1,148 research outputs found

    Comparação entre os índices espectrais EVI e EVI 2 para discriminação de pastagens plantadas e naturais.

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    A identificação e discriminação de espécies vegetais semelhantes, tais como pastagens plantadas (PP) e pastagens naturais (PN), constitui um desafio em decorrência da semelhança espectral entre essas classes. Assumindo-se uma premissa de que bandas espectrais na faixa do visível têm elevada correlação, os índices de vegetação (IVs) vêm contribuindo para a discriminação de classes. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento do índice EVI 2 (índice de vegetação realçado, do inglês Enhanced Vegetation Index) na discriminação de alvos de PN e PP para dois períodos sazonais, comparando-o ao EVI. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram utilizadas 14 imagens do satélite TM/Landsat 5 em uma série temporal de sete anos, entre 2004 e 2010. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que, em geral, o EVI 2 mantém a correlação com dados do EVI, caracterizando sutilmente melhor a influência da sazonalidade nos dados

    Bacterial community analysis on the Mediaeval stained glass window "Natività" in the Florence Cathedral

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    Microbial corrosion of glass causes problems on delicates antique glass samples. Until now, the effect of microbial activity on corrosion phenomena has not been well documented. Only a few studies have been published concerning the microflora growing on glass surfaces. The present study deals with the characterization of cultivable aerobic bacteria isolated from the historical glass window "Natività" in the Florence Cathedral, designed by Paolo Uccello and realized by Angelo Lippi between 1443 and 1444. Microbial strains were sampled from four of the 25 panels of the "Natività" in the occasion of a recent conservation treatment, due to the presence of various kinds of crusts. One hundred microorganisms were isolated, about 50% bacteria and 50% fungi. Bacteria were submitted to morphological characterization and classified in the Gram group. For twenty strains, from different glass panels, the 16S rDNA gene was amplified and sequenced. Sequence analysis showed genus Bacillus, Arthrobacter and Paenibacillus as the most representative. In particular Bacillus and Paenibacillus are crusts associated. Phylogenetic relationship among isolates was determined. Chemical analysis of the glass and crusts completed the study

    Análise multiespectral de medidas de complexidade utilizando o software CompPlexus aplicado a dados do sensor ASTER.

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    Neste trabalho, será avaliado a eficiência do software CompPlexus na análise multiespectral de complexidade de alvos distintos utilizando bandas do sensor ASTER ? Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer

    Avaliação de procedimento para correção de efeitos da atmosfera em ambiente tropical utilizando dados Landsat TM 5.

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    Os constituintes da atmosfera interferem nos valores de reflectância captados pelos sensores imageadores. Essa interferência decorre da interação dos gases e aerossóis com a radiação eletromagnética. Assim, comparamos respostas espectrais de alvos em imagem Landsat com e sem correção atmosférica, visando atestar a importância da correção. Para tanto, utilizamos dados de reflectância no sensor, influenciados pela atmosfera, e dados de reflectância na superfície, nos quais essa influência foi eliminada. A reflectância apresentou maiores valores no sensor que na superfície, principalmente nas bandas do visível (0,45 a 0,69 μm), devido aos efeitos de espalhamento. Portanto, a correção se mostra de grande importância, pois os dados corrigidos são mais fidedignos

    Assessment of complexity metrics applied to analysis of spectral patterns generated by aster sensor.

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    Landscape metrics are traditionally used in the analysis and search for spatial patterns in complex environmental systems through of establishing numeric relationships between different types of targets on Earth's surface. Under this perspective, remote sensing has had great importance as a tool for data generation, providing several levels of land use and occupancy information isonomically for large areas. For that purpose, remote sensing uses regular pixel matrices (Picture Element) with associated quantitative values (e.g. digital numbers, radiance, reflectance) which constitute a direct measurement of the variation of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) after interaction with the target. The variations in pixel values may be considered in terms of their textural patterns, regarding pixel neighborhood relationships, or spectral patterns, when EMR variations are considered along different wavelengths for a same pixel. Thus, the objective of this work was to assess the results of spectral measurements to different area extensions in images taken by the ASTER sensor, which operates with 9 bands within the visible to shortwave infrared region (0.556 to 2.400 µm) and has a spatial resolution of 15 m. For this purpose, cerrado phytophysiognomies in two hillsides at Jataí Ecological Station, in the city of Luiz Antônio, northeast portion of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were considered reference targets, and encompassed to its greatest extent the cerradão domain and also "campo sujo" and "cerrado strictu sensu" physiognomies. The metrics used for spectral analyses are based on information entropy: measure (SDL), in which most complexity values are associated to more disorderly patterns; and measure, LMC, which is represent by a convex entropy of function that attributes greater complexity values to patterns located in an intermediate zone between order and disorder. These measures was applied to values extracted from spectral response curve generated by a wavelength X reflectance graphic which represented the target's behavior in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this work, was used two bands (8 and 9) that emphasize important components of cerrado phytophysiognomies, as lignin and water cell. For each hillside, was analysed three positions: base, medium and top, and each of these position, two spatial scales (150x150m and 75x75m). The results shows that, when taken alone, any measure presented a consistent behavior when compared of different spatial scales and bands used. However, both measures show identical behavior to attribute greater and lesser values of complexity to different positions and spatial scale at the same hillside. This results appoint that its can be used in combined as complementary measures, demonstrating in case LMC measure ? heterogeneity degrees of spectral patterns analysed and, from SDL measure, your respective location along of continuum that have in your extremes, one side, more ordered condition (therefore, more homogeneous) and, in the other extremity, more disordered conditions

    Landscape complexity analysis based on texture patterns and satellite image for a São Paulo's Cerrado site.

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    We analysed the spatial heterogeneity complexity of Cerrado vegetation of São Paulo. Spatial heterogeneity was obtained by quantity texture patterns on ASTER images for Jataí Ecological Station (JES; Luiz Antônio ‐ SP) conservation unit. Two hillsides of JES where cerradão physiognomy was present were analyzed, and for each of them we sampled three positions: base, medium and top. Vertical structure and canopy cover density varied along hillsides. For each site, we extracted the texture pattern for two spatial scales (150x150m and 75x75m). Spatial complexity were estimated by two landscape metrics, both based on informational entropy: a) maximum entropy (H/Hmax), in which high values of complexity are assigned to patterns more disordered; and b) convex function of entropy (LMC), which attribute high values of complexity to patterns situated in intermediate range between order and disorder. Comparing different sites of the same hillside, both metrics had identical results in relation to greatest and smallest values of complexity. In hillside 1, the top side showed greater values. In these area, the cerradão shows high trees with less density of canopy in comparison to others sites of this hillside, which provides more spatial heterogeneity. For the smaller values of complexity, there was difference in comparison of analyzed extensions in hillside 1: for 150 x 150m spatial scale, was attributed medium hillside site to smaller values of complexity; for 75 x 75m, the base had the smallest values. However, the value of complexity of medium and low hillsides for the same spatial extension were very close. In hillside 2, on the base of site, which shows a cerradão with shorter trees and lesser canopy cover density in relation to others sites of hillside, texture patterns had highest values of complexity for both entropy measures. The most homogeneity site, located in medium position of hillside and with presence of high trees and canopy density, smallest values were recorded. Based on our findings we can concluded that there is a tendency of sites situated in the top and in the base of hillside showed great values of complexity, while sites located in medium hillside tend to be less complex in terms of spatial heterogeneity. Also, for local scale, the canopy density is more relevant than tree vertical structure on determining the complexity of texture patterns of vegetation

    A burst search for gravitational waves from binary black holes

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    Compact binary coalescence (CBC) is one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves. These sources are usually searched for with matched filters which require accurate calculation of the GW waveforms and generation of large template banks. We present a complementary search technique based on algorithms used in un-modeled searches. Initially designed for detection of un-modeled bursts, which can span a very large set of waveform morphologies, the search algorithm presented here is constrained for targeted detection of the smaller subset of CBC signals. The constraint is based on the assumption of elliptical polarisation for signals received at the detector. We expect that the algorithm is sensitive to CBC signals in a wide range of masses, mass ratios, and spin parameters. In preparation for the analysis of data from the fifth LIGO-Virgo science run (S5), we performed preliminary studies of the algorithm on test data. We present the sensitivity of the search to different types of simulated CBC waveforms. Also, we discuss how to extend the results of the test run into a search over all of the current LIGO-Virgo data set.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, submitted for publication in CQG in the special issue for the conference proceedings of GWDAW13; corrected some typos, addressed some minor reviewer comments one section restructured and references updated and correcte

    Networks of gravitational wave detectors and three figures of merit

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    This paper develops a general framework for studying the effectiveness of networks of interferometric gravitational wave detectors and then uses it to show that enlarging the existing LIGO-VIRGO network with one or more planned or proposed detectors in Japan (LCGT), Australia, and India brings major benefits, including much larger detection rate increases than previously thought... I show that there is a universal probability distribution function (pdf) for detected SNR values, which implies that the most likely SNR value of the first detected event will be 1.26 times the search threshold. For binary systems, I also derive the universal pdf for detected values of the orbital inclination, taking into account the Malmquist bias; this implies that the number of gamma-ray bursts associated with detected binary coalescences should be 3.4 times larger than expected from just the beaming fraction of the gamma burst. Using network antenna patterns, I propose three figures of merit that characterize the relative performance of different networks... Adding {\em any} new site to the planned LIGO-VIRGO network can dramatically increase, by factors of 2 to 4, the detected event rate by allowing coherent data analysis to reduce the spurious instrumental coincident background. Moving one of the LIGO detectors to Australia additionally improves direction-finding by a factor of 4 or more. Adding LCGT to the original LIGO-VIRGO network not only improves direction-finding but will further increase the detection rate over the extra-site gain by factors of almost 2, partly by improving the network duty cycle... Enlarged advanced networks could look forward to detecting three to four hundred neutron star binary coalescences per year.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Correlation between Gamma-Ray bursts and Gravitational Waves

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    The cosmological origin of γ\gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is now commonly accepted and, according to several models for the central engine, GRB sources should also emit at the same time gravitational waves bursts (GWBs). We have performed two correlation searches between the data of the resonant gravitational wave detector AURIGA and GRB arrival times collected in the BATSE 4B catalog. No correlation was found and an upper limit \bbox{hRMS1.5×1018h_{\text{RMS}} \leq 1.5 \times 10^{-18}} on the averaged amplitude of gravitational waves associated with γ\gamma-ray bursts has been set for the first time.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.