164 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of Large AdS Black Holes

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    We consider leading order quantum corrections to the geometry of large AdS black holes in a spherical reduction of four-dimensional Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant. The Hawking temperature grows without bound with increasing black hole mass, yet the semiclassical back-reaction on the geometry is relatively mild, indicating that observers in free fall outside a large AdS black hole never see thermal radiation at the Hawking temperature. The positive specific heat of large AdS black holes is a statement about the dual gauge theory rather than an observable property on the gravity side. Implications for string thermodynamics with an AdS infrared regulator are briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, v2. added reference

    Mass epidemics in the USSR in the 1950s and 1960s. and in modern Russia: comparative analysis

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    The article raises the problems of the spread of mass epidemics in the USSR and modern Russia. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the methods used in our country to fight epidemics during the Soviet period and at the present stage is given.В статье поднимаются проблемы распространения массовых эпидемий в СССР и современной России. Дается сравнительный анализ эффективности применяемых в нашей стране методов борьбы с эпидемиями в советский период и на современном этапе


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    Methodology for cloud-based design of robots was developed and used to initiate interdisciplinary project of manipulator, which was hosted by data center of UrFU. The 3D model of arm robot was created in Siemens PLM CAD and structured as complex mechatronics product with Teamcenter on the cloud

    Quasinormal modes and holographic correlators in a crunching AdS geometry

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    We calculate frequency space holographic correlators in an asymptotically AdS crunching background, dual to a relevant deformation of the M2-brane CFT placed in de Sitter spacetime. For massless bulk scalars, exploiting the connection to a solvable supersymmetric quantum mechanical problem, we obtain the exact frequency space correlator for the dual operator in the deformed CFT. Controlling the shape of the crunching surface in the Penrose diagram by smoothly dialling the deformation from zero to infinity, we observe that in the large deformation limit the Penrose diagram becomes a `square', and the exact holographic correlators display striking similarities to their counterparts in the BTZ black hole and its higher dimensional generalisations. We numerically determine quasinormal poles for relevant and irrelevant operators, and find an intricate pattern of these in the complex frequency plane. In the case of relevant operators, the deformation parameter has an infinite sequence of critical values, each one characterised by a pair of poles colliding and moving away from the imaginary frequency axis with increasing deformation. In the limit of infinite deformation all scalar operators have identical quasinormal spectra. We compare and contrast our strongly coupled de Sitter QFT results with strongly coupled thermal correlators from AdS black holes


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    Introduction. External pancreatic fistulas are developed up to 45 % during the postoperative period after the percutaneous drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts. According to some authors this fact is the main contraindication for using of transcutaneous method in  treatment of these patients.The objective is to optimize the tactics of treatment for minimizing the possible development of external pancreatic fistulasMaterials and methods. Puncture-draining operations were performed in 164 patients with chronic pancreatic pseudocysts. Puncture operations with ultrasound control were primarily performed in 54 patients (32.9 %), they were effective for 29 patients (53.7 %). Traditional surgical interventions were performed in 7 patients (12.9 %) from this group. Percutaneous drainage of pseudocyst was secondary used in 18 patients (33.4 %). Percutaneous drainage of pseudocysts was primarily used in other group consisting of 110 (67.1 %) patients. During the postoperative period, external pancreatic fistula formed in 36 (32.7 %) patients from this group. The fistulas were eliminated by supplementing the transcutaneous interventions with endoscopic methods.Results. Endoscopic papillosphincterotomy was performed in 36 patients. Pancreatic fistulas were closed after the operation in 12 patients (33.3 %). Endoscopic formation cystogastro-, cystoduodenoanastomosis on «lost drainage» were performed in 9 patients (25 %). Temporary decompression transpapillary stenting of the MPD was performed in 15 patients (41.7 %), endoscopic retrograde stenting was performed in 5 of them. Antegrade stenting of the MPD was transcutaneously performed in 10 patients. There were no lethal outcomes. Fistulas regressed in all patients. Recurrence of cyst formation, pancreatic hypertension were not be to dynamic examinations. Algorithm of treatment was formed and based on the results of a retrospective analysis to treatment of pancreatic cysts in general surgical clinic of «Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University».Conclusions. Coherent combining of minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of patients with chronic pancreatic pseudocysts leads to good results: absolute cystic regression and elimination of pancreatic fistulas as appropriate.Введение. После проведенного чрескожного дренирования псевдокист поджелудочной железы до 45 % случаев в послеоперационном периоде развиваются наружные панкреатические свищи, что является основным противопоказанием к применению транскутанного метода, по мнению ряда авторов, в лечении данной категории больных.Цель – оптимизировать тактику лечения с целью минимизации возможного риска развития наружных панкреатических свищей.Материал и методы. 164 пациентам с хроническими псевдокистами поджелудочной железы проводились пункционно-дренирующие операции. 54 пациентам (32,9 %) первично выполнялись пункционные операции под УЗ-контролем, с положительным эффектом – у 29 больных (53,7 %). 7 пациентам (12,9 %) из этой группы выполнены традиционные оперативные вмешательства. 18 пациентам (33,4 %) выполнены вторично чрескожные дренирования полостей псевдокист. Другой группе, состоявшей из 110 (67,1 %) пациентов, выполнено первично чрескожное дренирование псевдокист. В послеоперационном периоде у 36 (32,7 %) пациентов из этой группы в течение месяца сохранялось панкреатическое отделяемое с формированием наружного панкреатического свища. Ликвидация свищей производилась за счет дополнения транскутанных вмешательств эндоскопическими методами.Результаты исследования. 36 пациентам выполнялась эндоскопическая папиллосфинктеротомия. У 12 (33,3 %) после проведенной операции панкреатические свищи закрылись. 9 (25 %) пациентам эндоскопически сформированы цистогастро-, цистодуоденоанастомозы на «потерянном дренаже». 15 (41,7 %) пациентам было выполнено временное декомпрессионное транспапиллярное стентирование ГПП, из которых 5 больным выполнено эндоскопическое ретроградное стентирование. 10 пациентам стентирование ГПП произведено антеградным методом транскутанно. Летальных исходов не наблюдалось. У всех пациентов свищи регрессировали. При динамическом обследовании рецидива кистообразования, панкреатической гипертензии не наблюдалось. По результатам ретроспективного анализа материалов, полученных в ходе лечения больных панкреатическими кистами на базе клиники общей хирургии ПСПбГМУ им. И. П. Павлова, сформирован алгоритм лечения.Выводы. Последовательное комбинирования использование миниинвазивных технологий в лечении пациентов с хроническими псевдокистами поджелудочной железы позволяет добиться хороших результатов: абсолютного кистозного регресса, при необходимости, ликвидации панкреатических свищей

    Influences of Forest Structure, Climate and Species Composition on Tree Mortality across the Eastern US

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    Few studies have quantified regional variation in tree mortality, or explored whether species compositional changes or within-species variation are responsible for regional patterns, despite the fact that mortality has direct effects on the dynamics of woody biomass, species composition, stand structure, wood production and forest response to climate change. Using Bayesian analysis of over 430,000 tree records from a large eastern US forest database we characterised tree mortality as a function of climate, soils, species and size (stem diameter). We found (1) mortality is U-shaped vs. stem diameter for all 21 species examined; (2) mortality is hump-shaped vs. plot basal area for most species; (3) geographical variation in mortality is substantial, and correlated with several environmental factors; and (4) individual species vary substantially from the combined average in the nature and magnitude of their mortality responses to environmental variation. Regional variation in mortality is therefore the product of variation in species composition combined with highly varied mortality-environment correlations within species. The results imply that variation in mortality is a crucial part of variation in the forest carbon cycle, such that including this variation in models of the global carbon cycle could significantly narrow uncertainty in climate change predictions