188 research outputs found

    Avaliação da resistência a Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) e Euxesta sp. (Diptera: Otitidae) em linhagens de milho-doce.

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    Sixteen tines of sweet com were evaluated for resistance to Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and Euxesta sp. Artificial and natural infestation of H. zea (Boddie) were used. The tines DCOl and DC03 were resistant to both pests. No difference was observed between artificial and natural infestation

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy as an analytical tool for total carbon quantification in tropical and subtropical soils: evaluation of calibration algorithms.

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    The demand for efficient, accurate, and cost-effective methods of measuring soil carbon (C) in agriculture is growing. Traditional approaches are time consuming and expensive, highlighting the need for alternatives. This study tackles the challenge of utilizing laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) as a more economical method while managing its potential accuracy issues due to physical–chemical matrix effects. A set of 1,019 soil samples from 11 Brazilian farms was analyzed using various univariate and multivariate calibration strategies. The artificial neural network (ANN) demonstrated the best performance with the lowest root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.48 wt% C, a 28% reduction compared to the following best calibration method (matrix-matching calibration – MMC inverse regression and multiple linear regression – MLR at 0.67 wt% C). Furthermore, the study revealed a strong correlation between total C determined by LIBS and the elemental CHNS analyzer for soils samples in nine farms (R² ≥ 0.73). The proposed method offers a reliable, rapid, and cost-efficient means of measuring total soil C content, showing that LIBS and ANN modeling can significantly reduce errors compared to other calibration methods. This research fills the knowledge gap in utilizing LIBS for soil C measurement in agriculture, potentially benefiting producers and the soil C credit market. Specific recommendations include further exploration of ANN modeling for broader applications, ensuring that agricultural soil management becomes more accessible and efficient

    Técnica de fluorescência para diagnosticar o ataque precoce de nematoide.

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    O Brasil é o quarto maior produtor e o segundo maior exportador da fibra do algodão no mundo, apresentando na safra (21/22) um acréscimo de produção equivalente a 3,8%. Em consequência aos sucessivos aumentos da área plantada e da maior produtividade, houve um acréscimo expressivo de doenças incidentes nesta cultura nas últimas décadas. Entre os principais patógenos da cultura, o nematoide Aphelenchoides besseyi se destaque, por provocar perdas expressivas, afetando drasticamente o rendimento e ocasionando grandes prejuízos econômicos. As alterações na atividade fotossintética provocam mudanças na cinética de emissão da fluorescência da clorofila e podem ser bons indicativos da incidência de estresses físicos e biológicos atuantes nas plantas. O presente trabalho objetivou a utilização do sistema de imagem de fluorescência, com análise da eficiência fotossintética, para detectar o ataque precoce do referido nematoide à cultura do algodão. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação com o controle da temperatura e da umidade relativa, estabelecidas em torno de 30°C e 80%, respectivamente. Os vasos de algodão foram inoculados com o nematoide 8 dias após a semeadura, sendo seis vasos com plantas inoculadas e seis vasos com plantas sadias. As medições foram realizadas durante 15 dias após a inoculação, duas vezes ao dia, uma às 08h30 e outra às 14h30, após um período de 30 min no escuro para a inativação da atividade fotossintética. Para a medição da cinética da fluorescência foi utilizado o equipamento Closed FluorCam FC 800-C da Photon System Instruments. Como resultados foram geradas 360 observações de plantas inoculadas que sofreram ataques do nematoide, e 360 observações de plantas testemunhas, com 80 atributos de médias e 80 atributos de desvios padrões dos parâmetros medidos da cinética da fluorescência da clorofila. Com os atributos padronizados, obteve-se uma taxa de acerto de 70% usando apenas a média, e 77% usando apenas o desvio padrão, em um modelo de árvore de decisão. Nem todos os parâmetros, média ou desvio padrão, foram bons atributos para a classificação, entretanto o parâmetro de emissão de fluorescência na faixa verde (Green Fluorescence - GF), destacou-se, permitindo a diferenciação entre as classes nove dias após a inoculação. Portanto, concluiu-se que a imagem de fluorescência se mostrou promissora e com alta sensibilidade para detecção precoce do ataque de patógenos de A. besseyi na cultura do algodão

    Bioengineering silicon quantum dot theranostics using a network analysis of metabolomic and proteomic data in cardiac ischemia

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    Metabolomic profiling is ideally suited for the analysis of cardiac metabolism in healthy and diseased states. Here, we show that systematic discovery of biomarkers of ischemic preconditioning using metabolomics can be translated to potential nanotheranostics. Thirty-three patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) after myocardial infarction. Blood was sampled from catheters in the coronary sinus, aorta and femoral vein before coronary occlusion and 20 minutes after one minute of coronary occlusion. Plasma was analysed using GC-MS metabolomics and iTRAQ LC-MS/MS proteomics. Proteins and metabolites were mapped into the Metacore network database (GeneGo, MI, USA) to establish functional relevance. Expression of 13 proteins was significantly different (p<0.05) as a result of PCI. Included amongst these was CD44, a cell surface marker of reperfusion injury. Thirty-eight metabolites were identified using a targeted approach. Using PCA, 42% of their variance was accounted for by 21 metabolites. Multiple metabolic pathways and potential biomarkers of cardiac ischemia, reperfusion and preconditioning were identified. CD44, a marker of reperfusion injury, and myristic acid, a potential preconditioning agent, were incorporated into a nanotheranostic that may be useful for cardiovascular applications. Integrating biomarker discovery techniques into rationally designed nanoconstructs may lead to improvements in disease-specific diagnosis and treatment

    Squeezing arbitrary cavity-field states through their interaction with a single driven atom

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    We propose an implementation of the parametric amplification of an arbitrary radiation-field state previously prepared in a high-Q cavity. This nonlinear process is accomplished through the dispersive interactions of a single three-level atom (fundamental |g>, intermediate |i>, and excited |e> levels) simultaneously with i) a classical driving field and ii) a previously prepared cavity mode whose state we wish to squeeze. We show that, in the adiabatic approximantion, the preparation of the initial atomic state in the intermediate level |i> becomes crucial for obtaing the degenerated parametric amplification process.Comment: Final published versio

    Characterization of complex networks: A survey of measurements

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    Each complex network (or class of networks) presents specific topological features which characterize its connectivity and highly influence the dynamics of processes executed on the network. The analysis, discrimination, and synthesis of complex networks therefore rely on the use of measurements capable of expressing the most relevant topological features. This article presents a survey of such measurements. It includes general considerations about complex network characterization, a brief review of the principal models, and the presentation of the main existing measurements. Important related issues covered in this work comprise the representation of the evolution of complex networks in terms of trajectories in several measurement spaces, the analysis of the correlations between some of the most traditional measurements, perturbation analysis, as well as the use of multivariate statistics for feature selection and network classification. Depending on the network and the analysis task one has in mind, a specific set of features may be chosen. It is hoped that the present survey will help the proper application and interpretation of measurements.Comment: A working manuscript with 78 pages, 32 figures. Suggestions of measurements for inclusion are welcomed by the author

    Indicações técnicas para o cultivo do girassol.

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    Preparo do solo; Semeadura: profundidade, espacamento e densidade, epoca de semeadura; Cultivares; Calagem; Nutricao e adubacao: nitrogenio, fosforo, potassio; Controle de plantas daninhas; Insetos-pragas; Doencas do girassol: mancha de Alternaria, podridao e murcha de Esclerotinia, ferrugem, podridao de Macrophomina, seca da haste por Phomopsis sp.; Colheita e armazenagem; Custo de producao.bitstream/item/60518/1/Documentos-3.pd