1,156 research outputs found

    Weak proton capture on 3He

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    The astrophysical S-factor for the proton weak capture on 3He is calculated with correlated-hyperspherical-harmonics bound and continuum wave functions corresponding to realistic Hamiltonians consisting of the Argonne v14 or Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Urbana-VIII or Urbana-IX three-nucleon interactions. The nuclear weak charge and current operators have vector and axial-vector components, that include one- and many-body terms. All possible multipole transitions connecting any of the p 3He S- and P-wave channels to the 4He bound state are considered. The S-factor at a p 3He center-of-mass energy of 10 keV, close to the Gamow-peak energy, is predicted to be 10.1 10^{-20} keV b with the AV18/UIX Hamiltonian, a factor of about 4.5 larger than the value adopted in the standard solar model. The P-wave transitions are found to be important, contributing about 40 % of the calculated S-factor. The energy dependence is rather weak: the AV18/UIX zero-energy S-factor is 9.64 10^{-20} keV b, only 5 % smaller than the 10 keV result quoted above. The model dependence is also found to be weak: the zero-energy S-factor is calculated to be 10.2 10^{-20} keV b with the older AV14/UVIII model, only 6 % larger than the AV18/UIX result. Our best estimate for the S-factor at 10 keV is therefore (10.1 \pm 0.6) 10^{-20} keV b, when the theoretical uncertainty due to the model dependence is included. This value for the calculated S-factor is not as large as determined in fits to the Super-Kamiokande data in which the hep flux normalization is free. However, the precise calculation of the S-factor and the consequent absolute prediction for the hep neutrino flux will allow much greater discrimination among proposed solar neutrino oscillation solutions.Comment: 54 pages RevTex file, 6 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Realistic Calculation of the hep Astrophysical Factor

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    The astrophysical factor for the proton weak capture on 3He is calculated with correlated-hyperspherical-harmonics bound and continuum wave functions corresponding to a realistic Hamiltonian consisting of the Argonne v18 two-nucleon and Urbana-IX three-nucleon interactions. The nuclear weak charge and current operators have vector and axial-vector components, that include one- and many-body terms. All possible multipole transitions connecting any of the p-3He S- and P-wave channels to the 4He bound state are considered. The S-factor at a p-3He center-of-mass energy of 10 keV, close to the Gamow-peak energy, is predicted to be 10.1 10^{-20} keV b, a factor of five larger than the standard-solar-model value. The P-wave transitions are found to be important, contributing about 40 % of the calculated S-factor.Comment: 8 pages RevTex file, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Muon capture on deuteron and 3He

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    The muon capture reactions 2H(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)nn and 3He(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)3H are studied with conventional or chiral realistic potentials and consistent weak currents. The initial and final A=2 and 3 nuclear wave functions are obtained from the Argonne v18 or chiral N3LO two-nucleon potential, in combination with, respectively, the Urbana IX or chiral N2LO three-nucleon potential in the case of A=3. The weak current consists of polar- and axial-vector components. The former are related to the isovector piece of the electromagnetic current via the conserved-vector-current hypothesis. These and the axial currents are derived either in a meson-exchange or in a chiral effective field theory (chiEFT) framework. There is one parameter (either the N-to-\Delta axial coupling constant in the meson-exchange model, or the strength of a contact term in the chiEFT model) which is fixed by reproducing the Gamow-Teller matrix element in tritium beta-decay. The model dependence relative to the adopted interactions and currents (and cutoff sensitivity in the chiEFT currents) is weak, resulting in total rates of 392.0 +/- 2.3 Hz for A=2, and 1484 +/- 13 Hz for A=3, where the spread accounts for this model dependence.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Polarization observables in p-d scattering below 30 MeV

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    Differential and total breakup cross sections as well as vector and tensor analyzing powers for p-d scattering are studied for energies above the deuteron breakup threshold up to E(lab)=28 MeV. The p-d scattering wave function is expanded in terms of the correlated hyperspherical harmonic basis and the elastic S-matrix is obtained using the Kohn variational principle in its complex form. The effects of the Coulomb interaction, which are expected to be important in this energy range, have been rigorously taken into account. The Argonne AV18 interaction and the Urbana URIX three-nucleon potential have been used to perform a comparison to the available experimental data.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figure

    The Ay Problem for p-3He Elastic Scattering

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    We present evidence that numerically accurate quantum calculations employing modern internucleon forces do not reproduce the proton analyzing power, A_y, for p-3He elastic scattering at low energies. These calculations underpredict new measured analyzing powers by approximately 30% at E_{c.m.} = 1.20 MeV and by 40% at E_{c.m.} = 1.69 MeV, an effect analogous to a well-known problem in p-d and n-d scattering. The calculations are performed using the complex Kohn variational principle and the (correlated) Hyperspherical Harmonics technique with full treatment of the Coulomb force. The inclusion of the three-nucleon interaction does not improve the agreement with the experimental data.Comment: Latex file, 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published on Phys. Rev. Let

    Variational Calculation on A=3 and 4 Nuclei with Non-Local Potentials

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    The application of the hyperspherical harmonic approach to the case of non-local two-body potentials is described. Given the properties of the hyperspherical harmonic functions, there are no difficulties in considering the approach in both coordinate and momentum space. The binding energies and other ground state properties of A=3 and 4 nuclei are calculated using the CD Bonn 2000 and N3LO two-body potentials. The results are shown to be in excellent agreement with corresponding ones obtained by other accurate techniques.Comment: 12 pages, 6 tables, RevTex

    The importance of few-nucleon physics at low energy

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    This manuscript originated from the discussion at the workshop on the "Future of Few-body Low Energy Experimental Physics" (FFLEEP), which was held at the University of Trento on December 4-7, 2002 and has been written in its present form on March 19, 2003. It illustrates a selection of theoretical advancements in the nuclear few-body problem, including two- and many-nucleon interactions, the three-nucleon bound and scattering system, the four-body problem, the A-body (A>>4) problem, and fields of related interest, such as reactions of astrophysical interest and few-neutron systems. Particular attention is called to the contradictory situation one experiences in this field: while theory is currently advancing and has the potential to inspire new experiments, the experimental activity is nevertheless rapidly phasing out. If such a trend will continue, advancements in this area will become critically difficult.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures. Manuscript originated from the discussion at the workshop on the "Future of Few-body Low Energy Experimental Physics" (FFLEEP), University of Trento, December 4-7, 2002, written in its present form on March 19, 2003, circulated mainly among the participants to the FFLEEP workshop. Since the authors have been repeatedly solicited to make the manuscript accessible to a larger audience potentially interested in its scientific content, they have decided to post it on this archiv

    Calculation of the Alpha--Particle Ground State within the Hyperspherical Harmonic Basis

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    The problem of calculating the four--nucleon bound state properties for the case of realistic two- and three-body nuclear potentials is studied using the hyperspherical harmonic (HH) approach. A careful analysis of the convergence of different classes of HH functions has been performed. A restricted basis is chosen to allow for accurate estimates of the binding energy and other properties of the 4He ground state. Results for various modern two-nucleon and two- plus three-nucleon interactions are presented. The 4He asymptotic normalization constants for separation in 2+2 and 1+3 clusters are also computed.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, 11 tables, revtex

    The Hyperspherical Harmonics Method: A Tool for Testing and Improving Nuclear Interaction Models

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    none6siThe Hyperspherical Harmonics (HH) method is one of the most accurate techniques to solve the quantum mechanical problem for nuclear systems with a number of nucleons A ≤ 4. In particular, by applying the Rayleigh-Ritz or Kohn variational principle, both bound and scattering states can be addressed, using either local or non-local interactions. Thanks to this versatility, the method can be used to test the two- and three-nucleon components of the nuclear interaction. In the present review we introduce the formalism of the HH method, both for bound and scattering states. In particular, we describe the implementation of the method to study the A = 3 and 4 scattering problems. Second, we present a selected choice of results of the last decade, most representative of the latest achievements. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of what we believe will be the most significant developments within the HH method for the next 5–10 years.openMarcucci L.E.; Dohet-Eraly J.; Girlanda L.; Gnech A.; Kievsky A.; Viviani M.Marcucci, L. E.; Dohet-Eraly, J.; Girlanda, L.; Gnech, A.; Kievsky, A.; Viviani, M
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