En los últimos cincuenta años el uso de los tests está siendo tan generalizado, que el acceder a una determinada educación y formación o el alcanzar una meta profesional viene determinado por el rendimiento de las personas en exámenes tipo tests. Muchos estudiantes, en virtud de la transcendencia de sus puntuaciones en pruebas de selección, vienen a padecer lo que se ha dado en considerar un problema contemporáneo, y que es la ansiedad en los tests; sus repercusiones son a tener en cuenta debido a que puede provocar reducciones importantes en la ejecución de los estudiantes