7 research outputs found

    Waste materials utilization for preparing hydrolysates for the fermentation phase.

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na studium a porovnání různých druhů hydrolýz, jejich optimalizaci a také maximalizaci výtěžků nejvhodnější hydrolýzy pro navazující fermentaci. Jako substrát byly zvoleny pomerančové slupky. Substrát byl nejdříve mechanicky rozmělněn a poté z něj byla připravena suspenze, která podstoupila jednu ze zkoumaných metod předúpravy. Provedly se hydrolýzy fyzikální, jako mikrovlny, zvýšená teplota či ultrazvuk, nebo hydrolýzy chemické, a to kyselé i alkalické. Byly použity i kombinace fyzikálních a chemických metod. Optimalizace enzymatické hydrolýzy materiálu proběhla s použitím enzymů Novozymes® NS50013 a NS50010. Dále byla studována produkce celulolytických a pektolytických enzymů po dobu 10 dní procesem SSF za použití kmenu A. niger. U všech provedených hydrolýz proběhlo stanovení výtěžku redukujících cukrů pomocí metody dle Somogyi Nelsona. Z různých metod předúprav se jako nejúspěšnější prokázala enzymatická hydrolýza, a to kombinace obou enzymů při kultivaci trvající 96 hodin, o pH = 4,5 a teplotě 45 °C. Výtěžky redukujících sacharidů v těchto hydrolyzátech dosahovaly 27,4241 ± 0,0007 gl-1.Bachelor thesis focuses on the study and comparison of different types of hydrolysis, their optimization and maximization of yields for the upcoming fermentation. Orange peel was chosen as a substrate to conduct the experiments. First, the substrate was mechanically grinded to form a suspension. Each suspension then underwent one out of the examined methods of hydrolysis. Chosen methods were physical, such as microwaves, increased temperature or ultrasound, and chemical acidic and alkaline. Combinations of both types were also examined. The last optimized method was enzymatic hydrolysis. First set of experiments was conducted using enzymes Novozymes® NS50013 and NS50010. Production of cellulase and pectinase enzymes by A. niger during solid-state fermentation that lasted 10 days was also studied. The yields of reducing sugars of all the experiments were calculated using the Somogyi-Nelson method. Enzymatic hydrolysis was proven to be the most effective using the combination of both of the enzymes for a period of 96 hours at pH = 4.5 and temperature 45 °C. Yield of the reducing sugars under these conditions reached 27,4241 ± 0,0007 gl-1.

    The influence of quadruplex structure in proximity to p53 target sequences on the transactivation potential of p53alpha isoforms

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    p53 is one of the most studied tumor suppressor proteins that plays an important role in basic biological processes including cell cycle, DNA damage response, apoptosis and senescence. The human TP52 gene contains alternative promoters that produce N-terminally truncated proteins and can produce several isoforms due to alternative splicing. p53 function is realized by binding to a specific DNA response element (RE), resulting in the transactivation of target genes. Here, we evaluated the influence of quadruplex DNA structure in the transactivation potential of full-lenght and N-terminal truncated p43alpha isoforms in a panel of S. cerevisiae luciferase reporter strains. Our results show that a G-quadruplex prone sequence is not sufficient for transcription activation by p53alpha isoforms, but the presence of this feature in proximity to a p53 RE leads to a significant reduction of transcriptional activity and changes the dynamics between co-expressed p53alpha isoforms

    Generation and maturation of human iPSC-derived 3D organotypic cardiac microtissues in long-term culture

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    Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide; hence there is an increasing focus on developing physiologically relevant in vitro cardiovascular tissue models suitable for studying personalized medicine and pre-clinical tests. Despite recent advances, models that reproduce both tissue complexity and maturation are still limited. We have established a scaffold-free protocol to generate multicellular, beating human cardiac microtissues in vitro from hiPSCs-namely human organotypic cardiac microtissues (hOCMTs)-that show some degree of self-organization and can be cultured for long term. This is achieved by the differentiation of hiPSC in 2D monolayer culture towards cardiovascular lineage, followed by further aggregation on low-attachment culture dishes in 3D. The generated hOCMTs contain multiple cell types that physiologically compose the heart and beat without external stimuli for more than 100 days. We have shown that 3D hOCMTs display improved cardiac specification, survival and metabolic maturation as compared to standard monolayer cardiac differentiation. We also confirmed the functionality of hOCMTs by their response to cardioactive drugs in long-term culture. Furthermore, we demonstrated that they could be used to study chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. Due to showing a tendency for self-organization, cellular heterogeneity, and functionality in our 3D microtissues over extended culture time, we could also confirm these constructs as human cardiac organoids (hCOs). This study could help to develop more physiologically-relevant cardiac tissue models, and represent a powerful platform for future translational research in cardiovascular biology

    Generation and maturation of human iPSC-derived 3D organotypic cardiac microtissues in long-term culture

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    Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide; hence there is an increasing focus on developing physiologically relevant in vitro cardiovascular tissue models suitable for studying personalized medicine and pre-clinical tests. Despite recent advances, models that reproduce both tissue complexity and maturation are still limited. We have established a scaffold-free protocol to generate multicellular, beating human cardiac microtissues in vitro from hiPSCs-namely human organotypic cardiac microtissues (hOCMTs)-that show some degree of self-organization and can be cultured for long term. This is achieved by the differentiation of hiPSC in 2D monolayer culture towards cardiovascular lineage, followed by further aggregation on low-attachment culture dishes in 3D. The generated hOCMTs contain multiple cell types that physiologically compose the heart and beat without external stimuli for more than 100 days. We have shown that 3D hOCMTs display improved cardiac specification, survival and metabolic maturation as compared to standard monolayer cardiac differentiation. We also confirmed the functionality of hOCMTs by their response to cardioactive drugs in long-term culture. Furthermore, we demonstrated that they could be used to study chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. Due to showing a tendency for self-organization, cellular heterogeneity, and functionality in our 3D microtissues over extended culture time, we could also confirm these constructs as human cardiac organoids (hCOs). This study could help to develop more physiologically-relevant cardiac tissue models, and represent a powerful platform for future translational research in cardiovascular biology

    P53 protein isoforms production and purification in the bacterial expression system

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    Apart from the p53 protein, the TP53 tumor-suppressor gene is expressed as another eleven protein isoforms with the use of alternative splicing, alternative promotors and alternative translational initiation sites. Abnormal expression of these isoforms has been observed in tumor tissues. The binding properties as well as the biological functions are also modulated, due to sequential and therefore structural differences from the p53 protein. p53 is regulated by these isoforms in both suppressive and supportive manner. Explanation of the p53 isoform regulation mechanism in cells could lead to desired alternative splicing of the chosen isoforms, and modulation of isoform expression could be used in cancer treatment based on p53 therapy. Basic information about p53 protein is summarised in the theoretical part of this master thesis, supplemented with recent advances in the field of p53 isoforms, as well as the Gateway cloning method. The main goal of the experimental part was p53 isoform production in a bacterial expression system. Prior to the protein production, DNA sequences coding twelve p53 isoforms were prepared using PCR and Gateway cloning. In total, twelve entry clones and eight expression clones were prepared by cloning the isoforms’ sequences. After the protein production and purification, the detection using SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting was performed with five p53 protein isoforms: p53, 40p53, 40p53 and 40p53. DNA binding properties of p53 protein isoforms will be tested in subsequent research

    P53 protein isoforms production and purification in the bacterial expression system

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    Protein p53 není jediným proteinem, který je kódován tumor-supresorovým genem TP53. Alternativním sestřihem, alternativním použitím promotoru a alternativními počátky translace může dojít k expresi až jedenáct dalších izoforem. Tyto izoformy byly ve zvýšeném množství pozorovány v nádorových tkáních. Jelikož jsou izoformy proteinu p53 sekvenčně, a tedy i strukturně odlišné oproti proteinu p53, mění se tím i jejich vazebné vlastnosti a funkce v buňce. Izoformy modulují funkci samotného proteinu p53, některé podporují jeho tumor-supresorovou funkci, jiné ji naopak potlačují. Objasnění mechanismu působení izoforem na děje v buňce by mohlo být využito k cílenému alternativnímu sestřihu vhodných izoforem a v léčbě rakoviny pomocí terapie založené na proteinu p53. Teoretická část diplomové práce shrnuje základní poznatky o proteinu p53 a o jeho izoformách, doplněné o výsledky výzkumů z posledních let týkajících se těchto izoforem. Dále je probrána použitá metoda, Gateway klonování. Cílem experimentální části práce byla produkce izoforem v bakteriálním expresním systému. Produkci předcházela příprava DNA sekvencí těchto dvanácti izoforem pomocí PCR a Gateway klonování. Klonováním bylo připraveno celkem dvanáct entry klonů obsahujících sekvence všech izoforem a také osm expresních klonů. Zároveň byly izolací získány a pomocí SDS-PAGE a Westernového přenosu ověřeny čtyři izoformy proteinu p53, a to p53, 40p53, 40p53 a 40p53. U izoforem budou v rámci navazujícího výzkumu testovány jejich DNA vazebné vlastnosti.Apart from the p53 protein, the TP53 tumor-suppressor gene is expressed as another eleven protein isoforms with the use of alternative splicing, alternative promotors and alternative translational initiation sites. Abnormal expression of these isoforms has been observed in tumor tissues. The binding properties as well as the biological functions are also modulated, due to sequential and therefore structural differences from the p53 protein. p53 is regulated by these isoforms in both suppressive and supportive manner. Explanation of the p53 isoform regulation mechanism in cells could lead to desired alternative splicing of the chosen isoforms, and modulation of isoform expression could be used in cancer treatment based on p53 therapy. Basic information about p53 protein is summarised in the theoretical part of this master thesis, supplemented with recent advances in the field of p53 isoforms, as well as the Gateway cloning method. The main goal of the experimental part was p53 isoform production in a bacterial expression system. Prior to the protein production, DNA sequences coding twelve p53 isoforms were prepared using PCR and Gateway cloning. In total, twelve entry clones and eight expression clones were prepared by cloning the isoforms’ sequences. After the protein production and purification, the detection using SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting was performed with five p53 protein isoforms: p53, 40p53, 40p53 and 40p53. DNA binding properties of p53 protein isoforms will be tested in subsequent research.