7,051 research outputs found

    Analytical description of the coherent structures within the hyperbolic generalization of Burgers equation

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    We present new periodic, kink-like and soliton-like travelling wave solutions to the hyperbolic generalization of Burgers equation. To obtain them, we employ the classical and generalized symmetry methods and the ansatz-based approachComment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetohydrodynamic drift equations : from Langmuir circulations to magnetohydrodynamic dynamo?

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    We derive the closed system of averaged magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations for general oscillating flows. The used small parameter of our asymptotic theory is the dimensionless inverse frequency, and the leading term for a velocity field is chosen to be purely oscillating. The employed mathematical approach combines the two timing method and the notion of a distinguished limit. The properties of commutators are used to simplify calculations. The derived averaged equations are similar to the original MHD equations, but surprisingly (instead of the commonly expected Reynolds stresses) a drift velocity plays a part of an additional advection velocity. In the special case of a vanishing magnetic field h0h\equiv 0, the averaged equations produce the Craik–Leibovich equations for Langmuir circulations (which can be called ‘vortex dynamo’). We suggest that, since the mathematical structure of the full averaged equations for h0h\neq 0 is similar to those for h=0h =0, these full equations could lead to a possible mechanism of MHD dynamo, such as the generation of the magnetic field of the Earth

    A Closed Expression for the Universal R-Matrix in a Non-Standard Quantum Double

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    In recent papers of the author, a method was developed for constructing quasitriangular Hopf algebras (quantum groups) of the quantum-double type. As a by-product, a novel non-standard example of the quantum double has been found. In the present paper, a closed expression (in terms of elementary functions) for the corresponding universal R-matrix is obtained. In reduced form, when the number of generators becomes two instead of four, this quantum group can be interpreted as a deformation of the Lie algebra [x,h]=2h in the context of Drinfeld's quantization program.Comment: 6 pages, LATEX, JINR preprint E2-93-15

    On the equation of the pp-adic open string for the scalar tachyon field

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    We study the structure of solutions of the one-dimensional non-linear pseudodifferential equation describing the dynamics of the pp-adic open string for the scalar tachyon field p12t2Φ=Φpp^{\frac12\partial^2_t}\Phi=\Phi^p. We elicit the role of real zeros of the entire function Φp(z)\Phi^p(z) and the behaviour of solutions Φ(t)\Phi(t) in the neighbourhood of these zeros. We point out that discontinuous solutions can appear if pp is even. We use the method of expanding the solution Φ\Phi and the function Φp\Phi^p in the Hermite polynomials and modified Hermite polynomials and establish a connection between the coefficients of these expansions (integral conservation laws). For p=2p=2 we construct an infinite system of non-linear equations in the unknown Hermite coefficients and study its structure. We consider the 3-approximation. We indicate a connection between the problems stated and the non-linear boundary-value problem for the heat equation.Comment: AMSTeX, 26 page