181 research outputs found

    Involute Spur Gear Template Development by Parametric Technique Using Computer Aided Design

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    There are many methods available for developing profiles of gear and spline teeth. Most of the techniques are inaccurate because they use only an approximation of the involute curve profile. The parametric methoddeveloped in this paper provides accurate involute curve creation usingformulas and exact geometric equations. In addition, the involute curve byequation technique allows using either Cartesian in terms of X, Y, and Z orcylindrical coordinate systems to create the involute curve profile. Sincespur gear geometry is controlled by a few basic parameters, a generic gearcan be designed by three common parameters namely the pressure angle (a), the module (m), and the number of teeth (z). Most of the present day CAD systems have no built-in tool for designing such gears. This paper is an attempt in utilizing the concept of parametric technology to develop atemplate gear. The gear so developed has true involute profile, which is arealistic design. This will allow making changes to the gear design by using parametric input. If one gear file is developed using this parametrictechnology, with which, different size and variety of spur gears can becreated. The specific objective is to design and develop a template spur gear with 3 module, 30 Teeth, 20° pressure angle based on parametric technique by using CATIA V5R14 package. The later portion it is shown how this model may be retrieved and utilized for developing gears of different modules and number of teeth with change in these input parameters.Keywords: Parametric design, Template gear, involute curve, x and y coordinates, Laws for x and y co-ordinates, Extrapolated spline, circularpattern, extrusio

    Water quality effects of harbour activities assessed with integrated ecotoxicological parameters in Kerala, India

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    Ecological tools were developed to study the water quality in Cochin harbour, a complex aquatic ecosystems, through the integration of microbiological monitoring (faecal coliforms and Pseudomonas species) and heavy metal contamination (lead, cadmium and mercury). One way ANOVA indicates statistically significant differences (P = 0.002) in bacterial population between sites and at the same comparatively higher population in site I, reveals the possible impacts of the harbour activities. Total coliforms (TC), faecal coliorms (FC) and facecal streptococci (FS) reported their mean high values of 789.33 CFU/ml, 535 CFU/ml and 231.67 CFU/ml respectively at site 1 which is designated for the anchoring of the ships. FC/FS ratio also suggests the pollution is more with human faecal origin. Reported higher concentrations of lead (44.81 ppm), cadmium (1.5 ppm) and mercury (1.21 ppm) depicts the industrial origin. The relationship between petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) signify the reliability of PA as a biological marker for PHC contamination.Keywords: Harbour activities, pollution, faecal contamination index, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals

    R-parity violation in SU(5)

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    We show that judiciously chosen R-parity violating terms in the minimal renormalizable supersymmetric SU(5) are able to correct all the phenomenologically wrong mass relations between down quarks and charged leptons. The model can accommodate neutrino masses as well. One of the most striking consequences is a large mixing between the electron and the Higgsino. We show that this can still be in accord with data in some regions of the parameter space and possibly falsified in future experiments.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. Revised version. To appear in JHE

    Gravitino Dark Matter in Tree Level Gauge Mediation with and without R-parity

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    We investigate the cosmological aspects of Tree Level Gauge Mediation, a recently proposed mechanism in which the breaking of supersymmetry is communicated to the soft scalar masses by extra gauge interactions at the tree level. Embedding the mechanism in a Grand Unified Theory and requiring the observability of sfermion masses at the Large Hadron Collider, it follows that the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle is a gravitino with a mass of the order of 10 GeV. The analysis in the presence of R-parity shows that a typical Tree Level Gauge Mediation spectrum leads to an overabundance of the Dark Matter relic density and a tension with the constraints from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. This suggests to relax the exact conservation of the R-parity. The underlying SO(10) Grand Unified Theory together with the bounds from proton decay provide a rationale for considering only bilinear R-parity violating operators. We finally analyze the cosmological implications of this setup by identifying the phenomenologically viable regions of the parameter space.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures. References added. To appear in JHE

    Sparticle Spectrum of Large Volume Compactification

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    We examine the large volume compactification of Type IIB string theory or its F theory limit and the associated supersymmetry breakdown and soft terms. It is crucial to incorporate the loop-induced moduli mixing, originating from radiative corrections to the Kahler potential. We show that in the presence of moduli mixing, soft scalar masses generically receive a D-term contribution of the order of the gravitino mass m_{3/2} when the visible sector cycle is stabilized by the D-term potential of an anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry, while the moduli-mediated gaugino masses and A-parameters tend to be of the order of m_{3/2}/8pi^2. It is noticed also that a too large moduli mixing can destabilize the large volume solution by making it a saddle point.Comment: 29 page

    Mixed Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking with Anomalous U(1) Gauge Symmetry

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    Models with anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry contain various superfields which can have nonzero supersymmetry breaking auxiliary components providing the origin of soft terms in the visible sector, e.g. the U(1) vector superfield, the modulus or dilaton superfield implementing the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation mechanism, U(1)-charged but standard model singlet matter superfield required to cancel the Fayet-Iliopoulos term, and finally the supergravity multiplet. We examine the relative strength between these supersymmetry breaking components in a simple class of models, and find that various different mixed mediations of supersymmetry breaking, involving the modulus, gauge, anomaly and D-term mediations, can be realized depending upon the characteristics of D-flat directions and how those D-flat directions are stabilized with a vanishing cosmological constant. We identify two parameters which represent such properties and thus characterize how the various mediations are mixed. We also discuss the moduli stabilization and soft terms in a variant of KKLT scenario, in which the visible sector K\"ahler modulus is stabilized by the D-term potential of anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Neutron Majorana mass from exotic instantons

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    We show how a Majorana mass for the Neutron could result from non-perturbative quantum gravity effects peculiar to string theory. In particular, "exotic instantons" in un-oriented string compactifications with D-branes extending the (supersymmetric) standard model could indirectly produce an effective operator delta{m} n^t n+h.c. In a specific model with an extra vector-like pair of `quarks', acquiring a large mass proportional to the string mass scale (exponentially suppressed by a function of the string moduli fields), delta{m} can turn out to be as low as 10^{-24}-10^{-25} eV. The induced neutron-antineutron oscillations could take place with a time scale tau_{n\bar{n}} > 10^8 s, that could be tested by the next generation of experiments. On the other hand, proton decay and FCNC's are automatically strongly suppressed and are compatible with the current experimental limits. Depending on the number of brane intersections, the model may also lead to the generation of Majorana masses for R-handed neutrini. Our proposal could also suggest neutron-neutralino or neutron-axino oscillations, with implications in UCN, Dark Matter Direct Detection, UHECR and Neutron-Antineutron oscillations. This suggests to improve the limits on neutron-antineutron oscillations, as a possible test of string theory and quantum gravity.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. More comments on neutron-neutralino mixin

    Genomic prediction in CIMMYT maize and wheat breeding programs

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    Genomic selection (GS) has been implemented in animal and plant species, and is regarded as a useful tool for accelerating genetic gains. Varying levels of genomic prediction accuracy have been obtained in plants, depending on the prediction problem assessed and on several other factors, such as trait heritability, the relationship between the individuals to be predicted and those used to train the models for prediction, number of markers, sample size and genotype × environment interaction (GE). The main objective of this article is to describe the results of genomic prediction in International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center's (CIMMYT's) maize and wheat breeding programs, from the initial assessment of the predictive ability of different models using pedigree and marker information to the present, when methods for implementing GS in practical global maize and wheat breeding programs are being studied and investigated. Results show that pedigree (population structure) accounts for a sizeable proportion of the prediction accuracy when a global population is the prediction problem to be assessed. However, when the prediction uses unrelated populations to train the prediction equations, prediction accuracy becomes negligible. When genomic prediction includes modeling GE, an increase in prediction accuracy can be achieved by borrowing information from correlated environments. Several questions on how to incorporate GS into CIMMYT's maize and wheat programs remain unanswered and subject to further investigation, for example, prediction within and between related bi-parental crosses. Further research on the quantification of breeding value components for GS in plant breeding populations is required.J Crossa, P Pérez, J Hickey, J Burgueño, L Ornella, J Cerón-Rojas, X Zhang, S Dreisigacker, R Babu, Y Li, D Bonnett and K Mathew

    Identification of myocardial diffuse fibrosis by 11 heartbeat MOLLI T1 mapping: averaging to improve precision and correlation with collagen volume fraction

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    Objectives: Our objectives involved identifying whether repeated averaging in basal and mid left ventricular myocardial levels improves precision and correlation with collagen volume fraction for 11 heartbeat MOLLI T1 mapping versus assessment at a single ventricular level. Materials and methods: For assessment of T1 mapping precision, a cohort of 15 healthy volunteers underwent two CMR scans on separate days using an 11 heartbeat MOLLI with a 5(3)3 beat scheme to measure native T1 and a 4(1)3(1)2 beat post-contrast scheme to measure post-contrast T1, allowing calculation of partition coefficient and ECV. To assess correlation of T1 mapping with collagen volume fraction, a separate cohort of ten aortic stenosis patients scheduled to undergo surgery underwent one CMR scan with this 11 heartbeat MOLLI scheme, followed by intraoperative tru-cut myocardial biopsy. Six models of myocardial diffuse fibrosis assessment were established with incremental inclusion of imaging by averaging of the basal and mid-myocardial left ventricular levels, and each model was assessed for precision and correlation with collagen volume fraction. Results: A model using 11 heart beat MOLLI imaging of two basal and two mid ventricular level averaged T1 maps provided improved precision (Intraclass correlation 0.93 vs 0.84) and correlation with histology (R2 = 0.83 vs 0.36) for diffuse fibrosis compared to a single mid-ventricular level alone. ECV was more precise and correlated better than native T1 mapping. Conclusion: T1 mapping sequences with repeated averaging could be considered for applications of 11 heartbeat MOLLI, especially when small changes in native T1/ECV might affect clinical management