6 research outputs found

    Old-Age Security and Silver Workers: An Empirical Survey Identifies Challenges for Companies, Insurers and Society

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    As a result of demographic development, pension reforms have been passed to make them more sustainable for the future. More recently, understanding of the importance of the employment of older workers has been increasing but there is still the need for a policy shift. Moreover, the future shortage of qualified staff will noticeably affect the growth of many developed economies in the next decades. This explorative paper focuses on the present empirical situation and expectations of the workforce capacity of older persons in good mental and physical health: paid and unpaid active retirees in Germany (Silver Workers). The lifestyles of Silver Workers as well as reasons for engagement in post-retirement activities and necessary framework conditions of work during retirement are described. The qualitative and quantitative survey allows us to derive practical recommendations for leadership, human resource management and policies, as well as for the insurance industry. The authors estimate that integrating Silver Workers can contribute to macroeconomic growth potential, relieve old-age pension systems (“Fourth Pillar”) and provide new business opportunities. The Geneva Papers (2009) 34, 137–157. doi:10.1057/gpp.2008.44

    Adjustment processes in bridge employment: where we are and where we need to go

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    While a relatively large literature outlines adjustment processes for retirees in general, very little empirical and theoretical attention has focused on the psychological adjustment process for bridge employees. That is to say, few studies have attempted to understand the psychological mechanisms that predict adjustment to bridge employment, and there is scant theory to direct such efforts. The present chapter outlines and defines adjustment for bridge employees from life-course, life-span developmental, and self-regulation perspectives. The role of both intrapersonal and external resources and demands on the bridge employment adjustment process are discussed. A model of adjustment to bridge employment is offered that incorporates the idea of contextual resources-demands fit, and suggests a process by which the application of intrapersonal resources is enhanced via an agentic self-efficacy cycle. Finally, future directions for research and are discusse