2,073 research outputs found

    Living with hearing loss: psychosocial impact and the role of social support

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    Background: Hearing loss is one of the most common diseases affecting older occupying the 10th place among the diseases with greatest influence in human life conditions, and in Portugal it is considered the 5th main cause of suffering in this population. Objectives: The present study was designed to evaluate the psychosocial impact (daily activities, social activities, general emotional state) of this disease as a function of the hearing loss degree (mild, moderate or severe)On the other hand, considering the protector role that social support (instrumental and informational) can play in chronic diseases, we analyzed the moderation role of variable in the relation between hearing loss and negative emotional symptoms (anxiety, depression and stress). Methods: One hundred and ten patients with a hearing loss diagnosed, with a mean age of 70 years old (SD=7.89) participated in the study. Self report measures of social support and emotional distress were administered and sociodemographic characteristics were collected. Results: In general, the results showed that hearing loss has a negative role in daily and social activities as well as in the general emotional state of these patients. Nevertheless, for negative emotional states such as anxiety, depression and stress, the instrumental support had a buffering effect, since independently from the hearing loss degree, higher social support was associated with lower levels of anxiety, depression and stress. Conclusions: Overall, the results contribute to enhance the protective role that social support might have in chronic diseases and particularly in hearing loss.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tipologia dos sistemas de produção da agricultura familiar na microrregião do Arari da ilha de Marajó - PA.

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    Ilha de Marajó. A microrregião do Arari da ilha de Marajó. Escolha da zona de estudo e de amostragem questionário. Arranjos e tratamento dos dados. Tipologia. Descrição dos tipos. Funcionamento dos sistemas de produção. Os sistemas de culturas. Os sistemas pecuários.bitstream/item/63459/1/Oriental-Doc48.pd

    Effect of Polymer Hydration on the Kinetic Release of Drugs: A Study of Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen in HPMC Matrices

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    Samples of drug/hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) mixtures and matrices (drug/HPMC mixtures plus excipients) were allowed to equilibrate in closed chambers with defined relative humidities (RHs). Their water uptake and drug release were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry/thermogravimetric analysis and dissolution studies, respectively. Analysis of the thermal behaviors of the drug/HPMC mixtures and of the polymer alone, as functions of RH, leads to the conclusion that most of the hydration water is retained by the polymer, and points to the occurrence of different types of hydration water, from the strongly polymer-bound water molecules at RH values up to 81%, to the almost “free water” for RH values close to 100%. In addition, application of the Korsmeyer model to the dissolution results leads to the conclusion that the rate determining dissolution processes are predominantly of the fickian type.http://www.informaworld.com/10.1081/DDC-12001820

    Portuguese Adaptation of Students Engagement in Schools International Scale (SESIS)

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    The importance of student’s engagement has been recently pointed out in research. However, there has been a lack of engagement assessment instrument, pertaining psychometric qualities. Objective: This paper presents the Portuguese adaptation of the “Student’s Engagement in School International Scale” (SESIS), drawn up from a12 countries international study (Lam et al., 2012; Lam et al., in press). Method: Psychometric properties of this scale were examined with data from 685 students from different grades (6th, 7th, 9th and 10th), from both sexes, and different regions of the country. Results: Factorial analysis of the results, with varimax rotation, lead to three different factors which explain 50.88% of the variance. The scale integrates the original 33 items, and cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions. For the external validity study, the relationship between student’s engagement in school results and other school variables — academic performance, self-concept — was considered, and significant relations were observed, as expected. Conclusion: The data presented highlights the qualities of SESIS, as well as its usefulness for research purposes. Suggestion: It is suggested the investigation of the extension of SESIS’s three-dimensionality, in future studiesKeywords: Innovation, technology, research projects, etc. [Arial 10-point, justified alignment]

    Cadeia produtiva de gado de corte e pecuarização da agricultura familiar na Transamazônica.

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    Produção leiteira e o desenvolvimento regional na Amazônia Oriental.

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    Armazenabilidade de sementes de Coffea canephora Pierre colhidas em diferentes estádios de maturação e submetidas a diferentes métodos de secagem.

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    A lenta e desuniforme germinação de sementes de cafeeiro aliadas ao seu baixo potencial de armazenamento, dificultam a obtenção de mudas uniformes e bem desenvolvidas. Apesar dos esforços das pesquisas as causas da lenta germinação ou baixa armazenabilidade das sementes continuam obscuras. Para a produção de sementes de cafeeiro é recomendada à colheita dos frutos no estádio cereja, no entanto pesquisas têm demonstrado que estas sementes já adquirem a sua máxima capacidade germinativa entre os estádios verde cana e cereja e que sementes completamente maduras, podem não ter o máximo potencial de armazenamento ou maior tolerância à desidratação devido à provável iniciação do processo de germinação já no final do processo de desenvolvimento. Assim, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos do estádio de desenvolvimento e do método de secagem sobre a germinabilidade e a armazenabilidade de sementes de cafeeiro. Sementes foram processadas a partir de frutos de Coffea canephora Pierre, cultivar Apoatã IAC2258, colhidos no estádio cereja e verde cana e submetidas a três métodos de secagem (sem secagem, secagem lenta à sombra e secagem rápida em secador estacionário). Após quatro meses de armazenamento sob temperatura de 10ºC em embalagens herméticas, foram avaliados a qualidade fisiológica e o vigor das sementes por meio dos testes de germinação, de protrusão radicular, de matéria seca de plântulas, de emergência em bandejas, de índice de velocidade de emergência, de condutividade elétrica e de viabilidade pelo teste de tetrazólio. Analisando-se os resultados pode-se concluir que sementes de Coffea canephora L. apresentam maior capacidade de armazenamento quando colhidas no estádio cereja e são armazenadas úmidas. Além disto, em ambos estádios de maturação, as sementes apresentam desempenhos fisiológicos semelhantes, após quatro meses de armazenamento, quando são submetidas uma secagem lenta. A secagem rápida é prejudicial à qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Coffea canephora L