19 research outputs found

    Social patterning of chronic disease risk factors in a Latin American city

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    Most studies of socioeconomic status (SES) and chronic disease risk factors have been conducted in high-income countries, and most show inverse social gradients. Few studies examine these patterns in lower- or middle-income countries. Using cross-sectional data from a 2005 national risk factor survey in Argentina (a middle-income country), we investigated the associations of individual- and area-level SES with chronic disease risk factors (body mass index [BMI], hypertension, and diabetes) among residents of Buenos Aires. Associations of risk factors with income and education were estimated after adjusting for age, sex (except in sex-stratified models), and the other socioeconomic indicators. BMI and obesity were inversely associated with education and income for women, but not for men (e.g., mean differences in BMI for lowest versus highest education level were 1.55 kg/m2, 95%CI = 0.72-2.37 in women and 0.17 kg/m2, 95%CI = -0.72-1.06 in men). Low education and income were also associated with increased odds of hypertension diagnosis in all adults (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.48, 95%CI = 0.99-2.20 and AOR = 1.50, 95%CI = 0.99-2.26 for the lowest compared to the highest education and income categories, respectively). Lower education was strongly associated with increased odds of diabetes diagnosis (AOR = 4.12, 95%CI = 1.85-9.18 and AOR = 2.43, 95%CI = 1.14-5.20 for the lowest and middle education categories compared to highest, respectively). Area-level education also showed an inverse relationship with BMI and obesity; these results did not vary by sex as they did at the individual level. This cross-sectional study of a major urban area provides some insight into the global transition with a trend toward concentrations of risk factors in poorer populations.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78528/1/FleischerDiezRoux2008_JUrbanHealth.pd

    Factors associated with overweight and central body fat in the city of Rio de Janeiro: results of a two-stage random sampling survey

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    The purpose of the survey was to investigate the association of overweight (body mass index, BMI) and central body fat distribution (waist/hip girth ratio WHR) with socio-economic, demograghic, lifestyle and dietary variables in the adult population of Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil, 1995-1996. A two-stage random sample population-based survey was performed, with 1455 males and 1906 females above 20 y old resident in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. Data were obtained by direct interview and physical examination of the subjects. The intake of selected nutrients (fat, saturated fat, cholesterol) and energy was obtained from a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Variables with at least a marginal univariate association with the dependent variables (BMI and WHR) were selected as predictors in two logistic regression models, and variables statistically significant (P < 0.05) were retained in them. Overweight prevalence was 44.9%, and 39.2% of the subjects had excessive central body fat distribution (elevated WHR). The proportions of subjects with an excessive intake of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol were respectively 31%, 42% and 47%. For the BMI model, the variables retained were age (OR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.3-1.7), schooling (OR = 1.7, 1.4-1.9) and smoking (OR=0.8; 0.7-0.9); and for WHR, age (OR=1.8, 1.5-2.1), schooling (OR=2.2, 1.9-2.6), occupation (OR = 1.8, 1.1-2.0) and gender (OR = 3.9, 3.2-4.7). Obesity and excessive central body fat are highly prevalent health problems in the studied population. As suggested by the identified risk factors, they should be urgently addressed through health nutrition education and physical activity programs; particularly those directed to the middle aged and female groups.115323624

    Atividade física: prevalência, fatores relacionados e associação entre pais e filhos Actividad física: prevalencia, factores relacionados y asociación entre padres e hijos Physical activity: rate, related factors, and association between parents and children

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a prática esportiva de adolescentes e seus respectivos pais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 1.111 adolescentes de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre dez e 17 anos e seus respectivos responsáveis. Entre pais e filhos, o envolvimento em práticas esportivas de intensidade moderada e/ou vigorosa foi avaliado por meio de questionário. A condição econômica, o gênero e a idade foram considerados variáveis de confusão. A regressão logística binária avaliou a magnitude das associações indicadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Em ambos os gêneros, o envolvimento dos pais foi associado com um maior engajamento por parte do adolescente em práticas esportivas (masculino: OR2,3; IC95%1,0-5,3; feminino: OR2,7; IC95%1,3-5,1). Porém, o envolvimento materno foi associado apenas com a atividade física no sexo feminino (OR2,4; IC95%1,4-3,8). CONCLUSÕES: A prática esportiva dos adolescentes está associada com a prática de seus pais e o gênero dos pais exerce efeitos distintos em tal fenômeno.<br>OBJETIVO: Analizar la asociación entre la práctica deportiva de adolescentes y sus respectivos padres. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal implicando a 1111 adolescentes de ambos géneros, con edad entre 10 y 17 años y sus respectivos responsables. Entre padres e hijos, la participación en prácticas deportivas de intensidad moderada y/o vigorosa fue evaluada mediante cuestionario. Condición económica, género y edad fueron consideradas variables de confusión. La regresión logística binaria evaluó la magnitud de las asociaciones indicadas por la prueba del chi-cuadrado. RESULTADOS: En ambos géneros, la participación de ambos padres fue asociada a un mayor compromiso por parte del adolescente en prácticas deportivas (Masculino: OR 2,34, IC95% 1,0-5,3; Femenino: OR 2,67 IC95% 1,3-5,1). Sin embargo, la participación materna fue asociada solamente con la actividad en el sexo femenino (OR 2,37 IC95% 1,4-3,8). CONCLUSIONES: La práctica deportiva de los adolescentes está asociada con la práctica de sus padres y el género de los padres ofrece efectos distintos en tal fenómeno.<br>OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between sports practice of adolescents and their parents. METHODS: Cross-sectional study enrolling 1,111 adolescents of both genders, with ages ranging from ten to 17 years old and their respective parents. Among parents and adolescents, sportive practice of moderate and/or high intensity was assessed by a questionnaire. Economic condition, gender, and age were used as potential confounders. Binary logistic regression indicated the magnitude of the associations detected by the chi-square test. RESULTS: For both genders, simultaneous paternal and maternal engagement was associated with higher sports practice (male: OR2.3; 95%CI1.0-5.3; female: OR2.7; 95%CI1.3-5.1). However, maternal engagement was associated with higher sports practice only in the female gender (OR2.4; 95%CI1.4-3.8). CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents' sports practice is associated with parents' engagement and the parental gender affects this event

    Fatores de risco cardiovascular em crianças de 7 a 10 anos de área urbana, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil Cardiovascular risk factors in 7-to-10-year-old children in Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil

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    O objetivo do estudo foi identificar a ocorrência simultânea de fatores de risco cardiovascular em crianças de 7 a 10 anos de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil, e investigar variáveis socioeconômicas associadas. Foram pesquisadas 1.282 crianças e obtidos dados antropométricos e medidas da pressão arterial com aparelho automático. Dados socioeconômicos, de alimentação e de atividade física foram obtidos com base em questionário. Para avaliação da ocorrência simultânea de fatores de risco cardiovascular foi desenvolvido um índice a partir da presença de excesso de peso, pressão arterial elevada, alimentação de baixa qualidade e lazer sedentário > 4h/dia. Presença simultânea de quatro fatores de risco cardiovascular foi identificada como risco alto. Classe socioeconômica e escolaridade materna foram incluídas no modelo de regressão logística. Cerca de 34% das crianças apresentaram dois fatores de risco cardiovascular, 20% três fatores e 6,4 quatro fatores de risco cardiovascular. A escolaridade materna se manteve associada ao risco cardiovascular alto (OR: 7,36, IC95%: 2,09-25,97) e médio (OR: 2,57, IC95%: 1,58-4,20). Baixa escolaridade materna foi o fator mais importante associado ao risco cardiovascular.<br>The study aimed to identify the simultaneous occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors in children 7 to 10 years of age in Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, and investigate associated socioeconomic variables. In a sample of 1,282 children, anthropometric data were obtained and blood pressure was measured with an automatic device. Socioeconomic, nutritional, and physical activity data were obtained with a questionnaire. To evaluate the simultaneous occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors, an index was developed including overweight, high blood pressure, poor eating, and sedentary leisure > 4hours/day. The simultaneous presence of four cardiovascular risk factors was defined as high risk. Socioeconomic status and maternal schooling were included in the logistic regression model. Some 34% of the children presented two cardiovascular risk factors, 20% three factors, and 6.4% four cardiovascular risk factors. Maternal schooling remained associated with high cardiovascular risk (OR: 7.36, 95%CI: 2.09-25.97) and medium risk (OR: 2.57, 95%CI: 1.58-4.20). Low maternal schooling was the most important factor associated with cardiovascular risk