21,808 research outputs found

    Electrochemical and photo-electrochemical processes of Methylene blue oxidation by Ti/TiO2 electrodes modified with Fe-allophane

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work reports the degradation of methylene blue (MB) on Ti/TiO2 and Ti/TiO2/Fe-allophane electrodes in a pH 3 using 0.1 M Na2SO4 as support electrolyte. SEM micrographs show a homogeneous distribution of TiO2 over the whole electrode surface forming nanotubes and nanopores. Fe-allophane modified electrode shows the formation of large-grains agglomerate on the electrode surface due to allophane, which provides a greater surface area to the electrode due to meso and micropore structures. Preliminary cyclic voltammetry show that Ti/TiO2 has the typical voltammetric response due to Ti(III)/Ti(IV) pair. Diffusional problems were observed through of the film when the electrode is modified with Fe-allophane modifying the quasi-reversible process Ti(III)/Ti(IV). Different kind of methodologies in the degradation process were used: Electrochemistry (EC), Photochemistry (PC), Photoelectrochemistry (PEC) and Adsorption (Ads). These methods were developing to discard any reaction or interaction that is not of interest. On Ti/TiO2 with PC and Ads methodologies was not observed any activity to MB degradation showing that is not photosensitive and that the interaction between this and surface electrode is low. But with EC and PEC degradation to 55% is reached after 3 hours of electrolysis. With Ti/TiO2-Fe-allophane electrodes are observed a higher activity for all methodologies. The PC and Ads methods show that the MB degradation reaches to ∼20 % of the initial concentration. As mentioned above, the PC and Ads processes no show degradation on Ti/TiO2, therefore the degradation it only due to the adsorption of MB in/on allophane coat behaving as concentrator matrix. A lower improvement is observed with EC process when is incorporated Ti/TiO2-Fe-allophane is due to the barrier of the electrode surface by oxidation products. With PEC is reached the higher degradation value of ∼88 %, showing an improvement of the degradation with the presence of Fe-allophane. The results indicate that the main role of Fe-allophane on the electrode is similar to a concentrator matrix.http://ref.scielo.org/shz7t

    Fine-grained entanglement loss along renormalization group flows

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    We explore entanglement loss along renormalization group trajectories as a basic quantum information property underlying their irreversibility. This analysis is carried out for the quantum Ising chain as a transverse magnetic field is changed. We consider the ground-state entanglement between a large block of spins and the rest of the chain. Entanglement loss is seen to follow from a rigid reordering, satisfying the majorization relation, of the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix for the spin block. More generally, our results indicate that it may be possible to prove the irreversibility along RG trajectories from the properties of the vacuum only, without need to study the whole hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    Localization Effect in a 2D Superconducting Network without Disorder

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    The superconducting properties of a two-dimensional superconducting wire network with a new geometry have been measured as a function of the external magnetic field. The extreme localization effect recently predicted for this periodic lattice is revealed as a suppression of the critical current when the applied magnetic field corresponds to half a flux quantum per unit cell. For this particular magnetic field, the observed vortex state configuration is highly disordered.Comment: 6 pages, 2 eps figures, submitted to Physica C. Title change

    Optimal distillation of a GHZ state

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    We present the optimal local protocol to distill a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state from a single copy of any pure state of three qubits.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 2 figures. Published version, some references adde

    Entanglement renormalization and gauge symmetry

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    A lattice gauge theory is described by a redundantly large vector space that is subject to local constraints, and can be regarded as the low energy limit of an extended lattice model with a local symmetry. We propose a numerical coarse-graining scheme to produce low energy, effective descriptions of lattice models with a local symmetry, such that the local symmetry is exactly preserved during coarse-graining. Our approach results in a variational ansatz for the ground state(s) and low energy excitations of such models and, by extension, of lattice gauge theories. This ansatz incorporates the local symmetry in its structure, and exploits it to obtain a significant reduction of computational costs. We test the approach in the context of the toric code with a magnetic field, equivalent to Z2 lattice gauge theory, for lattices with up to 16 x 16 sites (16^2 x 2 = 512 spins) on a torus. We reproduce the well-known ground state phase diagram of the model, consisting of a deconfined and spin polarized phases separated by a continuous quantum phase transition, and obtain accurate estimates of energy gaps, ground state fidelities, Wilson loops, and several other quantities.Comment: reviewed version as published in PRB; this version includes a new section about the accuracy of the results several corrections and added citation

    Pairing of Cooper Pairs in a Fully Frustrated Josephson Junction Chain

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    We study a one-dimensional Josephson junction chain embedded in a magnetic field. We show that when the magnetic flux per elementary loop equals half the superconducting flux quantum Ï•0=h/2e\phi_0=h/2e, a local \nbZ_2 symmetry arises. This symmetry is responsible for a nematic Luttinger liquid state associated to bound states of Cooper pairs. We analyze the phase diagram and we discuss some experimental possibilities to observe this exotic phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figure

    Entanglement cost of mixed states

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    We compute the entanglement cost of several families of bipartite mixed states, including arbitrary mixtures of two Bell states. This is achieved by developing a technique that allows us to ascertain the additivity of the entanglement of formation for any state supported on specific subspaces. As a side result, the proof of the irreversibility in asymptotic local manipulations of entanglement is extended to two-qubit systems.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, (v4) new results, including a new method to determine E_c for more general mixed states, presentation changed significantl

    Multi-wavelength differential astrometry of the S5 polar cap sample

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    We report on the status of our S5 polar cap astrometry program. Since 1997 we have observed all the 13 radio sources of the complete S5 polar cap sample at the wavelengths of 3.6 cm, 2 cm and 7 mm. Images of the radio sources at 3.6 and 2 cm have already been published reporting morphological changes. Preliminary astrometric analyses have been carried out at three frequencies with precisions in the relative position determination ranging from 80 to 20 microarcseconds. We report also on the combination of our phase-delay global astrometry results with the microarcsecond-precise optical astrometry that will be provided by future space-based instruments.Comment: 2 pages. 1 figure. Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium held in Toledo, Spain on October 12-15, 2004. Editors: R. Bachiller, F. Colomer, J.-F. Desmurs, P. de Vicente (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional), p. 323-324. Needs evn2004.cl
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