14 research outputs found

    Synthetic prions generated in vitro are similar to a newly identified subpopulation of PrPSc from sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    In recent studies, the amyloid form of recombinant prion protein (PrP) encompassing residues 89–230 (rPrP 89-230) produced in vitro induced transmissible prion disease in mice. These studies showed that unlike “classical” PrPSc produced in vivo, the amyloid fibrils generated in vitro were more proteinase-K sensitive. Here we demonstrate that the amyloid form contains a proteinase K-resistant core composed only of residues 152/153–230 and 162–230. The PK-resistant fragments of the amyloid form are similar to those observed upon PK digestion of a minor subpopulation of PrPSc recently identified in patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Remarkably, this core is sufficient for self-propagating activity in vitro and preserves a β-sheet-rich fibrillar structure. Full-length recombinant PrP 23-230, however, generates two subpopulations of amyloid in vitro: One is similar to the minor subpopulation of PrPSc, and the other to classical PrPSc. Since no cellular factors or templates were used for generation of the amyloid fibrils in vitro, we speculate that formation of the subpopulation of PrPSc with a short PK-resistant C-terminal region reflects an intrinsic property of PrP rather than the influence of cellular environments and/or cofactors. Our work significantly increases our understanding of the biochemical nature of prion infectious agents and provides a fundamental insight into the mechanisms of prions biogenesis

    Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Porphyrin and Metallosurfactant as a Drug Nanocontainer Design

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    The combined method of treating malignant neoplasms using photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy is undoubtedly a promising and highly effective treatment method. The development and establishment of photodynamic cancer therapy is closely related to the creation of sensitizers based on porphyrins. The present study is devoted to the investigation of the spectroscopic, aggregation, and solubilization properties of the supramolecular system based on 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (TSPP) and lanthanum-containing surfactant (LaSurf) in an aqueous medium. The latter is a complex of lanthanum nitrate and two cationic amphiphilic molecules of 4-aza-1-hexadecylazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bromide. The mixed TSPP–LaSurf complexes can spontaneously assemble into various nanostructures capable of binding the anticancer drug cisplatin. Morphological behavior, stability, and ability to drug binding of nanostructures can be tailored by varying the molar ratio and the concentration of components. The guest binding is shown to be additional factor controlling structural rearrangements and properties of the supramolecular TSPP–LaSurf complexes

    Modulation of Molecular Structure and Mechanical Properties of κ-Carrageenan-Gelatin Hydrogel with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Hydrogels, three-dimensional hydrophilic water-insoluble polymer networks having mechanical properties inherent for solids, have attracted continuous research attention over a long time period. Here, we studied the structure and properties of hydrogel based on gelatin, κ-carrageenan and CNTs using the combination of SAXS, PXRD, AFM microscopy, SEM and rheology methods. We have shown that the integration of polysaccharide and protein in the composite hydrogel leads to suppression of their individual structural features and homogenization of two macromolecular components into a single structural formation. According to obtained SAXS results, we observed the supramolecular complex, which includes both polysaccharide and protein components associated with each other. It was determined that hydrogel structure formed in the initial solution state (dispersion) retains hydrogel supramolecular structure under its cooling up to gel state. The sizes of dense cores of these polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) slightly decrease in the gel state in comparison with PEC water dispersion. The introduction of CNTs to hydrogel does not principally change the type of supramolecular structure and common structural tendencies observed for dispersion and gel states of the system. It was shown that carbon nanotubes embedded in hydrogel act as the supplementary template for formation of the three-dimensional net, giving additional mechanical strengthening to the studied system

    Dichotomous versus palm-type mechanisms of lateral assembly of amyloid fibrils

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    Despite possessing a common cross-β core, amyloid fibrils are known to exhibit great variations in their morphologies. To date, the mechanism responsible for the polymorphism in amyloid fibrils is poorly understood. Here we report that two variants of mammalian full-length prion protein (PrP), hamster (Ha) and mouse (Mo) PrPs, produced morphologically distinguishable subsets of mature fibrils under identical solvent conditions. To gain insight into the origin of this morphological diversity we analyzed the early stages of polymerization. Unexpectedly, we found that despite a highly conserved amyloidogenic region (94% identity within the residues 90–230), Ha and Mo PrPs followed two distinct pathways for lateral assembly of protofibrils into mature, higher order fibrils. The protofibrils of Ha PrP first formed irregular bundles characterized by a peculiar palm-type shape, which ultimately condensed into mature fibrils. The protofibrils of Mo PrP, on the other hand, associated in pairs in a pattern resembling dichotomous coalescence. These pathways are referred to here as the palm-type and dichotomous mechanisms. Two distinct mechanisms for lateral assembly explain striking differences in morphology of mature fibrils produced from closely related Mo and Ha PrPs. Remarkable similarities between subtypes of amyloid fibrils generated from different proteins and peptides suggest that the two mechanisms of lateral assembly may not be limited to prion proteins but may be a common characteristic of polymerization of amyloidogenic proteins and peptides in general