7 research outputs found

    Progressives in present and past

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    This study investigates the relationship between progressive patterns and present and past time reference. First, it looks at the shared distribution of more than 90 progressives in two parallel corpora and discusses the characteristics of these contexts. It is shown that while progressives are used for dramatic and topical events in the present, they are typically used as backgrounding, supportive material in the past. Second, it is shown that progressives generally have more occurrences in contexts with present time reference than past, this is especially true for progressives with many uses, i.e. more grammaticalized progressives. And third, a number of progressives temporally restricted are presented. Two historical explanations for these restrictions are provided, both of which result from the higher frequency of present uses over past

    The Finite Independency : A study of the relevance of the notion of finiteness in Hdi.

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    This paper argues that there is a finiteness distinction in Hdi and that the notion is of value for a description of the language. The definition of finiteness suitable for the language has been suggested to be the one given by Anderson (2007) combined with Bisang (2007). The finite clauses are argued to be the pragmatically independent ones while the non-finite clauses are argued to be the pragmatically dependent. However, no morphological reductions were found in the non-finite clauses relative to the finite ones. What is more, negation in Hdi shows a nontypical behaviour regarding finiteness properties as there are aspectual distinctions made for dependent clauses that are not made for independent. Verbless clauses and imperatives may be viewed as finite and non-finite depending on their capacity to licence independent predication or, alternatively, they may be viewed as not displaying finiteness properties at all. The latter is argued to be preferred in order to avoid a redundant definition of finiteness

    Progressives in use and contact : A descriptive, areal and typological study with special focus on selected Iranian languages

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    Progressives are grammatical patterns primarily used to refer to events that are ongoing at a specific time. This thesis investigates uses of such patterns in a number of languages as well as the interaction of a number of progressives in contact. The dissertation includes a typological study of the uses of 89 progressive patterns in two parallel corpora, an investigation of the uses and origin of the Persian dāơtan progressive and an areal linguistic investigation of 50 Iranian varieties spoken around the Caspian Sea. The dissertation presents features that increase the likelihood that a progressive is used. Such features are 1) a focalized (punctual) reference point, 2) the engagement or ‘busyness’ of the agentive subject on the event, 3) an emotive component and 4) the desire to turn the attention of the addressee towards an ongoing event. The significance of these features is expected to weaken as progressives grammaticalize. There is a cross-linguistic tendency for progressives to occur more often with present time reference than with past time reference. In some cases, they are even restricted to the former. Among the varieties of the Iranian language Taleshi, on the other hand, we find asymmetric temporal paradigms as a consequence of former progressive patterns having expanded and lost their progressive character in the present but not in the past. The study also shows that progressives are used differently in the present and the past: while events with present time reference often have the features mentioned above in 1-4, events with past time reference are often, although not exclusively, background contexts to other events pushing the narration forward. The thesis also discusses various peripheral uses of progressives, such as uses in habitual and performative-like contexts, proximative, iterative and futurate uses, uses with stative verbs and temporary and subjective uses. Some of these tend to be found in patterns with higher frequencies and can be regarded as expansions towards the imperfective. Other uses are linked to the type of event to which the progressive applies: the proximative reading is shown to arise with achievements and the iterative use with repeated punctual events.   The data from the varieties of the Iranian languages Mazandarani, Gilaki, Taleshi and Tati, as well as from varieties under the influence of Persian, suggests that the progressive in these varieties is highly borrowable. Among the varieties discussed in Chapter 5, an areal cline is noted where constructional schemas used for ongoing events shift towards the imperfective. In the borrowing process, on occasion, a shift from progressive to proximative is also noted. As expected, the data from Caspian varieties shows that there are more progressive patterns than imperfective patterns

    Breaking paradigms : A typological study of nominal and adjectival suppletion

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    Suppletion is a term used to describe the occurrence of unpredictable and irregular patterns. Although typological research has been devoted to verb suppletion, not as much attention has been given to suppletion in nominal and adjectival paradigms. The thesis presents the cross-linguistic distribution of nominal and adjectival suppletion. The lexical distribution as well as the features involved are presented. The results of nominal suppletion show that nouns referring to humans are most often suppletive, that number is the most common grammatical feature involved in nominal suppletion and that „child‟ is by far the most common noun to be suppletive cross-linguistically. The results on adjectival suppletion show that adjectival suppletion is well spread though not very common cross-linguistically. A study of 8 Semitic languages shows that „woman‟ versus „women‟ are stable suppletive forms in this language family

    Typology of nominal and adjectival suppletion

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    This article presents a sample-based typological account of suppletion in nouns and adjectives. The distribution of the grammatical categories involved in the suppletive forms is presented along with the lexical meanings most commonly found to be suppletive. It is demonstrated that nominal suppletion is not a rare phenomenon and most commonly involves the feature number followed by possession. The noun ‘child’ is the most common suppletive noun. In general, nouns referring to humans are more likely to be suppletive than others. The investigation shows that adjectival suppletion is less common than nominal suppletion and affects frequent adjectives with general meanings of the types value and size

    Det parallella betydelseplanet : En narrativ studie av Willy Kyrklunds TvÄsam ur ett receptionsteoretisk perspektiv

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    I denna uppsats har Willy Kyrklunds roman TvÄsam (1949), 1 med hjÀlp av berÀttartekniska analysverktyg sÄsom berÀttarnÀrvaro, karaktÀrsgestaltning, metatextualitet, komposition och sprÄk och stil, undersökts. I uppsatsen har de grepp som anvÀnts i textens diskuterats med avseende pÄ effekten för lÀsaren. Det har framkommit att framförallt textens montageform, inte uppfyllande genreförvÀntningarna, bidragit till att skapa ett allegoriskt betydelseplan dÀr poÀng och mening kan utlÀsas. De genrebrytande effekter texten utvinner kan sÀgas göra texten till en antiroman, en metaroman eller en allegorisk roman. TvÄsam kan sÀgas handla om skrivandet och en lÀsning av TvÄsam kan sÀgas vara ett sökande efter mening. En tolkning av texten Àr varken entydigt sluten eller lÀttillgÀnglig vilket tvingar lÀsaren att aktivera sin tankevÀrld för att kunna foga samman textens olika delar. Textens avsaknad av intrig, inkonsekventa berÀttarhÄllning, avsaknad av en dynamisk karaktÀrsgestaltning, infogandet av mindre berÀttelser inuti den huvudsakliga samt den skiftande sprÄkanvÀndningen har alla bidragit till att anvisa en sÄdan aktivering. Samspelet mellan textens form och innehÄll har ocksÄ uppmÀrksammats. De filosofiska frÄgestÀllningar som tematiserats i texten har ofta pÄ ett eller annat sÀtt illustrerats. Exempelvis har frÄgan om mÀnniskans fria vilja och de valmöjligheter detta inbegriper knutits an till textens metafiktiva drag dÀr berÀttaren tillÀmpat diskussionen genom att uppvisa skribentens, varande han sjÀlv, fria vilja och ge lÀsaren alternativa lÀsningar. PÄ sÄ sÀtt upprÀtthÄlls Àven en relation med lÀsaren. Slutligen har en diskussion kring textens effekter med fokus pÄ författarens makt förts dÀr textens form i förhÄllande till lÀsarens roll stÄtt i centrum

    Grammatisk kunskap i sva-lÀrares undervisningspraktik för nyanlÀnda

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    Den hĂ€r artikeln handlar om en del av den undervisning som elevgruppen nyanlĂ€nda elever i gymnasieĂ„ldern möter inom ramen för Ă€mnet svenska som andrasprĂ„k. En frĂ„ga som Ă„terkommer i bĂ„da svenskĂ€mnesdiskurserna rör grammatikundervisningens vara eller icke vara. FrĂ„gan grundar sig till stor del pÄ den ambivalenta instĂ€llning mĂ„nga har haft till traditionell grammatikundervisning, vilken ofta uppges vara normativt inriktad, nĂ€ra anknuten till sprĂ„kriktighet, och som innebĂ€r att eleverna konfronteras med grammatisk terminologi utan tydligt sammanhang.  NĂ€r det gĂ€ller grammatik i sva-Ă€mnet aktualiseras frĂ„gan om grammatikundervisning utifrĂ„n ett delvis annat perspektiv – inlĂ€rarperspektivet. Gynnar explicit grammatikundervisning elevernas inlĂ€rning och utveckling i svenska? Vad ska i sĂ„ fall en sĂ„dan undervisning innehĂ„lla och hur ska den bedrivas? Ska sva-lĂ€rare över huvud taget Ă€gna sig Ă„t explicit grammatikundervisning nĂ€r styrdokumentens mĂ„l, centrala innehĂ„ll och kunskapskrav har kommunikation som bĂ„de utgĂ„ngspunkt och mĂ„l? Detta Ă€r frĂ„gor som under decennier har vĂ€ckt starka kĂ€nslor och periodvis hĂ„rd debatt bland forskare, lĂ€rarutbildare och i media. Tongivande kritiska röster har under lĂ„ng tid haft stort inflytande pĂ„ bĂ„de lĂ€rarutbildningar och den pedagogiska praktiken – detta trots att forskningen ger nyanserade och diversifierade svar pĂ„ frĂ„gorna. Det övergripande syftet med denna undersökning Ă€r att öka kunskapen om grammatikens plats i klassrumspraktiken i Ă€mnet svenska som andrasprĂ„k. Mer specifikt Ă€r syftet dels att identifiera grammatiskt innehĂ„ll som tas upp under sva-lektioner för nyanlĂ€nda i gymnasieĂ„ldern, dels att urskilja och beskriva olika typer av grammatikundervisning. Studien bygger pĂ„ totalt 146 dokumenterade klassrumsobservationer i fyra klasser pĂ„ tvĂ„ gymnasieskolor. Studien visar att nyanlĂ€nda elever i gymnasieĂ„ldern möter en hel del grammatik i sva-undervisningen. De grammatiska momenten mĂ„ste dock ses i sitt specifika undervisningssammanhang för att över huvud taget kunna urskiljas. I de klassrumspraktiker som vi har studerat ingĂ„r grammatiska moment i princip uteslutande i kontexter som har skriv- eller lĂ€sutveckling som mĂ„l och utgĂ„r frĂ„n elevernas eget skrivande eller frĂ„n texter som anvĂ€nds i undervisningen i sva eller andra Ă€mnen. För konkreta exempel, lĂ€s artikeln i sin helhet.Intensivsvensk