5 research outputs found

    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II.

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    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II. Author: Eliška Vachudová1 Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and objective: Taking medication during pregnancy often implies higher risk of adverse effects for pregnant woman as well as for the foetus. In the Czech Republic, there is not enough information for rational drug taking during gravidity yet. The purpose of the practical part was to identify and analyze therapy used by pregnant women by questionnaires, in which respondents could show their knowledge and awareness of over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, food supplements and herbal and homeopatic remedies. Methods: The data collection lasted from August 2017 to March 2018 and was performed in the form of questionnaires at the Domažlice Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Nurses played a vital role to distribute the questionnaires and instruct every newly admitted woman how to fill them. The questionnaire was anonymous, contained 50 questions of open, semi-open and closed types and included introduction letter with the entrance criteria. After filling in, they were transformed into electronic ones using Google Forms. Collected data were..

    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II.

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    Identifikace a analýza terapie užívané těhotnými ženami II. Autor: Eliška Vachudová1 Vedoucí diplomové práce: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.1 1 Katedra sociální a klinické farmacie, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Univerzita Karlova Úvod a cíl práce: Užívání léčiv během těhotenství představuje často zvýšené riziko nežádoucích účinků nejen pro těhotnou ženu, ale i pro plod. V České republice není zatím dostatek informací pro bezpečné užívání léčiv během těhotenství. Cílem práce bylo identifikovat a analyzovat terapii užívanou těhotnými ženami pomocí dotazníků, ve kterých respondentky mohly vyjádřit znalost a informovanost o volně prodejných léčivých přípravcích, zdravotnických prostředcích, doplňcích stravy, rostlinných přípravcích a homeopaticích. Metodika: Sběr dat probíhal od srpna 2017 do března 2018 formou dotazníku na oddělení šestinedělí Domažlické nemocnice. Prostřednictvím zdravotních sester byly dotazníky rozdávány každé nově přijaté pacientce s žádostí o vyplnění a s instrukcemi. Dotazník byl anonymní, obsahoval 50 otázek uzavřeného, polootevřeného i otevřeného typu a jeho součástí byl průvodní dopis se vstupními kritérii. Dotazníky byly přeneseny do elektronické podoby pomocí aplikace Google Forms. Získané údaje byly poté vyhodnoceny pomocí deskriptivní statistiky. Výsledky: V období...Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II. Author: Eliška Vachudová1 Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and objective: Taking medication during pregnancy often implies higher risk of adverse effects for pregnant woman as well as for the foetus. In the Czech Republic, there is not enough information for rational drug taking during gravidity yet. The purpose of the practical part was to identify and analyze therapy used by pregnant women by questionnaires, in which respondents could show their knowledge and awareness of over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, food supplements and herbal and homeopatic remedies. Methods: The data collection lasted from August 2017 to March 2018 and was performed in the form of questionnaires at the Domažlice Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Nurses played a vital role to distribute the questionnaires and instruct every newly admitted woman how to fill them. The questionnaire was anonymous, contained 50 questions of open, semi-open and closed types and included introduction letter with the entrance criteria. After filling in, they were transformed into electronic ones using Google Forms. Collected data were...Katedra sociální a klinické farmacieDepartment of Social and Clinical PharmacyFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II.

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    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II. Author: Eliška Vachudová1 Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and objective: Taking medication during pregnancy often implies higher risk of adverse effects for pregnant woman as well as for the foetus. In the Czech Republic, there is not enough information for rational drug taking during gravidity yet. The purpose of the practical part was to identify and analyze therapy used by pregnant women by questionnaires, in which respondents could show their knowledge and awareness of over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, food supplements and herbal and homeopatic remedies. Methods: The data collection lasted from August 2017 to March 2018 and was performed in the form of questionnaires at the Domažlice Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Nurses played a vital role to distribute the questionnaires and instruct every newly admitted woman how to fill them. The questionnaire was anonymous, contained 50 questions of open, semi-open and closed types and included introduction letter with the entrance criteria. After filling in, they were transformed into electronic ones using Google Forms. Collected data were..

    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II.

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    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II. Author: Eliška Vachudová1 Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and objective: Taking medication during pregnancy often implies higher risk of adverse effects for pregnant woman as well as for the foetus. In the Czech Republic, there is not enough information for rational drug taking during gravidity yet. The purpose of the practical part was to identify and analyze therapy used by pregnant women by questionnaires, in which respondents could show their knowledge and awareness of over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, food supplements and herbal and homeopatic remedies. Methods: The data collection lasted from August 2017 to March 2018 and was performed in the form of questionnaires at the Domažlice Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Nurses played a vital role to distribute the questionnaires and instruct every newly admitted woman how to fill them. The questionnaire was anonymous, contained 50 questions of open, semi-open and closed types and included introduction letter with the entrance criteria. After filling in, they were transformed into electronic ones using Google Forms. Collected data were..

    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II.

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    Identification and analysis of therapy used by pregnant women II. Author: Eliška Vachudová1 Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.1 1 Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and objective: Taking medication during pregnancy often implies higher risk of adverse effects for pregnant woman as well as for the foetus. In the Czech Republic, there is not enough information for rational drug taking during gravidity yet. The purpose of the practical part was to identify and analyze therapy used by pregnant women by questionnaires, in which respondents could show their knowledge and awareness of over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, food supplements and herbal and homeopatic remedies. Methods: The data collection lasted from August 2017 to March 2018 and was performed in the form of questionnaires at the Domažlice Hospital, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Nurses played a vital role to distribute the questionnaires and instruct every newly admitted woman how to fill them. The questionnaire was anonymous, contained 50 questions of open, semi-open and closed types and included introduction letter with the entrance criteria. After filling in, they were transformed into electronic ones using Google Forms. Collected data were..