3,114 research outputs found

    On the Triple Pomeron Vertex in Perturbative QCD

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    We estimate the size of the triple Pomeron vertex in perturbative QCD and compare with the phenomenological value extracted from Regge fits to experimental data. For simplicity, the results of the QCD analysis are taken in the large-N_c limit. We find that the perturbative triple Pomeron coupling is of the same order of magnitude as the observed one. We also estimate the size of the Pomeron self energy and its contribution to the renormalization of the Pomeron intercept. The effect is very small, in agreement with previous nonperturbative estimates.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Multiple interactions and AGK rules in pQCD

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    We review some aspects of multiple interactions in High Energy QCD; we discuss in particular AGK rules and present some results concerning multiple interactions in the context of jet production.Comment: Talk given by MS at 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering: Forward Physics and QCD, Hamburg, DESY, Germany, 21-25 May 2007. 7pp. Minor change

    Multi-critical multi-field models: a CFT approach to the leading order

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    We present some general results for the multi-critical multi-field models in d>2 recently obtained using CFT and Schwinger-Dyson methods at perturbative level without assuming any symmetry. Results in the leading non trivial order are derived consistently for several conformal data in full agreement with functional perturbative RG methods. Mechanisms like emergent (possibly approximate) symmetries can be naturally investigated in this framework.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, Contribution to the Conference QFT2018, Quantum Fields From Fundamental Concepts to Phenomenological Questions, Mainz 26-28 September 201

    Food for Thought: Genetically Modified Seeds as De Facto Standard Essential Patents

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    For several years, courts have been improperly calculating damages in cases involving the unlicensed use of genetically-modified (GM) seed technology. In particular, when courts determine patent damages based on the hypothetical negotiation method, they err in exaggerating these damages to a point where no rational negotiator would agree. In response, we propose a limited affirmative defense of an implied license due to the patent’s status as a de facto standard essential patent. To be classified as a de facto standard essential patent, the farmer must prove three elements that reflect the peculiarities of GM seeds used in farming: (1) dominance, (2) impracticability, and (3) necessary to fulfill a basic need. Based on the approaches used by courts and standard setting organizations in licensing standard essential patents in technological fields such as cell phones and software, designation of some GM seeds as standard essential patents allows the courts to imply a license from patentees to farmers on reasonable and non-discriminatory (RAND) terms. Doing so shifts the case from a tort-based patent infringement suit to a breach of contract dispute and alters the damages regime from one based in compensation, deterrence, and punishment (a tort approach) to one based solely in compensation (a contractual approach). As a result of this novel proposal, the damages calculations in these suits return to economic reality

    The nature of the giant diffuse non-thermal source in the A3411-A3412 complex

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    VLA deep radio images at 1.4 GHz in total intensity and polarization reveal a diffuse non-thermal source in the interacting clusters A3411 - A3412. Moreover a small-size low power radio halo at the center of the merging cluster A3411 is found. We present here new optical and X-ray data and discuss the nature and properties of the diffuse non-thermal source. We suggest that the giant diffuse radio source is related to the presence of a large scale filamentary structure and to multiple mergers in the A3411-A3412 complex.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Developing Capacity, Skills, and Tobacco Control Networks to address Tobacco-related Disparities: Leadership and Advocacy Institute to Advance Minnesota’s Parity for Priority Populations (LAAMPP)

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    Priority populations disproportionately experience tobacco-related disparities, despite population level declines in tobacco use. The Leadership and Advocacy Institute to Advance Minnesota’s Parity for Priority Populations (LAAMPP) recruits and trains African immigrants/African Americans, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, American Indians, Chicano/Latinos, and LGBTQ community members to develop leaders to address tobacco harms in their communities. This paper describes and evaluates the LAAMPP Institute, and discusses lessons learned through the Institute and future directions for community-based tobacco-control efforts. The mixed-methods evaluation included qualitative key informant interviews with LAAMPP Fellows and community and project contacts, a Skills Assessment Tool, project case studies, and a social network analysis of the Fellows’ tobacco-control social networks at baseline and follow-up. At follow-up, Fellows’ tobacco control networks were larger, more extensive and diverse, and included more actors perceived to be influential in tobacco control. Fellows’ skills increased in core competencies (tobacco control, advocacy, facilitation, collaboration, cultural/community competence) and Fellows used tobacco, advocacy and cultural/community competencies more frequently. Four of five cohorts successfully passed policies. The results of LAAMPP suggest that a cross-cultural leadership institute contributes to the successful development of capacity and leadership skills among priority populations and may be a useful model for others working toward health equity
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