133 research outputs found
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Toulouse â 16 rue LĂ©on-TolstoĂŻ
Le projet de construction dâune rĂ©sidence a suscitĂ© une fouille prĂ©ventive en fin dâannĂ©e 2015. Lâobjectif de cette opĂ©ration sâinscrit dans une volontĂ© de caractĂ©riser lâoccupation de la marge mĂ©ridionale de la vaste agglomĂ©ration du second Ăąge du Fer de Toulouse-Saint-Roch. Lâemprise concernĂ©e se situe de fait sur le bas de versant des coteaux du Pech David, Ă environ 200 m Ă vol dâoiseau au sud de la caserne Niel. Sur une superficie avoisinant 2 000 m2, 46 structures ont Ă©tĂ© mises au jour...
The Asian paradox suggests a net grease-the-wheel effect of corruption. Under the assumption of diminishing returns to bribes, going beyond the single-representative-firm assumption, we argue that the grease and sand-the-wheel effects are likely to co-exist among a large number of firms, and that the industrial effect of corruption depends on the productivity drivers that fuel firmâs dynamics. We decompose Indonesian manufacturing labor productivity growth while contrasting and comparing the contributions of no-, low- and high-bribing firms over the period 1975-94. We confirm the coexistence of grease and sand-the-wheel effects. Industrial productivity gains stem first from the net entry of non-corrupted firms, evidencing a sand-the-wheel effect. Market share reallocation from low to high productivity growth incumbents paying low bribes is the second source of productivity growth, pointing at a grease-the-wheel effect. Intra- plant productivity growth is overall negative and largely attributable to high-corruption plants, suggesting a sand-the-wheel effect
Controlling the Biological Effects of Spermine Using a Synthetic Receptor
Polyamines play an important role in biology, yet their exact function in many processes is poorly understood. Artificial host molecules capable of sequestering polyamines could be useful tools for studying their cellular function. However, designing synthetic receptors with affinities sufficient to compete with biological polyamine receptors remains a huge challenge. Binding affinities of synthetic hosts are typically separated by a gap of several orders of magnitude from those of biomolecules. We now report that a dynamic combinatorial selection approach can deliver a synthetic receptor that bridges this gap. The selected receptor binds spermine with a dissociation constant of 22 nM, sufficient to remove it from its natural host DNA and reverse some of the biological effects of spermine on the nucleic acid. In low concentrations, spermine induces the formation of left-handed DNA, but upon addition of our receptor, the DNA reverts back to its right-handed form. NMR studies and computer simulations suggest that the spermine complex has the form of a pseudo-rotaxane. The spermine receptor is a promising lead for the development of therapeutics or molecular probes for elucidating spermineâs role in cell biology.
Vieille-Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) : des vestiges de préparations culinaires ?
International audienc
Two-photon intravital imaging of lungs during anthrax infection reveals long-lasting macrophage-dendritic cell contacts.
International audience: Dynamics of the lung immune system at a microscopic level are largely unknown because of inefficient methods to rid chest motion during image acquisition. In this study, we developed an improved intravital method for two-photon lung imaging uniquely based on a posteriori parenchymal tissue motion correction. We took advantage of the alveolar collagen pattern given by second harmonic generation signal as a reference for frame registration. We describe here for the first time a detailed dynamic account of two major lung immune cell populations, alveolar macrophages and CD11b-positive dendritic cells, during homeostasis and infection by spores of Bacillus anthracis, the agent of anthrax. We show that after alveolar macrophages capture spores, CD11b-positive dendritic cells come in prolonged contact with infected macrophages. Dendritic cells are known to carry spores to the draining lymph nodes and elicit the immune response in pulmonary anthrax. The intimate and long-lasting contacts between these two lines of defense may therefore coordinate immune responses in the lung through an immunological synapse-like process
La pompe à efflux MexEF-OprN de pseudomonas aeruginosa exporte la molécule de communication intercellulaires 4-hydroxy-2-heptyliquinoline (HHQ)
La bactĂ©rie pathogĂšne opportuniste Pseudomonas aeruginosa est la cause dâinfections chroniques chez les
personnes atteintes de la fibrose kystique (FK). De plus, P. aeruginosa est naturellement trÚs résistante aux
antimicrobiens, ce qui rend lâantibiothĂ©rapie souvent inefficace. Les pompes Ă efflux sont des dĂ©terminants
majeurs de la rĂ©sistance aux antibiotiques chez cette bactĂ©rie. Elles permettent la rĂ©sistance simultanĂ©e Ă
différentes classes d'antibiotiques. La pompe à efflux MexEF-OprN promeut la résistance au chloramphénicol,
au trimĂ©thoprime, au triclosan et aux fluoroquinolones. Lâexpression continue de lâopĂ©ron mexEF-oprN est
observée chez des mutants de mexS, gÚne dont la fonction est inconnue. Une mutation dans mexS affecte
aussi les mĂ©canismes de quorum sensing (QS), câest-Ă -dire de communication intercellulaire. Le QS contrĂŽle
lâexpression de facteurs de virulence et la formation de biofilms, observĂ©es dans les voies respiratoires des
personnes atteintes de FK. Le QS est contrĂŽlĂ© par des rĂ©gulateurs transcriptionnels qui, pour ĂȘtre actifs,
doivent ĂȘtre couplĂ©s Ă de petites molĂ©cules signales nommĂ©es auto-inducteurs. Alors que la population
bactĂ©rienne se densifie, les auto-inducteurs sâaccumulent dans le milieu extracellulaire jusquâĂ atteindre une
concentration-seuil, Ă laquelle le "quorum" est atteint. MvfR est un rĂ©gulateur du QS et contrĂŽle lâexpression
de plusieurs gĂšnes importants pour la virulence, dont ceux de lâopĂ©ron pqsABCDE, impliquĂ©s dans la
biosynthÚse des 4-hydroxy-2-alkylquinolines (HAQ). Un auto-inducteur associé à MvfR est le 3,4-dihydroxy-2-
heptylquinoline (PQS; Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal). Lâenzyme PqsH est responsable de la synthĂšse du PQS
et utilise un HAQ, le 4-hydroxy-2-heptylquinoline (HHQ), comme substrat. Ătrangement, la quantitĂ© de PQS
produit par les mutants mexS est substantiellement rĂ©duite. Afin de mieux comprendre lâinfluence de cette
mutation sur les HAQ, nous avons quantifié leurs concentrations par LC-MS/MS chez la souche parentale PA14
et son mutant isogĂ©nique mexS. Cette expĂ©rience fut effectuĂ©e en absence ou prĂ©sence dâinhibiteurs des
pompes Ă efflux. De plus, le niveau dâexpression de plusieurs gĂšnes du QS fĂ»t dĂ©terminĂ© grĂące Ă des fusions
transcriptionnelles entre les rĂ©gions promotrices des gĂšnes Ă lâĂ©tude et le gĂšne rapporteur lacZ. Mis ensemble,
nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que câest lâexportation du HHQ par MexEF-OprN qui cause le dĂ©ficit en PQS. Puisque
des souches qui surexpriment mexEF-oprN sont défectueuses pour le QS et moins virulentes, il serait
intĂ©ressant dâidentifier de nouvelles molĂ©cules Ă potentiel thĂ©rapeutique qui permettrait de moduler lâactivitĂ©
de la pompe MexEF-OprN. Cela pourrait faciliter le traitement des infections pulmonaires Ă P. aeruginosa
Drosophila melanogaster as a Model Host for the Burkholderia cepacia Complex
Colonization with bacterial species from the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is associated with fast health decline among individuals with cystic fibrosis. In order to investigate the virulence of the Bcc, several alternative infection models have been developed. To this end, the fruit fly is increasingly used as surrogate host, and its validity to enhance our understanding of host-pathogen relationships has been demonstrated with a variety of microorganisms. Moreover, its relevance as a suitable alternative to mammalian hosts has been confirmed with vertebrate organisms.The aim of this study was to establish Drosophila melanogaster as a surrogate host for species from the Bcc. While the feeding method proved unsuccessful at killing the flies, the pricking technique did generate mortality within the populations. Results obtained with the fruit fly model are comparable with results obtained using mammalian infection models. Furthermore, validity of the Drosophila infection model was confirmed with B. cenocepacia K56-2 mutants known to be less virulent in murine hosts or in other alternative models. Competitive index (CI) analyses were also performed using the fruit fly as host. Results of CI experiments agree with those obtained with mammalian models.We conclude that Drosophila is a useful alternative infection model for Bcc and that fly pricking assays and competition indices are two complementary methods for virulence testing. Moreover, CI results indicate that this method is more sensitive than mortality tests
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