622 research outputs found

    Minimal model of self-replicating nanocells: a physically embodied information-free scenario

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    The building of minimal self-reproducing systems with a physical embodiment (generically called protocells) is a great challenge, with implications for both theory and applied sciences. Although the classical view of a living protocell assumes that it includes information-carrying molecules as an essential ingredient, a dividing cell-like structure can be built from a metabolism-container coupled system, only. An example of such a system, modeled with dissipative particle dynamics, is presented here. This article demonstrates how a simple coupling between a precursor molecule and surfactant molecules forming micelles can experience a growth-division cycle in a predictable manner, and analyzes the influence of crucial parameters on this replication cycle. Implications of these results for origins of cellular life and living technology are outlined.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Towards a mesoscopic model of water-like fluids with hydrodynamic interactions

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    We present a mesoscopic lattice model for non-ideal fluid flows with directional interactions, mimicking the effects of hydrogen-bonds in water. The model supports a rich and complex structural dynamics of the orientational order parameter, and exhibits the formation of disordered domains whose size and shape depend on the relative strength of directional order and thermal diffusivity. By letting the directional forces carry an inverse density dependence, the model is able to display a correlation between ordered domains and low density regions, reflecting the idea of water as a denser liquid in the disordered state than in the ordered one

    Performance of HPV DNA testing in the follow-up after treatment of high-grade cervical lesions, adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) and microinvasive carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last two decades it has become clear that distinct types of human papillomavirus (HPV), the so-called high-risk types (hrHPV), are the major cause of cervical cancer. The hrHPV-DNA testing has shown excellent performance in several clinical applications from screening to the follow-up of conservatively treated patients. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of the recent literature on the performance of HPV DNA testing in follow-up after treatment of high-grade cervical lesions, adenocarcinoma in situ, and microinvasive carcinoma compared to Pap smear cytology. RESULTS: Observational studies have demonstrated that the high risk hrHPV-DNA test is significantly more sensitive (95%) compared to follow-up cytology(70%) in detecting post-treatment squamous intraepithelial high-grade lesions. Moreover, in patients treated conservatively for cervical adenocarcinoma in situ, the hrHPV-DNA test is the most significant independent predictor of recurrent disease or progression to invasive cancer, and the combination of viral DNA testing and cytology reaches 90% sensitivity in detecting persistent lesions at the first follow-up visit and 100% at the second follow-up visit. The cause of microinvasive squamous cervical carcinoma is increasingly treated with conservative therapies in order to preserve fertility, and an effective strategy allowing early detection of residual or progressive disease has become more and more important in post-treatment follow-up. Primary results seem to indicate that the median time for viral clearance is relatively longer compared with patients treated for CIN and suggest a prolonged surveillance for these patients. However, the potential clinical value of HPV-DNA testing in this clinical setting needs to be confirmed by further observations. CONCLUSIONS: The excellent sensitivity, negative predictive value, and optimal reproducibility of the hrHPV DNA testing, currently is considered a powerful tool in the clinicians’ hands to better manage post-treatment follow-up either in cervical squamous lesion or in situ adenocarcinoma

    One-Step Laparoscopic Management of a Female Adnexal Tumor of Wolffian Origin

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    We report a case of female adnexal tumor of Wolffian origin (FATWO), a rare neoplasm arising from the mesonephric ducts. A 48-year-old woman came first to our center for a recent discovery of a pelvic mass. Transvaginal ultrasonographic findings suggested a solid right para-ovarian mass suspected to be malignant. After thorough counseling, the patient underwent operative laparoscopy for excision of the para-ovarian mass with frozen section (FS) examination resulting in the diagnosis of a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. In this case, FS results allowed performing a comprehensive oncological staging, through a totally laparoscopic extrafascial hysterectomy, bilateral adnexectomy, total omentectomy, pelvic wall peritonectomy, and pelvic, parasacral and para-aortic lymphadenectomy. Final pathological and immunohistochemical results confirmed the diagnosis of FATWO. To our knowledge, this is the first case of FATWO managed entirely by a minimally invasive laparoscopic approach in a single surgical session

    Controversies in Surgical Staging of Endometrial Cancer

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    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecological malignancy and its incidence is increasing. In 1998, international federation of gynaecologists and obstetricians (FIGO) required a change from clinical to surgical staging in endometrial cancer, introducing pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy. This staging requirement raised controversies around the importance of determining nodal status and impact of lymphadenectomy on outcomes. There is agreement about the prognostic value of lymphadenectomy, but its extent, therapeutic value, and benefits in terms of survival are still matter of debate, especially in early stages. Accurate preoperative risk stratification can guide to the appropriate type of surgery by selecting patients who benefit of lymphadenectomy. However, available preoperative and intraoperative investigations are not highly accurate methods to detect lymph nodes and a complete surgical staging remains the most precise method to evaluate extrauterine spread of the disease. Laparotomy has always been considered the standard approach for endometrial cancer surgical staging. Traditional and robotic-assisted laparoscopic techniques seem to provide equivalent results in terms of disease-free survival and overall survival compared to laparotomy. These minimally invasive approaches demonstrated additional benefits as shorter hospital stay, less use of pain killers, lower rate of complications and improved quality of life

    Cryopreservation of Ovarian Tissue in Pediatric Patients

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    Cancer treatments improve the survival rate of children and adolescents; however chemo- and radiotherapy result in gonadal damage leading to acute ovarian failure and sterility. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation allows long-term storage of primordial follicles and represents the only possibility of preserving the potential fertility in prepubertal girls. The aim of the present study is to describe our experience in ovarian tissue cryopreservation in 45 pediatric patients. The number of follicles per square millimeter of the overall section area and follicle quality were evaluated histologically. A strong negative correlation was found between age and follicular density in patients both prior to and after chemotherapy (P < 0.0001). Damage in follicular quality, that is, increased oocyte vacuolization and detachment of the oocyte from granulosa cells, was found after chemotherapy. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation, preferably performed before initiation of chemotherapy, should be offered to pediatric patients, including prepubertal girls, at risk of sterility

    ESPACIOS, TRADICIONES Y CAMBIOS EN CONCHUCOS. Ecos desde la Escuela de etnografía del Proyecto “Antonio Raimondi”, Ancash Perú

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    Este volumen nace con dos finalidades precisas. La primera, dar a conocer los trabajos de investigación etnográfica que un grupo de nueve estudiantes de la Universidad de Bologna (Italia) y otro de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú han desarrollado en la provincia de Huari, Ancash, Perú, durante seis años, entre 2003 y 2008 en el marco del Proyecto Arqueológico y Antropológico “Antonio Raimondi”. La segunda finalidad es realizar la difusión de las únicas miradas etnográficas que hasta hoy se han producido sobre la región Conchucos. Otro objetivo, más teórico y más implícito, es desplegar a lo largo del camino de la lectura de los casos etnográficos, una visión processual y dinamista de la escritura etnográfica y de la especulación antropológica, procedente de una manera precisa de hacer trabajo de campo. Los artículos aquí propuestos presentan, mediante varios estilos y diferentes acercamientos, una realidad sociocultural en movimiento, en constante cambio. Construyendo cuadros de varios aspectos sociales, políticos y culturales de la provincia de Huari, los autores delinean un escenario en proceso en el cual diferentes actores, ámbitos y dinámicas socioculturales se interrelacionan, participando de maneras diferents en la transformación

    Flexible Lipid Bilayers in Implicit Solvent

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    A minimalist simulation model for lipid bilayers is presented. Each lipid is represented by a flexible chain of beads in implicit solvent. The hydrophobic effect is mimicked through an intermolecular pair potential localized at the ``water''/hydrocarbon tail interface. This potential guarantees realistic interfacial tensions for lipids in a bilayer geometry. Lipids self assemble into bilayer structures that display fluidity and elastic properties consistent with experimental model membrane systems. Varying molecular flexibility allows for tuning of elastic moduli and area/molecule over a range of values seen in experimental systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure