13 research outputs found
Aproveitamento de um fosfato natural parcialmente solubilizado pelas culturas do arroz, milho e soja: I. Resultados preliminares
Em solos pouco ácidos, pobres em P disponível, dois dos quais anteriormente com vegetação de cerrado, foram conduzidos ensaios destinados a comparar a eficiência de um fosfato natural parcialmente acidulado com ácido sulfúrico (FAPS) com a do super simples (SS) e a do fosfato de Araxá original. Usaram-se as culturas de arroz de sequeiro, milho e soja. Verificou-se que: (1) o FAPS deu produções que não diferiram estatísticamente das obtidas com o SS sendo maiores que as conseguidas com o FA; (2) os resultados das análises de solos e da diagnose foliar indicam que o FAPS funcionou como fonte de P, Ca e S.In slightly acidic soils the effect of two rates of PARP (60 and 120 kg P2O5 per hectare) was compared to that of single superphosphate and of the original ground Araxá rock phosphate (ARP), both supplied to give 90 kg P2O5/ha. Testcrops were: upland rice, corn and soybeans. Main conclusions, based on yield data, and soil and leaf analyses were the following: (1) there was no statistical diferrence between yields obtained with PARP and SS which, however, were ussuallu higher than those provided for by ARP; (2) results from chemical analyses show that the PARP, as well as the SS, were a source of P, Ca and S to the three crops; (3) under the experimental conditions, there fore, the effect of the PARP was close to that of the SS rather than to the effect due to the ARP
Fluxo biológico do fósforo no metabolismo de suínos alimentados com dietas contendo fitase Biological P flow on metabolism of pigs fed diets containg phytase
A pesquisa foi conduzida para avaliar o fluxo biológico do P em suínos, na fase de crescimento, alimentados com dietas à base de milho, farelo de soja, farelo de arroz desengordurado e óleo de soja, isentas de P inorgânico e suplementadas com níveis crescentes de fitase (253, 759, 1.265 e 1.748 UF/kg de dieta), e destacar o melhor nível de utilização da enzima, usando modelos matemáticos. O modelo utilizado foi determinístico e compartimental, em que o trato gastrintestinal (C1), o plasma C2, os ossos (C3) e os tecidos moles (ossos, coração, figado, rins e músculos), estudados em conjunto (C4), representaram os compartimentos. Foram utilizados dados de metabolismo e cinética do P nos tecidos, obtidos pela técnica de diluição isotópica. Os parâmetros estimados foram: absorção, retenção, P endógeno que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal, P dietético absorvido, incorporação, reabsorção, balanço de P, P proveniente do osso, dos tecidos moles e do total absorvido que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal. o modelo biomatemático utilizado mostrou-se eficiente em explicar o fluxo do fósforo no organismo de suínos em crescimento. A fitase interferiu no fluxo biológico do P do compartimento C1 para o C3 e no refluxo dos compartimentos C3 e C4 para o C1. O nível 759 UF/kg de ração disponibilizou mais eficientemente o fósforo orgânico para o metabolismo dos suínos.<br>The study was conducted to evaluate the biological flow of P in pigs fed diets based on corn, soybean meal, defatted rice bran (DRB) and soybean oil, with increasing phytase levels (253, 759, 1265 and 1748 PU/kg of diet), using mathematics models. The model was deterministic and compartimental, in which the gastrintestinal tract (GIT) (C1), the plasma C2, the bones (C3) and the soft tissues (liver, heart, kidney and muscle) (C4) represented the compartments. Metabolism data and kinetics of P in tissues were used in the model, obtained by the isotopic dilution technique. The parameters used were: absorption, retention, endogenous P that return to the gastrintestinal tract (GIT), dietary absorbed P, accretion, reabsorption, balance of P in bone and soft tissues and P from total absorbed that returned the GIT. The biomathematical model used is adequate to explain the P flow in growing pig. The phytase enzyme interfere in biological flow of P from compartment C1 to C3 and with the output flow of P from compartment C3 and C4 to C1. The level of 759 PU of phytase in diet of growing pig availability more efficientily the organic phosphorus for the pigs metabolism
Phytase enzyme in diets containing defatted rice bran for growing swine Enzima fitase dietas com farelo de arroz desengordurado para suínos em crescimento
Organic phosphorus is poorly utilized by monogastric animals because they lack phytase, the enzyme that cleaves the ortho-phosphate groups from the phytate molecule. Diets fed to pigs are supplemented with inorganic P, and this can increase environmental pollution and diet costs. Sixty mixed sex, half-breed pigs, were used to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary levels of phytase (253, 759, 1265 and 1748 PU kg-1 feed) on animal performance as compared to a control without phytase but supplemented with dicalcium phosphate. Enzyme levels did not affect daily feed intake, food conversion, average daily weight gain, plasma P and Ca, calcium and phosphorus in bone ash, and the calcium/phosphorus ratio in the plasma and bones. A quadratic relationship between phytase levels and the percentages of P and Ca in bone ash was observed, reaching a maximum at the 880 and 879 PU levels, respectively. Animals fed diets containing phytase presented low plasma P values when compared to the control, but no effects were observed for the regression analysis. Using 759 PU phytase in rations containing corn, soybean bran and defatted rice bran for growing pigs can eliminate the use of traditional sources of P.<br>Os animais monogástricos não aproveitam eficientemente o P orgânico das dietas, pois não sintetizam a enzima fitase, sendo necessária a suplementação das rações com P inorgânico, podendo elevar o custo das dietas e a poluição ambiental. Foram utilizados 60 leitões mestiços (machos castrados e fêmeas) para avaliar a eficácia dos níveis dietéticos crescentes da enzima fitase (253, 759, 1265 e 1748 UF kg-1 de ração) sobre os parâmetros de desempenho e comparar com o tratamento testemunha que diferia dos demais por não conter fitase e por conter fosfato bicálcico. Os níveis da enzima fitase não afetaram o consumo diário de ração, conversão alimentar, ganho diário de peso, P e Ca no plasma, cinzas no osso e relação cálcio e fósforo no plasma e osso. Observou-se relação quadrática entre os níveis dietéticos de fitase e a porcentagem de P e Ca nas cinzas ósseas, com ponto de maximo no nível de 880 e 879 UF respectivamente. As dietas com fitase propiciaram valores inferiores para o fósforo no plasma quando comparados com o tratamento testemunha, mas não apresentaram efeitos para análise de regressão. A utilização de 759 UF em rações à base de milho, farelo de soja e farelo de arroz desengordurado para suínos na fase de crescimento permite a eliminação das fontes tradicionais de P
Assessment of sugarcane trash for agronomic and energy purposes in Brazil
Due to new possibilities for using sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) trash for electricity generation, and the production of 2nd generation ethanol and others chemicals, the interest for its recovery has increased. However, the question of how much trash can be removed from sugarcane field still needs to be clarified. This study evaluated the amount of dry matter, nutrients content, structural compounds and efficiency of the enzymatic hydrolysis of the hydrothermal pretreated materials for tops and dry leaves in samples from sugarcane varieties. Tops and dry leaves present differences in nutrients content and moisture. Therefore, the amount of trash to be collected should not be simply based on percentages, but also should take into account the different fractions of the crop residues. For instance, around 80 % of N, P and K were derived from tops. Therein, the environmental indicators of the entire chain of sugarcane could be benefited because more nutrients would be recycled and less mineral fertilizers might be used for sugarcane production if tops are left on the field. Further, the tops have seven times more moisture than dry leaves and higher amounts of extractives (organic compounds of low molecular weight). Moreover, as the result of yield obtained in the pretreatment steps for dry leaves were superior to the tops and the glucose yields obtained in the enzymatic hydrolysis step were similar, it can be predicted that for second generation ethanol production, it is more viable to recover parts of the dry leaves fraction, leaving the tops on the field