28 research outputs found

    Architecture of the MKK6-p38α complex defines the basis of MAPK specificity and activation

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    The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38α is a central component of signaling in inflammation and the immune response and is, therefore, an important drug target. Little is known about the molecular mechanism of its activation by double phosphorylation from MAPK kinases (MAP2Ks), because of the challenge of trapping a transient and dynamic heterokinase complex. We applied a multidisciplinary approach to generate a structural model of p38α in complex with its MAP2K, MKK6, and to understand the activation mechanism. Integrating cryo-electron microscopy with molecular dynamics simulations, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, and experiments in cells, we demonstrate a dynamic, multistep phosphorylation mechanism, identify catalytically relevant interactions, and show that MAP2K-disordered amino termini determine pathway specificity. Our work captures a fundamental step of cell signaling: a kinase phosphorylating its downstream target kinase

    Structural basis of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase C2α function

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    Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase type 2α (PI3KC2α) is an essential member of the structurally unresolved class II PI3K family with crucial functions in lipid signaling, endocytosis, angiogenesis, viral replication, platelet formation and a role in mitosis. The molecular basis of these activities of PI3KC2α is poorly understood. Here, we report high-resolution crystal structures as well as a 4.4-Å cryogenic-electron microscopic (cryo-EM) structure of PI3KC2α in active and inactive conformations. We unravel a coincident mechanism of lipid-induced activation of PI3KC2α at membranes that involves large-scale repositioning of its Ras-binding and lipid-binding distal Phox-homology and C-C2 domains, and can serve as a model for the entire class II PI3K family. Moreover, we describe a PI3KC2α-specific helical bundle domain that underlies its scaffolding function at the mitotic spindle. Our results advance our understanding of PI3K biology and pave the way for the development of specific inhibitors of class II PI3K function with wide applications in biomedicine

    Inactivation mechanisms of influenza A virus under pH conditions encountered in aerosol particles as revealed by whole-virus HDX-MS

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    Multiple respiratory viruses, including influenza A virus (IAV), can be transmitted via expiratory aerosol particles, and aerosol pH was recently identified as a major factor influencing airborne virus infectivity. Indoors, small exhaled aerosols undergo rapid acidification to pH ~4. IAV is known to be sensitive to mildly acidic conditions encountered within host endosomes; however, it is unknown whether the same mechanisms could mediate viral inactivation within the more acidic aerosol micro-environment. Here, we identified that transient exposure to pH 4 caused IAV inactivation by a two-stage process, with an initial sharp decline in infectious titers mainly attributed to premature attainment of the post-fusion conformation of viral protein haemagglutinin (HA). Protein changes were observed by hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) as early as 10 s post-exposure to acidic conditions. Our HDX-MS data are in agreement with other more labor-intensive structural analysis techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, highlighting the ease and usefulness of whole-virus HDX-MS for multiplexed protein analyses, even within enveloped viruses such as IAV. Additionally, virion integrity was partially but irreversibly affected by acidic conditions, with a progressive unfolding of the internal matrix protein 1 (M1) that aligned with a more gradual decline in viral infectivity with time. In contrast, no acid-mediated changes to the genome or lipid envelope were detected. Improved understanding of respiratory virus fate within exhaled aerosols constitutes a global public health priority, and information gained here could aid the development of novel strategies to control the airborne persistence of seasonal and/or pandemic influenza in the future. IMPORTANCE: It is well established that COVID-19, influenza, and many other respiratory diseases can be transmitted by the inhalation of aerosolized viruses. Many studies have shown that the survival time of these airborne viruses is limited, but it remains an open question as to what drives their infectivity loss. Here, we address this question for influenza A virus by investigating structural protein changes incurred by the virus under conditions relevant to respiratory aerosol particles. From prior work, we know that expelled aerosols can become highly acidic due to equilibration with indoor room air, and our results indicate that two viral proteins are affected by these acidic conditions at multiple sites, leading to virus inactivation. Our findings suggest that the development of air treatments to quicken the speed of aerosol acidification would be a major strategy to control infectious bioburdens in the air

    Activation of the erythropoietin receptor by multivalent molecules

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    L'érythropoïétine (EPO) est une hormone de 34 kDa qui régule la production et la différentiation des globules rouges. Elle interagit avec le récepteur à l'EPO (EPOR) afin de transmettre à la cellule l'information nécessaire à sa survie et à sa croissance. L'EPO recombinante est utilisée en clinique pour le traitement de l'anémie et plusieurs protéines dérivées ont été synthétisés afin d'augmenter l'efficacité du traitement. En 1996, un peptide de 20 acide aminés, EMP pour "EPO mimetic peptide", dont la séquence n'a rien de semblable avec celle de l'EPO à démontré la capacité d'activer l'EPOR en interagissant sur le même site que l'EPO. Sa faible activité initiale a pu être amplifiée jusqu'à 1000 fois en reliant les extrémités de 2 peptides, soit par un long polymère ou par un court segment peptidique. Un autre peptide, ERP pour "EPOR-derived peptide", possède lui aussi la capacité d'activer le récepteur de l'EPO, mais en interagissant avec un différent site sur le récepteur. Il a démontré une grande synergie avec l'EPO humaine lors d'expériences sur des souris

    Characterization of new multimeric erythropoietin receptor agonists

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    In addition to its natural ligand, the receptor for erythropoietin can be activated by small peptides known as erythropoietin mimetic peptides (EMPs). Although EMPs are less potent than the natural ligand, EMP dimers, consisting of two EMPs joined via a linker, have been shown to exhibit significantly improved activity compared to the corresponding monomers, with potency approaching that of the native hormone. In this study, we used a panel of novel EMP dimers to explore the effects of linker length and EMP attachment site on potency. The EC50 values obtained in an EPO-dependent proliferation assay indicated that, as has been shown with similar molecules, EMP dimerization can lead to increases in potency of more than 2 orders of magnitude. We found that both C-terminal and N-terminal attachment of the linker to EMP was tolerated, and that, with the exception of the shortest linker, all of the linker lengths tested provided a similar increase in potency. In follow-up work devised to explore the potential benefit of contacting additional cell surface EPO receptors, we designed a tetrameric template consisting of lysine-based dimers joined via commercial PEG linkers of various molecular weights. Evaluation of the resulting molecules indicated a clear effect of PEG linker size on activity, while the "dimer of dimer" with the shortest linker exhibited 10-fold lower potency than the corresponding dimer, the longest tetramer increased potency by fivefold. We discuss the implications of these results for the further development of EMP multimers

    Pantothenate biosynthesis is critical for chronic infection by the neurotropic parasite Toxoplasma gondii

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    Coenzyme A (CoA) is an essential molecule acting in metabolism, post-translational modification, and regulation of gene expression. While all organisms synthesize CoA, many, including humans, are unable to produce its precursor, pantothenate. Intriguingly, like most plants, fungi and bacteria, parasites of the coccidian subgroup of Apicomplexa, including the human pathogen Toxoplasma gondii , possess all the enzymes required for de novo synthesis of pantothenate. Here, the importance of CoA and pantothenate biosynthesis for the acute and chronic stages of T. gondii infection is dissected through genetic, biochemical and metabolomic approaches, revealing that CoA synthesis is essential for T. gondii tachyzoites, due to the parasite’s inability to salvage CoA or intermediates of the pathway. In contrast, pantothenate synthesis is only partially active in T. gondii tachyzoites, making the parasite reliant on its uptake. However, pantothenate synthesis is crucial for the establishment of chronic infection, offering a promising target for intervention against the persistent stage of T. gondii . </p

    Oncogenic mutations mimic and enhance dynamic events in the natural activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110α (<i>PIK3CA</i>)

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    The p110α catalytic subunit (PIK3CA) is one of the most frequently mutated genes in cancer. We have examined the activation of the wild-type p110α/p85α and a spectrum of oncogenic mutants using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS). We find that for the wild-type enzyme, the natural transition from an inactive cytosolic conformation to an activated form on membranes entails four distinct events. Analysis of oncogenic mutations shows that all up-regulate the enzyme by enhancing one or more of these dynamic events. We provide the first insight into the activation mechanism by mutations in the linker between the adapter-binding domain (ABD) and the Ras-binding domain (RBD) (G106V and G118D). These mutations, which are common in endometrial cancers, enhance two of the natural activation events: movement of the ABD and ABD–RBD linker relative to the rest of the catalytic subunit and breaking the C2–iSH2 interface on binding membranes. C2 domain mutants (N345K and C420R) also mimic these events, even in the absence of membranes. A third event is breaking the nSH2–helical domain contact caused by phosphotyrosine-containing peptides binding to the enzyme, which is mimicked by a helical domain mutation (E545K). Interaction of the C lobe of the kinase domain with membranes is the fourth activation event, and is potentiated by kinase domain mutations (e.g., H1047R). All mutations increased lipid binding and basal activity, even mutants distant from the membrane surface. Our results elucidate a unifying mechanism in which diverse PIK3CA mutations stimulate lipid kinase activity by facilitating allosteric motions required for catalysis on membranes

    PICarver: a software tool and strategy for peptides isoelectric focusing

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    The use of isoelectric focusing as first dimension of separation is a new trend in shotgun proteomics. In all applications using this approach, peptides are separated into equitable fractions, whereas theoretical distribution of peptides according to p I is heterogeneous. We present the development of a new tool and strategy that generates a fractionation scheme resulting in almost even distribution of peptides per fraction, based on theoretical and experimental data. The "pICarver" software tool also increases the throughput of the approach by reducing the number of fractions and merging the peptide-poor regions. A set of isoelectric point fluorescent peptide markers was also developed in combination with the pICarver program to calibrate the pH gradient of commercially available strips. These markers enhanced the precision of pICarver predications. The overall strategy allowed detecting false positive identification and post-translational modifications. The software tool is freely available on www.expasy.org/tools/pICarver