10 research outputs found

    Conformation of the Solute-Binding Protein AdcAII Influences Zinc Uptake in Streptococcus pneumoniae.

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae scavenges essential zinc ions from the host during colonization and infection. This is achieved by the ATP-binding cassette transporter, AdcCB, and two solute-binding proteins (SBPs), AdcA and AdcAII. It has been established that AdcAII serves a greater role during initial infection, but the molecular details of how the protein selectively acquires Zn(II) remain poorly understood. This can be attributed to the refractory nature of metal-free AdcAII to high-resolution structural determination techniques. Here, we overcome this issue by separately mutating the Zn(II)-coordinating residues and performing a combination of structural and biochemical analyses on the variant proteins. Structural analyses of Zn(II)-bound AdcAII variants revealed that specific regions within the protein underwent conformational changes via direct coupling to each of the metal-binding residues. Quantitative in vitro metal-binding assays combined with affinity determination and phenotypic growth assays revealed that each of the four Zn(II)-coordinating residues contributes to metal binding by AdcAII. Intriguingly, the phenotypic growth impact of the mutant adcAII alleles was, in general, independent of affinity, suggesting that the Zn(II)-bound conformation of the SBP is crucial for efficacious metal uptake. Collectively, these data highlight the intimate coupling of ligand affinity with protein conformational change in ligand-receptor proteins and provide a putative mechanism for AdcAII. These findings provide further mechanistic insight into the structural and functional diversity of SBPs that is broadly applicable to other prokaryotes

    A Trap-Door Mechanism for Zinc Acquisition by Streptococcus pneumoniae AdcA.

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    Zinc is an essential element in all domains of life. Nonetheless, how prokaryotes achieve selective acquisition of zinc from the extracellular environment remains poorly understood. Here, we elucidate a novel mechanism for zinc-binding in AdcA, a solute-binding protein of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Crystal structure analyses reveal the two-domain organization of the protein and show that only the N-terminal domain (AdcAN) is necessary for zinc import. Zinc binding induces only minor changes in the global protein conformation of AdcA and stabilizes a highly mobile loop within the AdcAN domain. This loop region, which is conserved in zinc-specific solute-binding proteins, facilitates closure of the AdcAN binding site and is crucial for zinc acquisition. Collectively, these findings elucidate the structural and functional basis of selective zinc uptake in prokaryotes. IMPORTANCE Zinc is an essential nutrient for the virulence of bacterial pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae. Many Gram-positive bacteria use a two-domain lipoprotein for zinc acquisition, but how this class of metal-recruiting proteins acquire zinc and interact with the uptake machinery has remained poorly defined. We report the first structure of a two-domain lipoprotein, AdcA from S. pneumoniae, and use computational, spectroscopic, and microbiological approaches to provide new insights into the functional basis of zinc recruitment. Our findings reveal that AdcA employs a novel mechanism for zinc binding that we have termed the “trap-door” mechanism, and we show how the static metal-binding site of the protein, which confers its selectivity for zinc ions, is combined with a dynamic surface element to facilitate zinc recruitment and import into the bacterium. Together, these findings expand our understanding of how bacteria acquire zinc from the environment and provide a foundation for inhibiting this process, through antimicrobial targeting of the dynamic structural elements to block bacterial zinc scavenging

    Dietary zinc and the control of Streptococcus pneumoniae infection

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    Š 2019 Eijkelkamp et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Human zinc deficiency increases susceptibility to bacterial infection. Although zinc supplementation therapies can reduce the impact of disease, the molecular basis for protection remains unclear. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of bacterial pneumonia, which is prevalent in regions of zinc deficiency. We report that dietary zinc levels dictate the outcome of S. pneumoniae infection in a murine model. Dietary zinc restriction impacts murine tissue zinc levels with distribution post-infection altered, and S. pneumoniae virulence and infection enhanced. Although the activation and infiltration of murine phagocytic cells was not affected by zinc restriction, their efficacy of bacterial control was compromised. S. pneumoniae was shown to be highly sensitive to zinc intoxication, with this process impaired in zinc restricted mice and isolated phagocytic cells. Collectively, these data show how dietary zinc deficiency increases sensitivity to S. pneumoniae infection while revealing a role for zinc as a component of host antimicrobial defences

    Membrane anchoring stabilizes and favors secretion of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase

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    Carbapenems, 'last-resort' β-lactam antibiotics, are inactivated by zinc-dependent metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs). The host innate immune response withholds nutrient metal ions from microbial pathogens by releasing metal-chelating proteins such as calprotectin. We show that metal sequestration is detrimental for the accumulation of MBLs in the bacterial periplasm, because those enzymes are readily degraded in their nonmetallated form. However, the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) can persist under conditions of metal depletion. NDM-1 is a lipidated protein that anchors to the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Membrane anchoring contributes to the unusual stability of NDM-1 and favors secretion of this enzyme in outer-membrane vesicles (OMVs). OMVs containing NDM-1 can protect nearby populations of bacteria from otherwise lethal antibiotic levels, and OMVs from clinical pathogens expressing NDM-1 can carry this MBL and the bla[subscript NDM] gene. We show that protein export into OMVs can be targeted, providing possibilities of new antibacterial therapeutic strategies.Kinship Foundation. Searle Scholars ProgramMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Chemistr

    ZnuA and zinc homeostasis in pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous environmental bacterium and a clinically significant opportunistic human pathogen. Central to the ability of P. aeruginosa to colonise both environmental and host niches is the acquisition of zinc. Here we show that P. aeruginosa PAO1 acquires zinc via an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) permease in which ZnuA is the high affinity, zinc-specific binding protein. Zinc uptake in Gram-negative organisms predominantly occurs via an ABC permease, and consistent with this expectation a P. aeruginosa ΔznuA mutant strain showed an ~60% reduction in cellular zinc accumulation, while other metal ions were essentially unaffected. Despite the major reduction in zinc accumulation, minimal phenotypic differences were observed between the wild-type and ΔznuA mutant strains. However, the effect of zinc limitation on the transcriptome of P. aeruginosa PAO1 revealed significant changes in gene expression that enable adaptation to low-zinc conditions. Genes significantly up-regulated included non-zinc-requiring paralogs of zinc-dependent proteins and a number of novel import pathways associated with zinc acquisition. Collectively, this study provides new insight into the acquisition of zinc by P. aeruginosa PAO1, revealing a hitherto unrecognized complexity in zinc homeostasis that enables the bacterium to survive under zinc limitation.Victoria G. Pederick, Bart A. Eijkelkamp, Stephanie L. Begg, Miranda P. Ween, Lauren J. McAllister, James C. Paton, Christopher A. McDevit