5 research outputs found

    Pathway Analysis to Determine Factors Contributing to Overall Quality Scores in Four Berry Crops

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    Fruit quality attributes are influenced by environmental, agronomic and genetic factors; both cultivars and growing conditions can vary substantially between UK production and imported fruit. This study aimed to record and dissect the most relevant fruit quality traits for berries imported into the UK in the winter months. Blackberry, blueberry, raspberry and strawberry fruit were imported from 11 countries into a Kent-based packhouse (UK) or purchased from major retailers between December 2018 and March 2019. Multiple fruit quality components were assessed for relative contribution towards a high “overall assessment” fruit quality score. It was found that strawberry and blackberry overall scores were affected by sweetness perception, whereas blueberry and raspberry organoleptics are more complex, with overall scores influenced by flavor perception. Multiple raspberry and strawberry fruit quality traits were found to be associated with genotypic differences, indicating a promising potential for genetic improvement through breeding. By contrast, the study findings suggest that there is less potential for genetic improvement in blueberry, and that the environment may have a large effect on blueberry fruit quality traits

    Genetic dissection of the tissue‐specific roles of type III effectors and phytotoxins in the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae to cherry

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    When compared with other phylogroups (PGs) of the Pseudomonas syringae species complex, P. syringae pv. syringae (Pss) strains within PG2 have a reduced repertoire of type III effectors (T3Es) but produce several phytotoxins. Effectors within the cherry pathogen Pss 9644 were grouped based on their frequency in strains from Prunus as the conserved effector locus (CEL) common to most P. syringae pathogens; a core of effectors common to PG2; a set of PRUNUS effectors common to cherry pathogens; and a FLEXIBLE set of T3Es. Pss 9644 also contains gene clusters for biosynthesis of toxins syringomycin, syringopeptin and syringolin A. After confirmation of virulence gene expression, mutants with a sequential series of T3E and toxin deletions were pathogenicity tested on wood, leaves and fruits of sweet cherry (Prunus avium) and leaves of ornamental cherry (Prunus incisa). The toxins had a key role in disease development in fruits but were less important in leaves and wood. An effectorless mutant retained some pathogenicity to fruit but not wood or leaves. Striking redundancy was observed amongst effector groups. The CEL effectors have important roles during the early stages of leaf infection and possibly acted synergistically with toxins in all tissues. Deletion of separate groups of T3Es had more effect in P. incisa than in P. avium. Mixed inocula were used to complement the toxin mutations in trans and indicated that strain mixtures may be important in the field. Our results highlight the niche‐specific role of toxins in P. avium tissues and the complexity of effector redundancy in the pathogen Pss 9644

    Identifying resistance in wild and ornamental cherry towards bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae

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    Bacterial canker is a major disease of stone fruits and is a critical limiting factor to sweet cherry ( ) production worldwide. One important strategy for disease control is the development of resistant varieties. Partial varietal resistance in sweet cherry is discernible using shoot or whole tree inoculations; however, these quantitative differences in resistance are not evident in detached leaf assays. To identify novel sources of resistance to canker, we used a rapid leaf pathogenicity test to screen a range of wild cherry, ornamental species and sweet cherry × ornamental cherry hybrids with the canker pathogens, pvs , races 1 and 2, and . Several accessions exhibited limited symptom development following inoculation with each of the pathogens, and this resistance extended to 16 . strains pathogenic on sweet cherry and plum. Resistance was associated with reduced bacterial multiplication after inoculation, a phenotype similar to that of commercial sweet cherry towards nonhost strains of . . Progeny resulting from a cross of a resistant ornamental species with susceptible sweet cherry ( . ) exhibited resistance indicating it is an inherited trait. Identification of accessions with resistance to the major bacterial canker pathogens is the first step towards characterizing the underlying genetic mechanisms of resistance and introducing these traits into commercial germplasm. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Plant Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Society for Plant Pathology.

    Genomic and functional analysis of phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer in Pseudomonas syringae on the plant surface

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    Many strains of Pseudomonas colonise plant surfaces, including the cherry canker pathogens, Pseudomonas syringae pathovars syringae and morsprunorum. We have examined the genomic diversity of P. syringae in the cherry phyllosphere and focused on the role of prophages in transfer of genes encoding Type 3 secreted effector (T3SE) proteins contributing to the evolution of virulence. Phylogenomic analysis was carried out on epiphytic pseudomonads in the UK orchards. Significant differences in epiphytic populations occurred between regions. Nonpathogenic strains were found to contain reservoirs of T3SE genes. Members of P. syringae phylogroups 4 and 10 were identified for the first time from Prunus. Using bioinformatics, we explored the presence of the gene encoding T3SE HopAR1 within related prophage sequences in diverse P. syringae strains including cherry epiphytes and pathogens. Results indicated that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of this effector between phylogroups may have involved phage. Prophages containing hopAR1 were demonstrated to excise, circularise and transfer the gene on the leaf surface. The phyllosphere provides a dynamic environment for prophage-mediated gene exchange and the potential for the emergence of new more virulent pathotypes. Our results suggest that genome-based epidemiological surveillance of environmental populations will allow the timely application of control measures to prevent damaging diseases

    Genomic and functional analysis of phage mediated horizontal gene transfer in Pseudomonas syringae on the plant surface

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    Many strains of Pseudomonas colonise plant surfaces, including the cherry canker pathogens, Pseudomonas syringae pathovars syringae and morsprunorum. We have examined the genomic diversity of P. syringae in the cherry phyllosphere and focused on the role of prophages in transfer of genes encoding Type 3 secreted effector (T3SE) proteins contributing to the evolution of virulence. Phylogenomic analysis was carried out on epiphytic pseudomonads in the UK orchards. Significant differences in epiphytic populations occurred between regions. Nonpathogenic strains were found to contain reservoirs of T3SE genes. Members of P. syringae phylogroups 4 and 10 were identified for the first time from Prunus. Using bioinformatics, we explored the presence of the gene encoding T3SE HopAR1 within related prophage sequences in diverse P. syringae strains including cherry epiphytes and pathogens. Results indicated that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of this effector between phylogroups may have involved phage. Prophages containing hopAR1 were demonstrated to excise, circularise and transfer the gene on the leaf surface. The phyllosphere provides a dynamic environment for prophage-mediated gene exchange and the potential for the emergence of new more virulent pathotypes. Our results suggest that genome-based epidemiological surveillance of environmental populations will allow the timely application of control measures to prevent damaging diseases