7 research outputs found

    Conceptual Model for Serious Games Design: Case Study of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The field of Serious Games (SGs) is relatively new; however, so far, these have focused more on assessing impacts on results rather than identifying the most appropriate implementation phases to obtain a successful SG. The present work proposes a conceptual model for the design of SGs, which is based on four stages: Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation, under the life cycle of the software. For the validation of the model, an SG called ATHYNOS was developed, which was applied in a case study comparing it with the traditional therapy. The results obtained allowed to demonstrate that the SGs is a complementary tool for the treatment of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).     Keywords: ATHYNOS, conceptual model, serious games design, attention deficit disorde

    Characterization of the Physical Properties of the Coconut Fiber Residue With a View to its Agroindustrial Use

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    Ecuador is a multi-climatic country with the capacity to host a large number of plant species; one example is the coconut (Cocos nucifera), an ancestral food of tropical areas and warm climates, which is considered as raw material for various industrial processes, such as obtaining fats, oils, candies, etc. However, the external part of the coconut constituted by the bast or mesocarp has not been properly exploited. Coconut bast, which has high fiber content (coir fiber), from which three main types can be distinguished: long and thin, coarse, and shorter type, can become an agroindustrial alternative due to its mechanical properties. These properties are as good or better than synthetic fibers or polyester. This research therefore aims to characterize the physical parameters that determine the functionality of coconut fiber, such as its length, softness, brightness, color, diameter, and its appearance or slenderness, which is the relationship between length and diameter. This research also contributes to solving the environmental problem of waste generated by coconut production, moving towards a sustainable economy from an environmental point of view. This work determines that coconut fiber is composed of cellulose and wood that has low heat conductivity and impact resistance, and that its resistance and durability make it an adequate raw material in several production sectors. Keywords: coconut fiber, characterization, properties, agribusiness. Resumen El Ecuador es un país multi climático con la capacidad de alojar una gran cantidad de especies vegetales, un ejemplo de ello es el coco (Cocos nucifera) un alimento ancestral de zonas tropicales y climas cálidos, este es considerado como materia prima de diversos procesos industriales como obtención de grasas, aceites, confites, etc., sin embargo, la parte externa del coco constituida por la estopa o mesocarpio no ha sido correctamente explotada. La estopa del coco por su alto contenido de fibra (fibra bonote), de la cual se pueden distinguir tres tipos principales: una larga y fina, una tosca y una más corta, se convertir en una alternativa agroindustrial debido a sus propiedades físico - mecánicas que son tan buenas o mejores que fibras sintéticas o el poliéster. Esta investigación tuvo por objeto caracterizar los parámetros físicos que describan la funcionalidad de la fibra de coco como son su longitud, suavidad, brillo, color. Para lo cual se realizó un estadística descriptiva de medidas de tendencia central como la media, se analizaron un total de 10 muestras de fibra de coco tomadas al azar de los 15 Kg de fibra obtenida de 50 cocos, teniéndose como resultado que para la suavidad el 80% de los participantes la ubican en el octavo lugar y el restante 20% en el noveno, lo que permite inferir que se tara de una fibra gruesa, rígida y áspera, para el brillo y luminosidad el 90% de los observadores determinaron que la fibra no posee esta característica. El 70% de las panelistas delimitaron que el color característico de la fibra fue el café claro y el restante 30% la considera de color beige. Palabras clave: fibra de coco, caracterización, propiedades, agroindustria

    Characterization of the Physical - Mechanical Properties of Alpaca Fiber (Vicugna Pacos) at the Tunshi Experimental Station

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    The alpaca is one of the four South American camelids that mainly inhabit the inter-Andean zone of Ecuador. Alpaca fiber is characterized by being a natural, soft and resistant fiber, of which, the fleece is the most valued part. The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality parameters of alpaca fiber in terms of physical-mechanical properties. The research was carried out in the Tunishi Experimental Station, ESPOCH. A descriptive statistic of mean, minimum and maximum range, and separation of means per student was applied. The alpaca with characteristics of Huacaya breed was selected and the shearing was carried out manually to obtain the fleece. Later, the performance of the fleece was evaluated, which was 85.71%. Two categories of fiber were selected: fine and thick. Sixty samples were taken for analysis by stretched and unstretched fiber length. The measurements of unstretched fiber length in cm for the thin and thick fiber were 12.50 cm and 13.52 cm respectively, presenting significant differences (p≤0.05). The measurements of the stretched fiber length in cm were 17.29 cm for fine fiber and 17.27 cm for thick fiber, presenting no significant differences (p≥0.05). The resistance of thread and fabric for fine fiber was 590 N/cm2, and for thick fiber was 2835.5 N/cm2, presenting highly significant differences (p≤0.01). Regarding the percentage of yarn elongation, the values obtained were 19% for fine fiber and 12% for thick fiber, observing highly significant differences (p≤0.01). The thick fiber fabric had a better resistance (2.3 BAR) than the fine fiber fabric (1.7 BAR), with a time of 2.34 s and 1.88 s respectively. The classification of the fiber by its softness did not present significant differences. Finally, regarding the sensory classification, it was established as a soft fiber with 91%. Keywords: alpaca, fleece, fine fiber, thick fiber, fiber properties. Resumen La alpaca es uno de los cuatro camélidos sudamericanos que principalmente habitan en la zona interandina del Ecuador. La fibra de alpaca se caracteriza por ser una fibra natural, suave y resistente; de la cual, el vellón es la parte de la fibra del animal más valorada. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los parámetros de calidad de fibra de alpaca en cuanto a las propiedades físico - mecánicas. La investigación se la realizó en la Estación Experimental TUNSHI - ESPOCH. Se aplicó una estadística descriptiva de media, rango mínimo y máximo y separación de medias por t estudent. Se seleccionó a la alpaca con características de la raza Huacaya y se realizó la esquila por el método manual para la obtención del vellón. Posteriormente, se evaluó el rendimiento del vellón el cual fue de 85,71%, se seleccionaron dos categorías de fibra fina y gruesa. Sesenta muestras fueron tomadas para su análisis: longitud de mecha estirada y sin estirar. La media de longitud de fibra sin estirar en cm para la fina y gruesa fueron de 12,50 y 13,52 correspondientemente, presentando diferencias significativas (p≤0,05), La media de la longitud en cm de fibra estirada determinó que la fibra fina presentó una media de 17,29 y la fibra gruesa de 17,27 cm, sin presentar diferencias significativas (p≥0,05). La resistencia del hilo y tejido para la fibra fina fue de 590 N/cm2 y para la gruesa fue de 2835,5 N/cm2, presentando diferencias altamente significativas (p≤0,01). Finalmente, en cuanto al porcentaje de elongación de hilo, presentó un 19% para fibra fina y un 12% para gruesa, observándose también diferencias altamente significativas (p≤0,01). El tejido de la fibra gruesa tuvo mejor resistencia (2,3 BAR) que el de la fibra fina (1,7 BAR), con un tiempo de 2,34 s y 1,88 s respectivamente. La clasificación de la fibra por su suavidad, no presentó diferencias significativas. En cuanto a la clasificación sensorial se la ubico como una fibra suave con el 91%. Palabras clave: alpaca, vellón, fibra fina, fibra gruesa, propiedades de la fibra

    Conceptual Model for Serious Games Design: Case Study of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The field of Serious Games (SGs) is relatively new; however, so far, these have focused more on assessing impacts on results rather than identifying the most appropriate implementation phases to obtain a successful SG. The present work proposes a conceptual model for the design of SGs, which is based on four stages: Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation, under the life cycle of the software. For the validation of the model, an SG called ATHYNOS was developed, which was applied in a case study comparing it with the traditional therapy. The results obtained allowed to demonstrate that the SGs is a complementary tool for the treatment of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).     Keywords: ATHYNOS, conceptual model, serious games design, attention deficit disorde

    Research and trends in the studies of Collective Intelligence from 2012 to 2015

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    The interaction between groups of people and machines supports the transfer of knowledge and strengthen Collective Intelligence (CI) making it robust. The CI with the support of technology progresses through platforms and computer systems including ontology, clusters, agents, Web intelligence among others. This research consists of a content analysis of recent studies 2012-2015 on CI. After an extensive search of publications on electronic databases, two hundred and fifteen papers were selected and exposed in a document's analysis following the approach of Zott. In this research we identified three categories to consider: Learning, technology and decision-making. The analysis revealed that CI is strongly related with technology, supporting the processes of training people and promoting collaborative learning as a new form of literacy