4 research outputs found

    Комплексный анализ родства представителей подсемейства Cryptogrammoideae (Pteridaceae)

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    This research is the first comprehensive analysis of the intrageneric relationships inside the subfamily Cryptogrammoideae: 14 taxa of Coniogramme and one species of Cryptogramma were involved additionally in the molecular phylogenetic studies based on rbcL gene of plastid DNA; spore morphology of 32 taxa of cryptogrammoid ferns, namely 22 taxa of Coniogramme, nine species of Cryptogramma and one species of Llavea were studied using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM); 31 taxon of Cryptogrammoideae were studied using herbarium data from Herbaria across Europe and Asia (P, PE, LE, VLA, ALTB, TK) according to global botanical and geographical zones. As a result of this comprehensive analysis, we established a deep divergence of Coniogramme merillii in Coniogramme superclade: this species is the sister lineage to the remainder of Coniogramme. We revealed also the separateness of Co. suprapilosa from Co. rosthornii and Co. longissima, Co. africana from Co. lanceolata and Co. fraxinea, Co. robusta from Co. jinggangshanensis, Co. wilsonii and Co. japonica. Among Cryptogramma species, the relationship of Far Eastern Cr. gorovoi with Cr. crispa from the Caucasus and the Turkish endemic Cr. bithynica but not with any Far Eastern species was revealed. Spores of Coniogramme are characterized by simple smooth, granulate and papillate macroornamentation, spores of Cryptogramma species have the more coarse colliculate or tuberculate macro-ornamentation. Peculiarities of macro-ornamentation allow us to define six spore types in cryptogrammoid ferns: four spore types in Coniogramme and two spore types in Cryptogramma; the same spore type we assigned for Llavea cordifolia and Coniogramme suprapilosa. In Coniogramme, the grouping of species attending the spore type does not agree with existing classification and phylogenetic hypotheses. Genetic separateness of Co. suprapilosa corresponds with its exceptional verrucate spore sculpture not found in other Coniogramme species. In Cryptogramma, the grouping on the spore types corresponds with other morphological characteristics, existing system and molecular phylogeny. Spore ornamentation has diagnostic value in the recognition of cryptogrammoid taxa at the generic and section (in Cryptogramma) level

    Морфология спор Taenitis, Syngramma и Austrogramme (Pteridoideae, Pteridaceae) из Юго-Восточной Азии и Океании. II

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    This paper continues consideration of the spores of three paleotropical fern genera – Taenitis, Syn-gramma, and Austrogramme (Pteridoideae, Pteridaceae) from South-Eastern Asia and Oceania. At the second stage, we carried out a comparative scanning electron microscopy study of spores of three species of Austrogramme, four species of Syngramma, and six species of Taenitis and added information about previously studied spores of seven species of these genera. Spores of all examined species are trilete, tetrahedral or tetrahedral-globose with convex to hemispherical distal side and plane, convex or conical proximal side. The spores of Austrogramme species are the smallest, simplest in ornamentation and similar to each other. Sculpture of the proximal and distal sides are microver-rucate, the surface of the spores is covered by granular deposits. Spores of most Syngramma species are very similar to spores of Austrogramme species in shape and surface sculpture: their distal and proximal surfaces are microverrucate, whereas the spores of S. borneensis and S. cartilagidens have the low-tuberculate sculpture. Spores of Taenitis species are very different from the spores of Austrogramme and Syngramma. Seven of nine studied species have spores with well-expressed cingulum (T. blechnoides, T. cordata, T. diversifolia, T. interrupta, T. luzonica, T. obtusa, and T. re -quiniana), three species (T. cordata, T. hookeri, and T. pinnata) have spores with prominent laesural ridges. The spores have well-expressed ornamentation – tuberculate, baculate, rugate, tuberculate-rugate. The most conspicuous char-acter of the ornamentation of spore surfaces is the presence of rodlets associated with sculpture elements. The dens-est rodlets are characteristic of Taenitis diversifolia, T. luzonica, T. obtusa, and T. requiniana. Spore size (equatorial diameter) ranges on average between 22 μm and 37 μm in Austrogramme, between 27 μm and 41 μm in Syngramma, and between 26 and 51 μm in Taenitis specie

    Selective Destruction of Soluble Polyurethaneimide as Novel Approach for Fabrication of Insoluble Polyimide Films

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    Polymeric coatings and membranes with extended stability toward a wide range of organic solvents are practical for application in harsh environments; on the other hand, such stability makes their processing quite difficult. In this work, we propose a novel method for the fabrication of films based on non-soluble polymers. The film is made from the solution of block copolymer containing both soluble and insoluble blocks followed by selective decomposition of soluble blocks. To prove this concept, we synthesized copolymer [(imide)n-(polyurethane)]m, in which the imide blocks were combined with polyurethane blocks based on polycaprolactone. By selective hydrolysis of urethane blocks in the presence of acid, it was possible to obtain the insoluble polyimide film for the first time. It was shown that the combination of thermal and acid treatment allowed almost complete removal of urethane blocks from the initial copolymer chains. IR spectroscopy, TGA, DSC and DMA methods were used to study the evaluation of the structure and properties of polymeric material as a result of thermal oxidation and hydrolysis by acid. It was shown that the polymeric films obtained by controlled decomposition were not soluble in aprotic solvent, such as dimethylformamide, n-methylpyrrolidone and dimethyl sulfoxide, and showed very close similarity to the homopolymer consisting of the same imide monomer, poly-(4,4′oxydiphenylene)pyromellitimide, confirming the feasibility of the proposed concept and its perspectives for fabrication of organic solvent-resistant membranes

    Virtual Herbarium ALTB: collection of vascular plants of the Altai Mountain Country

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    Background The herbarium of the South-Siberian Botanical Garden of Altai State University (ALTB) houses the largest collection of plants from the Altai Mountain Country (AMC), an area that extends across Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. The collection of ALTB includes more than 450,00 specimens, making it the seventh largest in Russia and the fourth largest amongst Russian university herbaria. Altai State University (ASU), the home of ALTB, is one of the most important centres of academic education and research in Siberia and the Russian Far East. It is a sociocultural centre that provides a distinguished learning environment for undergraduate and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields, meeting the needs of today's knowledge-based post-industrial society and contributing to regional development. It actively promotes international cooperation and strategic collaboration amongst countries of the AMC in the fields of science, education and culture. In particular, the activities of the South-Siberian Botanical Garden include: development of measures to protect rare and endangered plant species, research on the flora and vegetation of the AMC, preparation and publication of a multi-volume work "Flora Altaica", monographic study of individual plant groups, conducting laboratory classes, summer practicals and special courses. The main purpose of this article is to attract the attention of the scientific community to the botanical research of transboundary territory of the Altai Mountain Country (Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia) and to the future development of digital plant collections in partnership with Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). New information The Virtual Herbarium ALTB (Russian interface - altb.asu.ru) is the largest digital collection of plants from the transboundary territory of the Altai Mountain Country and the main source of primary material for the "Flora Altaica" project (http://altaiflora.asu.ru/en/). Since 2017, when Altai State University became a GBIF data publisher, data from the Virtual Herbarium ALTB has been exported to the dataset "Virtual Herbarium ALTB (South-Siberian Botanical Garden)" in GBIF. Currently, it includes images and data from 22,466 vascular plants, of which 67% have geographic coordinates (accessed on 30.03.2021). Most of the specimens have been collected since 1977, with the most intensive collecting years being 1995-2008. In 2019, the label-data table of the Virtual Herbarium ALTB was modified to bring it into conformity with the Darwin Core specification (http://altb.asu.ru/). This effectively solved the major impediment to sharing plant diversity data from the AMC and adjacent regions in a multilingual environment