7 research outputs found

    Intestinal parasites in public transport buses from the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Sabrina S Andrade,1 Layane M Teodoro,1 Daniel JS Viana,1 Egleise M Canuto-Sales,2 Gustavo H Bahia-de-Oliveira,2 Suedali Villas Bôas,3 Ricardo A Barata1 1Department of Biological Sciences, 2Department of Pharmacy, 3Department of Basic Sciences, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil Background: Intestinal parasites’ eggs, larvae, or cysts can be carried in public transport buses, and contribute to the increased incidence of diseases. This study aimed to detect biological forms of intestinal parasites in samples from public buses in the town of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, in order to know the local situation and propose interventions to improve public health. Materials and methods: In November 2014, six samples were obtained in buses of the two stations by using Graham method, in duplicate, by affixing a 6×5 cm clear tape, six times on each collection site of the bus, in an area of ~30 cm2. Then, each tape was positioned longitudinally on a slide microscope, and the identification of the biological forms of the parasites was performed with the aid of a 40× objective optical microscope. Results: A total of 216 slides were analyzed, of which 86 (39.8%) were positive for at least one intestinal parasite. Cysts of Entamoeba coli were the most frequently found in this study (52.1%), followed by Endolimax nana cysts (30.7%), Iodamoeba butschlii (6.5%), helminth larvae (4.7%), Giardia lamblia cysts (3.6%), Hymenolepis nana eggs (1.2%), Enterobius vermicularis eggs (0.6%), and Entamoeba histolytica cysts (0.6%). Top right handrails and right stanchions had the highest occurrence of biological forms, with 18.3% and 14.8%, respectively. Conclusion: The results indicated the need for better cleaning of the buses and better personal hygiene by users, since pathogenic and non-pathogenic intestinal parasites were found, suggesting fecal contamination of these sites, representing a risk to public health. Keywords: intestinal parasites, enteric parasite infection, public transport, Diamantin

    Características produtivas e qualitativas de ramas e raízes de batata-doce Productive and qualitative characteristics of the vines and roots of sweet potato

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    A batata-doce é uma hortaliça que se destaca pela versatilidade no uso, podendo ser empregada tanto na alimentação humana como animal. Seu cultivo é relativamente fácil e barato, o que, juntamente com sua adaptabilidade a variadas condições edafo-climáticas, viabiliza sua produção pelos agricultores familiares. Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de massa verde e massa seca da parte aérea para utilização na alimentação animal e a produtividade e a qualidade das raízes tuberosas de clones de batata-doce para utilização na alimentação humana. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com doze clones e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados clones de batata-doce pertencentes ao banco de germoplasma da UFVJM juntamente com as cultivares comerciais Brazlândia Roxa e Brazlândia Rosada, colhidos aos seis meses após o plantio. Foram avaliadas a produção de massa verde e massa seca da parte aérea e a produtividade e qualidade das raízes tuberosas. O clone BD-45 destacou-se na produção de massa verde, produção de massa seca e nas produtividades total e comercial de raízes com valores de 19,7; 3,3; 32,9 e 29,5 t ha-1, respectivamente. A maioria dos genótipos avaliados apresentou raízes com formato próximo ao ideal para comercialização e boa resistência a insetos de solo com valores de notas próximos a 2,0. Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os genótipos para os teores de amido e açúcares totais e redutores. Os genótipos apresentaram composição centesimal semelhante, exceto para o teor de cinzas. Os clones BD-67 e BD-56 apresentaram teores de cinzas mais elevados que o Cambraia, e semelhantes aos demais clones.<br>Sweet potato is a versatile vegetable which can be used both as human and animal food. The relatively easy and inexpensive cultivation of this vegetable associated with the crop adaptability to several conditions of soil and climate enable the production of sweet potato by family farmers. The objective of this research was to evaluate production of fresh and dry mass of vines for animal nutrition and productivity and storage quality of roots for human food of sweet potato clones. The experimental design was randomized blocks, containing twelve clones and four replications. Sweet potato clones from UFVJM germplasm bank were tested along with the control cultivars Brazlândia Rosada and Brazlândia Roxa, harvested six months after planting date. We evaluated the productivity of fresh and dry matter of vines and yield and quality of roots. The best clone was BD-45 with a high yield of fresh mass, dry matter and total and commercial roots, with values of 19.7; 3.3; 32.9 and 29.5 t ha-1, respectively. Most genotypes presented roots near the ideal format for the market and good resistance to soil insects, with values near to grade 2.0. Significant differences were observed among genotypes for the content of starch, total and reducing sugars. The genotypes showed similar chemical composition, except for the ash content. Clones BD-67 and BD-56 showed higher levels of ash than Cambraia, and similar to other clones