37 research outputs found

    Горизонтальные классификаторы. Основы теории и расчета: моногр.

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    Приведены технологические схемы получения строительных песков при гидромеханизированной добыче, основные конструктивные схемы классификаторов, используемых при получении строительных песков. Особое внимание уделено изучению процесса взаимодействия проточной части горизонтального классификатора с совокупностью твердых частиц, расположенных в горизонтальном ускоренном потоке несущей среды. Выполнено математическое моделирование ускоренного движения горизонтального потока и твердых частиц в пределах разнонаклонных поверхностей горизонтального классификатора. Экспериментально изучено гравитационное осаждение твердых частиц, рассмотренное в виде вертикальной и горизонтальной составляющих, а также влияние стесненности движения и перемещения твердых частиц относительно несущего горизонтального потока. Приведена методика расчета и выбора параметров классификаторов, информация об опыте проектирования и внедрения горизонтальных классификаторов в составе добычных комплексов при освоении обводненных месторождений песков. Монография может быть полезна студентам, инженерно-техническим работникам, сотрудникам высших учебных заведений, научно-исследовательских институтов и проектных организаций горной промышленности

    The challenges for women's health in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons learned from an integrative multistakeholder workshop in Gabon.

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    The sub-Saharan African (SSA) region is home to more than 230 million females of reproductive age who face multiple intersecting health, social, gender and economic challenges [1]. Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of chronic disabling, almost exclusively communicable diseases affecting the poorest of the poor, especially in Africa, which alone bears about 40% of the global burden of NTDs [2- 4]. While both men and women are impacted, biological and sociocultural biases mean that NTDs disproportionately affect women and girls [5]. In recent decades, there has been a global shift from communicable toward non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which cause almost 32 million deaths in low-and lower- middle- income countries (LMIC) [6]. It is expected that by 2030, 85% of NCD-related deaths among women will occur in LMICs, including many countries of SSA region [7]. For women older than 50, NCDs are the leading cause of both death and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) [8]. Important disparities persist in access to maternal and reproductive health services both within and between countries in SSA [9]; it is estimated that almost half of the women in SSA do not have access to essential health care during pregnancy and childbirth. In 2017, SSA accounted for roughly two-thirds of all maternal deaths in the world [10]. Hence, it is evident that many, if not most, women and girls in SSA carry a triple burden of vulnerability to NTDs, NCDs and poor reproductive health outcomes. Here, we report on the outcomes of an integrative, multistakeholder workshop held in Gabon, Central Africa, to help develop a framework for synergistic, sustainable and gender- and context-appropriate interventions to manage the NTD-NCD complex and additionally reproductive health

    An international multi-center investigation on the accuracy of radionuclide calibrators in nuclear medicine theragnostics

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    Background: Personalized molecular radiotherapy based on theragnostics requires accurate quantification of the amount of radiopharmaceutical activity administered to patients both in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. This international multi-center study aims to investigate the clinical measurement accuracy of radionuclide calibrators for 7 radionuclides used in theragnostics: 99mTc, 111In, 123I, 124I, 131I, 177Lu, and 90Y. Methods: In total, 32 radionuclide calibrators from 8 hospitals located in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany were tested. For each radio

    Hedgehog signaling sensitizes glioma stem cells to endogenous nano-irradiation

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    The existence of therapy resistant glioma stem cells is responsible for the high recurrence rate and incurability of glioblastomas. The Hedgehog pathway activity plays an essential role for self-renewal capacity and survival of glioma stem cells. We examined the potential of the Sonic hedgehog ligand for sensitizing of glioma stem cells to endogenous nano-irradiation. We demonstrate that the Sonic hedgehog ligand preferentially and efficiently activats glioma stem cells to enter the radiation sensitive G2/M phase. Concomitant inhibition of de novo thymidine synthesis with fluorodeoxyuridine and treatment with the Auger electron emitting thymidine analogue 5-[I-125]-Iodo-4′-thio-2′-deoxyuridine ([I-125]ITdU) leads to a fatal nano-irradiation in sensitized glioma stem cells. Targeting of proliferating glioma stem cells with DNA-incorporated [I-125]ITdU efficiently invokes the intrinsic apoptotic pathway despite active DNA repair mechanisms. Further, [I-125]ITdU completely inhibits survival of glioma stem cells in vitro. Analysis of non-stem glioblastoma cells and normal human astrocytes reveals that glioma stem cells differentially respond to Sonic hedgehog ligand. These data demonstrate a highly efficient and controllable single-cell kill therapeutic model for targeting glioma stem cells