8 research outputs found

    Productive response of lambs fed Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia fruits in a tropical region of Mexico

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    polyethylene glycol (PEG) of the fruits of Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia was evaluated, the degradation kinetics of lamb diets with added fruit of the tree was determined, and the ration intake and growth rate of lambs fed these diets were measured. Twenty-five entire male lambs of 23.5± 0.44 kg body weight were used and distributed in treatments: T0 (control without fruit); T1 and T2, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of C. alata; and T3 and T4, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of G. ulmifoli


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    The objective was to determine the chemical composition, digestibility and in vitro digestion parameters in ten legume tree foliage using the in vitro gas-production method with and without polyethylene glycol (PEG). The foliages with higher protein content (P<0.001) (167.1 to 180.3 g/kg DM) were A. cochliacantha, L. esculenta, E. cyclocarpum and A. farnesiana; from the total phenols (P<0.001) (365.9 to 680.6 g/kg DM) L. divaricata, H. brasiletto and C. coriaria and condensed tannins (P<0.001) (35.4 to 88.0 g/kg DM) E. cyclocarpum, A. farnesiana, P. dulce, P. acatlense and G. sepium. The in vitro dry matter digestibility was different (P<0.001) among the foliages. The in vitro gas production (IVGP), in vitro organic matter digestibility, metabolizable energy (ME), gas yield (GY24h), short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and microbial mass production (PMM), were different (P<0.0001) among the foliage as a result of the species. The use of PEG increased (P<0.0001) IVGP, ME, GY24h and SCFA in H brasiletto, C. coriaria, L. esculenta and A. cochliacantha, but affect (P<0.0001) the partition factor and the PMM. The nutritional composition and fermentation parameters in vitro between foliages differ by effect of tree and use of PEG. It is concluded that chemical composition in the foliages affect the digestibility and fermentation parameters and use of PEG increased fermentation parameters in the foliages high in secondary compounds

    Efecto del diluyente sobre calidad espermática del semen ovino refrigerado

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    Keeping the semen refrigerated allows it to be used for a longer time after obtaining the ejaculate. The objective of this work was to assess the effect of the type of sperm on sperm quality (motility, viability and acrosomal integrity) of refrigerated ovine semen. Four English Suffolk sheep with an average age of two years, weight and similar body condition were used. Semen was extracted once a week with an artificial vagina. After obtaining the ejaculates, the sperm quality was evaluated, the extenders were added and it was refrigerated at a temperature of 4°C. Motility, viability and acrosomal damage were assessed at 0, 2, 4 and 24 hours. It was found that the pH did not change during the 24 hours in the three diluents. Motility and viability were better in the triladyl base diluent for the duration of the experiment. However, the acrosomal integrity was better in the first two diluents. In conclusion, it can be said that the triladyl-based extender can present an alternative for refrigerated storage of ovine semen.La conservación del semen en refrigeración, permite utilizarlo por más tiempo después de la obtención del eyaculado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue valorar el efecto del tipo de sobre la calidad espermática (motilidad, viabilidad e integridad acrosomal) del semen ovino refrigerado. Se utilizaron cuatro borregos de raza Suffolk Inglés con una edad promedio de dos años, peso y condición corporal similar, se les extrajo semen una vez por semana con vagina artificial. Tras la obtención de los eyaculados, se evaluó la calidad espermática, se adicionaron los diluyentes y se refrigeró a una temperatura de 4° C. Se valoró motilidad, viabilidad y daño acrosomal a las&nbsp; 0, 2, 4 y 24 horas. Se encontró que el pH, no varío durantes las 24 horas en los tres diluyentes. La motilidad y viabilidad fueron mejores en el diluyente base triladyl durante la duración del experimento. Sin embargo, la integridad acrosomal fue mejor en los dos primeros diluyentes. En conclusión, se puede decir que el diluyente a base de triladyl, puede presentar una alternativa para la conservación del semen ovino en refrigeración

    Actores de la cadena productiva que deben participar para prevenir el uso de clembuterol en la engorda del ganado bovino en México

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    El clembuterol, Químicamente se describe como polvo blanco, anhidro, muy soluble en agua y altamente estable a temperatura ambiente, su punto de fusión es de 174 a 175.5 ºC. También es un derivado sintético perteneciente a una clase de medicamentos análogos fisiológicamente a la adrenalina, tiene la capacidad de interactuar con receptores adrenérgicos,  generalmente  del  tipo  ß2    (β  agonista),  es  uno  de  los  modificadores metabólicos más conocido en el área de producción de carne, debido al alto grado residual que deja esta sustancia en los tejidos comestibles y sus posibles repercusiones en la salud pública. En este trabajo, se describen los principales actores de la cadena productiva en la engorda  de  ganado  que  deben  participar  para  prevenir  el  uso  de  clembuterol.  La información fue recopilada de información científicas y publicaciones de las autoridades competentes, tales como: SENASICA, SAGARPA, COFEPRIS y Ley Federal de Sanidad Animal


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    ABSTRACT: In the Tropic of Guerrero Mexico the distribution, the density and uses of trees Pithecellobium dulce Roxb Benth, Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) SteudHaematoxilum brasiletto Karst were studied and its foliage was added to the diets of kids and productive response and apparent digestibility was measured. The livestock farmers have six complementary uses (firewood, poles, shade, medicinal, human consumption and artisanal). The species were identified in live fences and scattered in paddocks with densities of 4.87 trees per 100 linear meters and 1.79 trees ha-1; P. dulce was the largest size and identified from 250 to 1332 masl. The ashes (P<0.0001) and detergent fibre (P<0.01) of P. dulce (T1) had higher apparent digestibility. The feed conversion and daily weight gain of the kids were different due to the effect of foliage trees. The rectal temperature was only affected (P<0.0001) by the time of evaluation. The ruminal pH of kids was affected by time evaluation (P<0.0001) and the treatments (P<0.0003). It is concluded that the density of trees is low and could be of impact on soil fertility and the contribution of biomass for animal feed; the apparent digestibility of diets and productive response were more efficient in the animals fed with P. dulce (T1). Key words: feeding, legumes, pH, ruminant, apparent digestibility